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About florin.dediu

  • Birthday 07/11/1989

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  1. I'm using PS I've made a childish modification, in my own way Take a look to the code <div id="quantity_wanted_p"{if (!$allow_oosp && $product->quantity <= 0) || !$product->available_for_order || $PS_CATALOG_MODE} style="display: none;"{/if}> <label class="qty-label">{l s='Quantity'}:</label> <div class="quantity-input-wrapper"> <input type="text" name="qty" id="quantity_wanted" class="text" value="{if isset($quantityBackup)}{$quantityBackup|intval}{else}{if $product->minimal_quantity > 1}{$product->minimal_quantity}{else}1{/if}{/if}" /> <a href="#" data-field-qty="qty" class="transition-300 product_quantity_down"> <span><i class="icon-caret-down"></i></span> </a> <a href="#" data-field-qty="qty" class="transition-300 product_quantity_up "> <span><i class="icon-caret-up"></i></span> </a> </div> <!-- Butoane reducere --> {if !$content_only} {if (isset($quantity_discounts) && count($quantity_discounts) > 0)} <br><br><button type="submit" name="qty" id="quantity_wanted2 add_to_cart2" class="exclusive2 buttons_bottom_block no-print" value="2"> <span>Adauga 2 produse <br><b>si ai reducere 10%</b></span> </button> {/if} {/if} <!-- end butoane --> <span class="clearfix"></span> </div> To my surprise, IT WORK. But it's just a problem When i add with this button i'm redirected on /index.php?controller=order-opc I dont know how to make to stay on the same page, like a normal Add to cart action.
  2. Până la urmă am reușit! Edit: nu am reușit cum trebuie ... Pentru cei interesați atașez mai jos codul sursă din product.tpl <div id="quantity_wanted_p"{if (!$allow_oosp && $product->quantity <= 0) || !$product->available_for_order || $PS_CATALOG_MODE} style="display: none;"{/if}> <label class="qty-label">{l s='Quantity'}:</label> <div class="quantity-input-wrapper"> <input type="text" name="qty" id="quantity_wanted" class="text" value="{if isset($quantityBackup)}{$quantityBackup|intval}{else}{if $product->minimal_quantity > 1}{$product->minimal_quantity}{else}1{/if}{/if}" /> <a href="#" data-field-qty="qty" class="transition-300 product_quantity_down"> <span><i class="icon-caret-down"></i></span> </a> <a href="#" data-field-qty="qty" class="transition-300 product_quantity_up "> <span><i class="icon-caret-up"></i></span> </a> </div> <!-- Butoane reducere --> {if !$content_only} {if (isset($quantity_discounts) && count($quantity_discounts) > 0)} <br><br><button type="submit" name="qty" id="quantity_wanted2 add_to_cart2" class="exclusive2 buttons_bottom_block no-print" value="2"> <span>Adauga 2 produse <br><b>si ai reducere 10%</b></span> </button> {/if} {/if} <!-- end butoane --> <span class="clearfix"></span> </div>
  3. Mulțumesc pentru răspunsul prompt. Pot găsi un sample de cod?
  4. Salutare dragi colegi, Am tot căutat pe forum, și nu numai, o modalitate de a crea, pe lângă butonul normal, alte două butoane de adăugare în coș. Cu ce ar fi aceste butoane diferite? Cantitatea. Pentru a înțelege mai bine nevoia mea, atașez mai jos ideea de bază.
  5. Nice tip! Do you know how to make another Add to cart button but with 2 quantity value? I want to highlight the offer (more then 2 products = discount 10%).
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