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  1. Hi azmaer, Where do I find the option you mention? Me cannot find it under admin ->localization -> Countries and choosing destination country Let me know, Thank you
  2. Hello, 1. Create a new product combination. 2. Get back and try to edit a single combination of the same product. 3. Cannot add or remove, or simply change any attribute value on a combination being edited. We do not have this option as on PS 1.6 Result: Once created a set of product combinations, we cannot change/add/remove any attribute value on a single combination basis. Expected Result: As on PrestaShop 1.6, we need to be able to edit attribute values on a single combination basis. That is big issue, each time we need to change a value of a single combination we would need to generate the whole set of combinations! A poor workaround is deleting the targeted single product variant and set up a new one ! That means spending much more hours to update products. That works great on PS 1.6, just editing and switching any single attribute value on a specific combination. No need to delete the whole combination and create it again. Thank you BR
  3. Hello, me using PS This seems to me so unbelievable that me cannot believe it being real (maybe me doing something wrong): 1. Create a new product combinations set. 2. Get back and try to edit a single combination of the same product. 3. Cannot add or remove, or simply change any attribute value on a single combination being edited. We do not have this option. Result: Once created a set of product combinations, we cannot change/add/remove any attribute value on a single combination basis. Expected Result: As on PrestaShop 1.6, we need to be able to edit attribute values on a single combination. That is big issue, each time we need to change a value of a single combination we would need to generate the whole set of combinations! A poor workaround is deleting the targeted single product variant and set up a new one ! That means spending much more hours to update products. Taht works great on PS 1.6, just editing and switching any attribute value on a specific combination in a set of combinations. No need to delete the whole combination and create it again. Am I wrong, am I doing something wrong as using PS 1.7 product variants ? Any help appreciate. Thank you BR I thought PS 1.7 would reduce products time editing, that was a declareted objective. In fact it is not, worst than PS 1.6
  4. Hello, I am very susrprised on PS Theme Classic we cannnot - as on PS 1.6 Default Theme - use different logos for desktops and mobile devices. That is a serious poblem in order to have good image resolution on both, desktops and mobiles. Please, might someone suggest any workaround to use a shop logo on dekstop and a different shop logo on mobile ? Thank you Greetings
  5. Same issue here, Please, vote and give your opinion following this bug greport here (poste by nickzampieri ) http://forge.prestashop.com/browse/BOOM-2910
  6. Hi _tech Thanks for helping us! Me, I am not able to get this working, do not know how to modify controllers and BD. Any help is appreciated Anyway a big thanks to you, _tech ! Let me please stress our requirements to PrestaShop team in order to fix product URLs for PS 1.7 as soon as possible. Guys, please go deep in this, uniques URLs is a must, users play with URLs, sharing, linking, talking around there, etc. The more URLs are clean, the better are getting around ! Thank you
  7. Thank you _tech have been trying yours out: {category:/}{id}-{rewrite}{-:ean13}.html?variant={id_product_attribute} Getting the following error: The route {category:/}{id}-{rewrite}{-:ean13}.html?variant={id_product_attribute} is not valid Same as using "#" instead "of" ? (as on PS .6): The route {category:/}{id}-{rewrite}{-:ean13}.html#{id_product_attribute} is not valid
  8. Please, help commenting on this improvement report: http://forge.prestashop.com/browse/NM-839 We need this to be 100% fixed by default Thank you horiatb, Vicente Paul !
  9. Please, let me share with you how Shopify works product variants: https://www.allbirds.com/products/mens-wool-runners /products/mens-wool-runners /products/mens-wool-runners?variant=40210878599 /products/mens-wool-runners?variant=22238446727 Base URL is not being changed because of product variants, they just add "?" followed by IDs That is how PS 1.6 works: attributes following a "#". Please have a look at attached pics: Shopify does use "canonical" tag BUT internal links are clean, those inetrnal links to product do not show any combinations (as per PS 1.7) Please, go on this page and hover on menu internal links to any products: URLs are clean https://www.allbirds.com/ Do the same on PS 1.7, inernal links to products depend on default combination ( look at pics attached in this bug report http://forge.prestashop.com/browse/BOOM-2804 ) This is another big issue on PrestaShop 1.7 ! I think internal links to products should be to the canonical URL, not to default combination one ( please, look at attached pic showing PS 1.7 internal links to products). Thank you Greetings
  10. Thank you vekia. Canonical is fine, we all know about it. Canonical is for search engines (not all) not for web users! What about social links, web page links, etc ? We need a unique URL for the same product because web users interacts with it, they are used to sharing as well as websites sharing, links, pingbacks, etc. What do you think about a product variant being sold out? Any link to is going to be lost > big drop in web trafic because of link changes > bad SEO because of traffic and reputation lost. What about switching among default combinations? URL is being changed and not redirected > big drop in web trafic because of link changes > bad SEO because of traffic and reputation lost. What about Default combination being showed in internal links? Please have a look at those pics http://forge.prestashop.com/browse/BOOM-2804 Canonical is just a way to talk with search engines. vekia: you know, efficient SEO is not just about "canonicalization" and put "canonical" tag in head, SEO is much more nowadays. Users is our real world, they are "our clients", our best SEO ! Why does WooCommerce, Magento and Shopify, why do they not change base-URLs behaviour? Why does PrestaShop 1.6 behaves correctly? For those reasons we need URLs to keep immutable even if we change product attributes.
  11. It seems PrestaShop 1.7 is absolutely bad for SEO That is because each product variant generates a product URL ! Same product = tons of URLs !! https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/554789-how-to-remove-id-product-attribute-from-product-links/ http://forge.prestashop.com/browse/BOOM-2804 In PS team opinion that is not a bug: http://forge.prestashop.com/browse/BOOM-2737 Cannot believe this being real
  12. I am starting feeling the same as you ! I had great expectations focused on PS 1.7 Cannot believe PrestaShop not being able to fix this issue, cannot believe ! Thank for your feed-back zebios
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