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Mian Waqas

Mian Waqas

For anyone who is facing this issue, its due to nginx configuration, you will need to add below line at least on the Site available/config file in root directory

# Symfony controllers
location /1750/your back office admin directory / { # [REQUIRED EDIT] the name of your admin directory
if (!-e $request_filename) {
rewrite ^/.*$ /1750/your back office admin directory /index.php last; # [REQUIRED EDIT] the name of your admin directory

dont forget to replace the "your back office admin directory " with link to your admin directory

this is fix the Symfony error which is a requirement for Translation and Debug

for information you can check this https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/blob/develop/docs/docker/nginx_fpm/prestashop-nginx/prestashop-nginx.conf 

Mian Waqas

Mian Waqas

For anyone who is facing this issue, its due to nginx configuration, you will need to add below line at least on the Site available/config file in root directory

# Symfony controllers
location /1750/your back office admin directory / { # [REQUIRED EDIT] the name of your admin directory
if (!-e $request_filename) {
rewrite ^/.*$ /1750/your back office admin directory /index.php last; # [REQUIRED EDIT] the name of your admin directory

replace the "your back office admin name" with link to your admin

this is fix the Symfony error which is a requirement for Translation and Debug

for information you can check this https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/blob/develop/docs/docker/nginx_fpm/prestashop-nginx/prestashop-nginx.conf 

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