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  1. fixgear: if you have a good idea for a fix, might be worth submitting a pullrequest. Doesn't seem like this a big priority for the PrestaShop team… but i'm sure they'd like something that stops all our complaining about it it turns out to be such a common requirement. IIRC, i think I ended up just running a database script ever night to add new products to the vouchers
  2. Seems like the field was designed to behave this way: you can only use the field to change a password... it never displays anything. So, you'll want to check for a value before updating the password field I'm using something like this: $password = strval(Tools::getValue('myPasswordId')); if($password) { // only save if a value was entered Configuration::updateValue('passwordKey', $password); } Note: the password field shouldn't be "required", because it's only for updating. It would be nice for the field to show something by default instead of just giving you an empty field. I might look into that when I get some time.
  3. SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, DROP, ALTER http://doc.prestashop.com/display/PS14/System+Administrator+Guide#SystemAdministratorGuide-OneMySQLuserperwebapplication Old thread, but it came up near the top of my search
  4. Minor note... it's a good idea to copy classes/Dispatcher.php to override/classes/Dispatcher.php, then make changes to the override version. This way, your changes won't get overwritten by updates, and you always have a copy of the original.
  5. Has anyone put in a feature request or know of an existing bug report for this? I did a quick search in Jira and didn't see anything Maybe I can talk a client into paying for my time to fix this
  6. Did you ever find something worth using? I need some basic sales numbers that admin's Stats isn't providing. If I can't find anything, I'll probably just build a simple module
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