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  1. Thanks seems its not what im looking for i need to edit files that edit emails to customers like in transit. Just cant understand why i cant get translation emails working redirects from of website and gets a 404 error. I can change in email Translate emails in Theme Emails but translations forget it. Was a fresh install and tested on the classic theme and classic emails and was stil doing the same. PS
  2. It seems i cant modifiy them from the Translations in the back office as it redirects to front office with a 404. So im thinking about editing the files / templates Please can someon let me know the root to the files prestashop goes from. Thanks
  3. Hi all, So brand new install of prestashop on classic theme same issue on ps & I go to save email body in translations and going to the front of my website with error 404. I have 2 more prestashop on my server and they work find i just dont know what this new ps install wont work 😕 Cheers Guys
  4. Can someone please tell me what file needs editing to make these < > move apart i have done it in inspect and have the code but i cant find the file i need to edit. Prestashop <div class="owl-prev disabled" style=" top: 45px; right: 80px; "></div> <div class="owl-next" style=" top: 45px; left: 80px; "></div> Many thanks
  5. You my old pal are a diamond just what i wanted and so easy
  6. I know help is hit or hit but maybe just maybe someone might know how to move the Quantity & add to cart . This is the files {** * Copyright since 2007 PrestaShop SA and Contributors * PrestaShop is an International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA * * NOTICE OF LICENSE * * This source file is subject to the Academic Free License 3.0 (AFL-3.0) * that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.md. * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL: * https://opensource.org/licenses/AFL-3.0 * If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email * to [email protected] so we can send you a copy immediately. * * DISCLAIMER * * Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer * versions in the future. 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  7. So im my email setting nothing has changed. Only thing thats changed is updated to the newest version of prestashop And one know how to fix this please Error: Please check your configuration Connection could not be established with host smtp.gmail.com :stream_socket_client(): unable to connect to ssl://smtp.gmail.com:465 (Network is unreachable) Thanks
  8. And is there a module for the v3 ? thats free I tried putting the keys for v3 but it didnt work for the module posted above.
  9. Thanks i installed this on the sign up form but it seems the bot is able to get through the google verification now Come on prestashop help us please
  10. Not a bug, A new spam bot thats spamming the new customer sign up. Like before where they were signing up with www or http in the sign up title that way patched. Im thinking a new bot thats got round the latest patch and not adding the www or http.
  11. P.s version is up-to-date Captcha is on contact pages as i had problems with the spam contact. This is on the New customer sign up like the OP.
  12. I to have this problem its very annoying. Anyone managed to fix this ? I have disabled new customers emails which while not ideal will stop the bots sending to the email address through my website.
  13. Looking for a module that is able to have a page where customers can upload there photo and people are able to vote. Like Photo Contest Joomla Extension https://codecanyon.net/item/photo-contest-joomla-extension/13268866 Any help please.
  14. you will have to go on your hosts website and see if you got a back up of the database and files im guessing again same happened to me its like wrecking peoples websites come on prestashop your mucking with peoples livelihood here !
  15. happened to me from to Mucked my database right up thankfully my host backs up the database now and again so rolled back and didnt have that much work to do. ill stick to for now until people have luck upgrading
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