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About be_tnt

  • Birthday 10/03/1977

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    Books, gardening & of course my 4 lovely cats :o)
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  1. Bonjour, Si je ne me trompe pas, tu dois surcharger la classe CustomerFormatterCore - function getFormat comme suit: public function getFormat() { $format = parent::getFormat(); // remove the customer account creation unset($format['password']); return $format; } bonne journée.
  2. Hello! Is it possible to override the modern mail templates in a custom theme? I did not find documentation about it. For previous version of Prestashop, I was adding a mails folder in my custom theme and under a language specific folder, I was adding the mail I wanted to override. I have done the same with the latest version of Prestashop but it does not take into account my modification. Thx for any help
  3. $order_details est défini dans la classe HTMLTemplateInvoice, fonction getContent(). 'order_details' => $this->order_invoice->getProducts(), le getProducts() est défini dans la classe OrderInvoice: public function getProducts($products = false, $selectedProducts = false, $selectedQty = false) { if (!$products) $products = $this->getProductsDetail(); $order = new Order($this->id_order); $customized_datas = Product::getAllCustomizedDatas($order->id_cart); $resultArray = array(); foreach ($products as $row) { // Change qty if selected if ($selectedQty) { $row['product_quantity'] = 0; foreach ($selectedProducts as $key => $id_product) if ($row['id_order_detail'] == $id_product) $row['product_quantity'] = (int)($selectedQty[$key]); if (!$row['product_quantity']) continue; } $this->setProductImageInformations($row); $this->setProductCurrentStock($row); $this->setProductCustomizedDatas($row, $customized_datas); // Add information for virtual product if ($row['download_hash'] && !empty($row['download_hash'])) { $row['filename'] = ProductDownload::getFilenameFromIdProduct((int)$row['product_id']); // Get the display filename $row['display_filename'] = ProductDownload::getFilenameFromFilename($row['filename']); } $row['id_address_delivery'] = $order->id_address_delivery; /* Stock product */ $resultArray[(int)$row['id_order_detail']] = $row; } if ($customized_datas) Product::addCustomizationPrice($resultArray, $customized_datas); return $resultArray; } A mon avis (comme cela sans avoir testé), la fonction que tu dois surcharger, c'est celle-là.
  4. Hello! Il te faut overrider (surcharger) le fichier invoice.tpl situé dans le répertoire pdf. Si tu modifies directement le fichier à la source, à la prochaine mise à jour, il sera écraser. @+
  5. Hello! I am developing modules for prestashop. Some of them got email templates (for email notification). To send email, I do use the Mail::Send and for the subject Mail::l. Everything is correctly displayed in the BO email translation. My issue is that the translation of the mail subject is in /mails/{lang}/lang.php and not inside the module mails folder. Is there a way to force it? Should I write directly in the lang.php file (do not like this solution btw)? Having to write in the module documentation "please do translate the email subject through BO" is not really nice. Thx in advance!!
  6. Hello! I bought few days ago a prestashop theme on addons site. Until here, everything ok. After I have installed this one, I noticed a 404 error related to a missing picture in the theme. Looking forward, I discovered that this image is in a "hidden" section added in the blockcms module template by the theme. The code is the below one: <div class="vt_container"> <div class="vt_logo_footer"> <a href="http://prestaddon.com/" target="_blank" title="Go To PrestAddon"> <img src="themes/vp_jewelry/img/vt-logo-footer.png" alt="PrestAddon" /> </a> </div> </div> As you can see, this block contains a link to a site selling prestashop modules and themes. If I understood well, the theme developer will use my shop to get backlink to his site. Am I right? If so, I am not sure to appreciate this way of doing thing. What do you think about it?
  7. Hello, I am developing a module for which I would like to associate the help icon (in the toolbar) to my own help page. I have checked the documentation and the section about HelperHelpAccess does not exist yet. Did someone know how to do that? Any help would be appreciated. Thx!
  8. it looks like I was looking in the wrong place. This is indeed linked to the module. I will do further testing to see if it's working correctly.
  9. Hello, In one of my modules, I am overriden the construct method of the AdminProductControllers. I have added in it a label for which I would like to provide a translation in the module. If I use: $this->l('label to translate'); The label to translate is associated with the AdminProductControllers and so the translation can only be done in the BO (except if I am wrong???) Any idea? Thx!
  10. Hello! Essaie de regénérer ton fichier htaccess si tu l'utilises. Il contient sûrement les anciens domaines.
  11. au niveau privilèges DB pour ton utilisateur, je suppose donc que tu as aussi comme valeur ""? Dans ce cas, modifie ton fichier de config (variable _DB_SERVER_) pour qu'il utilise aussi cette valeur et non localhost.
  12. Est-ce que l'accès à cette bdd est défini en localhost ou en pour cet utilisateur?
  13. Hello! Il semble qu'il n'arrive pas à se connecter à ta base de donnée local. Je te suggère d'effacer le "/" après localhost dans ton fichier de configuration: define('_DB_SERVER_', 'localhost'); Ensuite est-ce que ta base de données est accessible avec "localhost"? Je vois aussi que tu utilises "root" comme utilisateur pour accéder la bdd. En local, cela peut passer mais je te le déconseille sur un système de production. Il est mieux d'avoir un utilisateur spécifique à ta bdd.
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