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  1. Hi, I am using the latest version of prestashop. I have previously installed a module: Yotpo then deleted it. I've redownloaded it from prestashop addons. I've tried to install it from my server. Back on my back office the module appears but when I want to install it an error message appears. "This module could not be verified by PrestaShop." Can you help me please Thank you
  2. Hi, I am using the latest version of prestashop. I have previously installed a module: Yotpo then deleted it. I've redownloaded it from prestashop addons. I've tried to install it from my server. Back on my back office the module appears but when I want to install it an error message appears. "This module could not be verified by PrestaShop." Can you help me please Thank you
  3. Hi, thank you for your answers and very big sorry. I have tried to use the tickets on cloud but I have never had any answer....
  4. Hi, My ex partner in my business, has sent an email to prestashop clientele service 5 months to say that she gives her shares her domain name ( that I payed) andprestashop account to me because she has left the business. Today nothing has been changed we haven't received any answer, we don't know what to do. So my prestashop account, that I payed, is linked to her email adresse, the domain name, that I payed, is obviously then linked to her email adress. So now if my clients send an email at: info it will appear on her email adress. Can someone please help me on that? The service clientele is really bad, and I do not advise anyone to register on prestashop because of that. Thank you.
  5. Hi, Thank you for your quick response. So I am logged in right now on her account, and it is impossible to change the email adress, only the name is changeable. I am talking about the prestashop account loggin setting : prestashop.com and as the domain has been registered via prestashop her email adresse/account is linked. Thank you
  6. Bonjour, Lorsque je simule un achat sur mon site, lorsque j'arrive a la partie: livraison/courrier ce la me dit qu'aucun courier n'est disponible. Comment changer cela, sachant que j'ai mon propre courrier et que je vais pouvoir assurer chaque envoie. Est-il possible de supprimer cette partie? Merci
  7. Bonjour, Voila 5 mois que je contacte le service clientele de prestashop car mon ancienne partenaire de business a quitteé l'aventure. Cependant c'est à son nom qu'est enregistre le compte prestashop et donc le nom de domaine. Il faut savoir qu'elle a elle meme envoye un email en demandant de changer a mon adresse email a prestashop il y a 5 mois, et nous avons recu une reponse qui n'avait aucun rapport: il est impossible de changer votre adresse IP. Je suis vraiment desapointée, car non seulement mon business est au nom de quelqu'un d'autre mais en plus le service clientele de prestashop ne repond pas ou repond a cote de mon probleme. Je ne recommenderai jamais prestashop a personne, car ce genre de choses arrivent ( des partenaires en litiges). Les reponses se font au compte gouttes et sont completement a cote. Je ne sais pas quoi faire, si mes clients envoient un mail a info@..... c'est elle qui recevra l'email. Bien sur impossible de trouver une reponse sur internet ou sur un forum. Merci de m'aider/éclairer sur ce probleme qui devient long et lourd a gerer. Cordialement, Ana
  8. Hi, My ex partner in my business, has sent an email to prestashop clientele service 5 months to say that she gives her shares her domain name ( that I payed) and prestashop account to me because she has left the business. Today nothing has been changed we haven't received any answer, we don't know what to do. So my prestashop account, that I payed, is linked to her email adresse, the domain name, that I payed, is obviously then linked to her email adress. So now if my clients send an email at: info it will appear on her email adress. Can someone please help me on that? The service clientele is really bad, and I do not advise anyone to register on prestashop because of that. Thank you.
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