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  1. Strange than basic theme is having these issues. First screenshot of firefox and another chrome. How to fix it? Issue with firefox
  2. I have renamed controlled and still getting spam, no form, no module. Customer e-mail address: [email protected] Customer message: Пoздравляем cчaстливчика:) Дoброгo врeмeни cyтoк. С рaдоcтью coобщaeм Вам o том, что : Heсколько днeй назaд Bы cовершaли on-line заказы (тpанзакции), и единствeннaя из них была выбрaна победителем coциальнoй прoгрaммы. Вaс дoжидaeтcя денежнoе нaгрaждение с нашeго поoщpитeльного ресyрса в pазмeре oт 60$-1000$. Аccoциация Социальной пpогpaммы «Онлайн покупка» прoводит данную акцию ужe 4 гoда пoдряд и уже yнаслeдoвалa звaниe "Meжнационaльнoй прогpаммы". Перeвeсти cyммy дeнежнoго призa Bы cможетe пo дaнной ccылке - УЗНАТЬ СУMМУ ВOЗHАГPАЖДEНИЯ. Осведомитьcя с отзывaми пoбедителeй вы вcегда cмoжeтe на cтранице oтзывов. Order ID: - Attached file: - I am damn confused and pissed of this spam stuff.
  3. Hello, I am using and recently someone managed to use the contact for sending spam emails. I get the same email as the receiver when it bounces back. I have disabled contact module and deleted from CMS SEO page. But index.php?controller=contact is still up and working. I could entirely delete controller/contact.tpl (think thats correct location) but what is the safe way of doing it ? Or just remove submit button from the form ?
  4. Hello, I know arrow should appear, but it doesn't, anyone can tell me can be wrong, version.
  5. Sometimes customer places orders and calls 5 minutes later asking if he can add additional products to his purchase. Usually I can, but this time, I wasn't able to add or edit product. What's causing it ?
  6. I was getting this error from testing mode only, when I have turned it live, it all went away. I think it's due to paypal restrictions on sending payment to other countries and you should contact paypal with the issue. There might be restrictions on your paypal. Which country are you from ? Some countries have 3rd party transaction extensions which can process paypal on their own platform. That can be another solution for you
  7. I have created override for /override/classes/order/order.php it works on but for some reason its not working for 14 version. <?php Class Order extends Ordercore { public static function generateReference() { $last_id = Db::getInstance()->getValue(' SELECT MAX(id_order) FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'orders'); return str_pad((int)$last_id + 1, 9, '000000000', STR_PAD_LEFT); } } Whats wrong here ?
  8. Problem was due to address imo. I have made it live and made a small purchase from another paypal account in the same country. Everything is working fine now. Thank you for your input and time.
  9. I have tried various addresses, Address in USA and EU, I have tried changing Lithuania to another country, got same results. As you can see, in developers it's set as USA, but I also tried changing to USA and matching shipping address, did same thing with EU with no avail.
  10. Error occurred: Please try to contact the merchant: <b>PayPal response:</b> TIMESTAMP -> 2016-01-03T18:49:24Z L_ERRORCODE0 -> 10736 L_SHORTMESSAGE0 -> Shipping Address Invalid City State Postal Code L_LONGMESSAGE0 -> A match of the Shipping Address City, State, and Postal Code failed. L_SEVERITYCODE0 -> Error Shipping address is correct. Which address paypal trying to match here Sandbox mode, prestashop,
  11. it only has index.php file in it. Its empty. Tried upload same language.php (PDF.PHP) file, didn't make any difference.
  12. File is there,but prestashop is not using this file. Had to translate invoice-addresses-tab.tpl and other invoice-xx-tab.tpl files.
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