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    Web development agency

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hello, I created a module wich adds alphabetic filtering to the already existing layered navigation module by prestashop. I took the official prestashop module as a basis to start my work and I built on top of that to add the new feature. I would like to submit my module to the market place. But i have two problems : 1) When i check the module with the validator, i get a lot of errors. Most of them come from the original module source code, so i am supposed to fix them all ? This is Prestashop official work. So i guess that they are acceptable errors ? Anyway the technical staff refuse the module due to this errors. 2) Someone from the customer service stated me that it is forbidden to modify prestashop modules and then redistribute them due to AFL licence. Anyone from the technical staff can confirm this please ? My plan was to submit the module exclusively to Prestashop official market place. So who is the distributor ? Myself or is it Prestashop ? isn't it Prestashop ? Thanks for your answers !
  2. Bonjour, J'ai créé un module que je souhaite rendre disponible sur le market place officiel de Prestashop. Mon module apporte une fonctionnalité supplémentaire à un module officiel de prestashop qui existe déjà. Puis-je me baser sur le module officiel, c'est à dire le dupliquer, puis apporter les améliorations pour en faire mon propre module que je vendrai ensuite sur le market place officiel de Prestashop ? Je voudrais connaitre l'avis d'un expert technique de Prestashop pour savoir si celà est possible. Merci,
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