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  1. hallo gan ane juga butuh ni, tapi knp ga bisa ya di web ane. mohon pencerahannya gan
  2. Vekia, under modules/homefeatured folder there is no .js file, It only contains some files with .xml, php, .tpl and .css
  3. Yes, I am referring to that block. Yes I think this is homefeatured module. The case is likely the same with http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/333892-how-to-add-more-than-8-products-on-homepage/
  4. terimakasih om indobusana sudah jawab pertayaan dari saya. Jawabannya general sekali, kira2 script yang mana yang perlu di edit ?
  5. Thanks Vekia for answering my question. Yes, I have more than 8 products associated with HOME category. Yes, correct there is a slider to display the others products, but btw this is not I wanted, what I want the page is display it more than 8. example 12 products (3 in a rows and 4 in a columns). Do you think this is possible ?
  6. Para sesepuh prestashop. Di www.rajamotorhelm.com kalo coba slide ke bawah di bagian PRODUK UNGGULAN itu jumlah produknya ada 8 terdiri dari 4 kolom dan 2 baris. Ane mau tanya caranya bikin jadi 12 baris gmn ya gan jadi 4 kolom 3 baris ? Ane udah coba ke ubah melalui module > Feature products on the homepage > Configuration > dan ubah nilainya dari 8 jadi 12 tapi ga berhasil juga. Kiranya ada sesepuh yang paham mengenai itu Thanks.
  7. It works OK when updating the value lower than 8, but NOK if more than 8. Seems the maximum is 8.
  8. Go to module > Feature products on the homepage > Configuration > and change the number from 8 to 12 but it stills didn't work
  9. Hi all, If you check on my website : www.rajamotorhelm.com and slide the page to "PRODUK UNGGULAN" there are 8 products displayed (2 rows and 4 columns) I need help how to display more products to be 12 products (3 rows and 4 columns) or more. Is it possible to do this ? I am using 1.5.6 Aris Best regards,
  10. Hi all, I am using leoshoe theme, "yes" I know the on sale icon is available in \themes\leoshoe\img, However what I am asking is why this icon is not shown in my product instead its only display "On sale" word. Thanks very much for all your support.
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