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  1. Ciao, rilevo uno strano problema su prestashop 1.6.16: nel BO, nella pagina del cliente è presente un conteggio degli ordini effettuati dal cliente stesso. Per tutti i clienti e per tutti gli ordini visualizzo sempre: "ordini validi 0" e "ordini invalidi: X". Per esempio, se un cliente ha un ordine inserito, anche se sembra essere tutto ok (pagamento ricevuto, etc..), conta tutti gli ordini come invalidi. Non rilevo problemi nella pagina degli ordini. Sapete aiutarmi? Allego screenshot. Grazie
  2. Ok quindi basta mettere vecchia password. Forse il problema sta li, non è molto chiara la cosa e andrebbe spiegata all'utente perché così come è sembra che si debba per forza sostituirla o al più reinserirla uguale per tre volte. Sono relativamente nuovo di prestashop ma se la cosa ha tratto in inganno me potrebbero cascarci anche altri utenti. Forse è questione del tema che sto usando. Grazie a tutti Alessandro
  3. Ciao a tutti, configurando un sito web prestashop 1.6 mi sono accorto che quando l'utente è collegato e vuole cambiare i propri dati personali andando alla pagina "dati personali", deve per forza inserire password vecchia e nuova. Non è possibile ad esempio modificare la propria email senza sovrascrivere la password. E' il comportamento normale? E' possibile modificarlo? Grazie Alessandro
  4. Hello, I'm about to build a e-commerce site using prestashop and I need to add some extra information on each product that will be visible by clicking on some portion of the product image. For example if the product is a trouser, by clicking on the pocket the user can view some additional (text) information. Is there some modules that can help me? If not, someone can give me some advice? Thank you Alessandro
  5. Hello everyone, I'm building a new e-commerce and I need to give the users the possibility to add extra data during the add to cart process. The extra data are: 1 image (label image) 1 text (max fixed char) 1 optional image 1 optional text In order to add this extra fields I have to create a custom prestashop module? Or is it possible with some settings? Thank you Ale
  6. Hello, I need to add a products slider in the search page to be able to show a limited number of products under the search results. In this way I can show to my customers a list of ramdom products if the search give no results. Is it possible? Someone can show me how? In alternative to the random products, I can configure a particular category of product to show. Thank you Ale
  7. Well I've put it in the .htaccess without the <ifModule mod_expires.c></ifModule> I don't know if it is correct but I've used only: ExpiresDefault "access plus 1 seconds"
  8. Hi MarcoVan, have you tried my workaround? To me it seems to work.
  9. Hi, I've resolved the problem in this way: in the .htaccess file added ExpiresDefault: "access plus 1 second" in this way the browsers are forced to not use the cached version of the page. In any case this behaviour is strange, we have other 2 e-commerce prestashop same version with default values that do not show this problem in any browser. I even don't know if this work-around represents the best solution, but at the moment it seems working.
  10. This resolve the problem during my test but the customers of the site that use chrome will have the same problem. Is there a way to tell the browsers to not use cache?
  11. Hi, I'v tried to disable the chrome cache in the developer tools setting and after doing so all works well. Is there a way to make it work properly also with cache or disabe the chrome cache by default? Or users with chrome will have some problems..
  12. Hi, yes, it seems to be related to chrome browser cache, but I don't know how to resolve this. I've checked and there seems to be no module installed that deal with it.
  13. Strange, I have another problem when I delete a product in the ajax cart: if I delete a product and change page the ajax cart still show it. After refreshing the page it go away. Seems to be some cookie problem.. Thank you
  14. Hi, I've done some new test. It seems to happen in chrome. On firefox it seems to work correctly.
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