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rdy4ever last won the day on December 2 2017

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  1. Prestashop 1.7 nu are by default (in tema Classic) buton de adaugare in cos pe miniaturi. Deci, aceste butoane sunt adaugate in tema ta si probabil sunt adaugate gresit. Trebuie sa verifici ce conditie se verifica in fisierul template. (probabil in templates/catalog/_partials/miniatures/product.tpl). Daca nu te pricepi, ataseaza aici fisierul si ma uit eu pe el sa vad daca este conditia gresita.
  2. Your theme uses an undefined variable theme_store_id This could cause the slow down. Try to switch to the default theme and see if your store is still slow. If it is, then the problem is you have too many cart rules to be able to run your store on shared hosting. Why do you need so many cart rules?
  3. This is not currently a Prestashop issue, as in the original classic theme the code is correct. Is an issue related to old, 3rd party themes that were not updated by their authors. What I'm suggesting is to use this condition instead of keeping the old condition empty of content (wich is a big NO in any programming language): {if !$product.add_to_cart_url}disabled{/if} This condition is correct and it will work.
  4. This is wrong. This way the button will always be active, even if you have "allow out of stock" disabled for a product. This condition will work: {if !$product.add_to_cart_url}disabled{/if} As you can see, that's the original condition in classic theme. This condition in your theme is clearly wrong: {if !$product.add_to_cart_url || $product.quantity_wanted>$product.quantity} because the last part only checks product quantity, regaldless if allow out of stock is active.
  5. Salut Titus. eMAG nu este construit pe PrestaShop. eMAG foloseste o solutie custom si are un intreg departament de programatori la dispozitie. In platforma eMAG se investesc constant foarte multi bani, nici nu poti face o comparatie cu PrestaShop - care este o solutie gratuita. Tu aici te referei de fapt le modul de generare AWB din eMAG marketplace. In Prestashop poti adauga curieri diferiti si clientul alege atunci cand plaseaza comanda unul dintre ei. Si tu poti schimba din back office in comanda curierul cu un alt curier (insa trebuie sa fie activ). Pentru unii curieri exista module de integrare cu PrestaShop si posibilitate de generare AWB din comanda. Insa ceva in genul eMAG (si nu neaparat la fel de reusit) se poate face doar prin programare custom si va trebui sa apelezi la un programator specializat.
  6. Exista plugin Smartbill pentru integrarea cu PrestaShop: https://api.smartbill.ro/plugins.html Iar apoi, poti emite factura Smartbill din comanda.
  7. Prestashop nu este compatibil inca cu PHP 7.3, o sa intampini mai multe erori pe parcurs. Foloseste PHP 7.2 deocamdata. Incepand cu Prestashop 1.7.7 va exista compatibilitate cu PHP 7.3
  8. Fan Courier are un modul disponibil gratis ce calculeaza inclusiv km suplimentari. Il gasesti undeva in platforma de selfawb. Nu stiu daca au si pentru 1.7, pe vremea cand il foloseam era vorba de un magazin in versiune 1.6, dar poate intre timp au dezvoltat modul si pentru 1.7, nu strica sa verifici.
  9. Hi Baz, You actually need to add each feature multiple times, with different values. In the front office, it will look like one feature with multiple values. This is not ideal, but that's how PS implemented this function (don 't know why).
  10. You need to delete the contents of var/cache/ manually, via ftp/file manager. Another thing to check is file/folders permissions. Make sure they are set to 0644 for files and 0755 for folders.
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