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  1. view now razaro my site. a edit for 340x28, but...the rigth...
  2. in css is: #header #search_block_top { background:url("img/block_search_bg.jpg") no-repeat scroll left top transparent; height:48px; width:436px; } view picture and how put the search form? or exists other idea? ideas/suggestions?
  3. the script for optimizer my site? where script? but the pages open fast with script?
  4. precisava de uma dicas de estética para o cabeçalho da minha página e também feedback para o meu site. veja a screenshot do header e também o site. estou a pensar a mudar posições no header...e o menu tb q tá algo doloroso, pois tem mts submenus. dicas e sugestões malta!
  5. no meu caso não funciona. instalei a versao 2.1 no prestashop 1.2.5 e não dá! consigo inserir uma mensagem, mas dps nao aparece nem para moderação nem no guestbook, nem aparece tb a ultima mensagem escrita. vejam e testem no meu site em: www.ccampea.com regards.
  6. not working. not appear number order, not appear number customer, not appear prices products, not appear products, not appear reference products, ... nothing...
  7. youtube have a input with embed video, fine? i can put in page product my store a input with embed this page? view sreenshot. i put in product.tpl: <embed src="{$product.link|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"> </embed> but not appear.
  8. i have various products, and this products i have tables. example i have a helmet X and this product in long description have a table with description. i search "helment X ktm 450 98" and nothing find! helmet X=name product. ktm 450 98 is words in table of long description. i edit (put 30) weight long description in tab search in BO, but cant find. solution?
  9. i have a table in description long in page product Helmet X. and i search "Helmet X Honda 250", but not find. Helmet X is name product and Honda 250 are words description long this product. edit classes/search.php? how?
  10. para quem tem software de gestão e paga a licença chorudas este projecto vem colmatar?
  11. in BO when insert produtc, description, price, category, all working, fine. but when insert a accessorie ... slow slow...! i have a much products...more 100000. have a problem?
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