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gsitemap not working

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Gsitemap Module latest version not working


downloaded today from https://github.com/PrestaShop/gsitemap


i am using prestashop

website - http://buzzpublishing.net/shop


when i make sitemap


the default link - http://buzzpublishing.net/shop/1_index_sitemap.xml


gives error - 


This page contains the following errors:
error on line 8 at column 8: Opening and ending tag mismatch: meta line 0 and head



Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error.


if i open http://buzzpublishing.net/shop/sitemap.xml


then i shows -


then it shows only one product -


Guide to Indian Stock Market is an ideal book for all those who are new to stock market or are trading in market without having the required knowledge.This book will explain you all basics of Indian Stock Market and Common-sense strategies for making money &amp; avoiding big losses in today's sky high stock market.Avoid Emotions, Fear and greed to become millionaire in stocks.
<image:title>Guide to Indian Stock Market</image:title>
HELP ME solve this problem


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