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  1. I have a problem with my custom fieds on my address. When I'm in the "Add new address" page my custom fields are displayed only if I use Chrome or Firefox, in IE don't work. That happens only on my laptop. I tried on another laptop and in that case works in IE but not in Chorme and the third case there where is no work at all. Any idea?
  2. Hi there, I want to add new page similar with address page, I need this page for my company info. If my customer has several companies he should be able to add all companies, as you can do with the addresses. First I need to display this page in My account, after that I think I can figure out how to display in Authentification and Order steps. Thanks
  3. Hi I have a problem with tax rules, after I click on "save and stay" I'm not able to complete country and other setting fields because it's not displayed as you can see in image. Any ideea? It's solved after update.
  4. Hi there, I have this problem with my tax rules, I try to add a new tax but after ai click on save & stay is not work properly. Is not displaying that form where you select the country and other settings.You can see in the image that I've attached. I really need help with this. tnx
  5. Hmmm,, this idea with tags sounds good, I'll be back with updates after I'll try it. Thanks anyway.
  6. Salut, Pentru cei interesati sa adauge campurile necesare pentru firme(informatii preluate in client nu in adresa, cel putin eu consider ca e mai corect asa, pentru ca in back office atunci cand editez clientul adica datele lui personale poti sa vezi aceste campuri,) va las mai jos fisierele modificate de mine (dar nu va recomand sa le copiati ca atare pentru ca sunt facute pe o tema personala nu pe default dar va pot ajuta ca model sa va dati seama unde sa modificati la voi). 1. …/prestashop/classes/Customer.php 2. …/prestashop/controllers/admin/AdminCustomersController.php 3. …/prestashop/themes/prestashop/address.tpl 4. …/prestashop/themes/prestashop/authentification.tpl 5. ../prestashop/themes/prestashop/order-opc-new-account.tpl 6. ../prestashop/themes/prestashop/identity.tpl Atasat mai aveti fisierul "campuri-noi" in care se afla comenzile SQL pentru campurile care trebuie introduse in baza de date in tabelul "ps_customer" Inca nu am facut modificarile pe factura pentru ca momentan nu am nevoie de ea, daca le voi face voi face update cu modificarile produse. Si cel mai important sa va faceti inainte BACKUP la fisiere si la baza de date . Sper sa va fie de folos PS: Versiune prestashop si fisiere modificate.zip
  7. yeah, but this is not helping me, I don't want to apply discount for this products, just put on a custom page and in the same time display with all my products, also I can't use category because will be displayed on my category block and I don't want this. I hope that you understand my idea.
  8. Hei there, I want to create a new page with custom products, something similar with "new products" page but I don't apply discount to my products. So I think that I can use condition of product and create "custom condition" and display products with this condition on my custom page but also on product page as usual. Any idea how can I do this ? Thanks.
  9. Hi guys, I've moved the modules (New Products, Top Sellers and Featrured products) from hook "homeTabContent" to hook"dispalyHome" and it's work but my tab (from pic) don't When I click on them I have no action. Thanks.
  10. Salut, am pus modulele New products, Top-sellers si Featured products in hookul displayHome, problema e ca nu imi merg taburile (din imagine) ca atunci cand modulele sunt puse in hookul dispalyHomeTabContent.
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