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  1. The overpriced is not justified. The benefits are not comparable (Google changes the rules) and then you bought an expensive product you do not need =) There is also no support for quick ordering. Mobile menu and much more
  2. The overpriced is not justified. The benefits are not comparable (Google changes the rules) and then you bought an expensive product you do not need =) There is also no support for quick ordering. Mobile menu and much more
  3. Est-ce que je comprends bien. Qu'est-ce une double rangée dans le module peut être fait? Je suis en train d'utiliser le module BLOCKVIEW. Le visiteur avait l'air quelque chose qui les produits. Et il est présenté dans le menu en haut. C recommandé par le fabricant et la catégorie. Ces données sont prises à partir du module blockview (données de marchandises). Maintenant, je suis en train de passer deux fois à travers le réseau $top_array = array(); foreach($last_products as $key=>$value){ $top_array[] = $value['id_manufacturer']; }
  4. I watched your kod.Ne discovered image (they znaznacheny?) Do you have a photo estb - if there is no image. Just check the hook category (for disable unnecessary modules) such as elected goods. or Wish List
  5. مرحبا أود أن إنشاء اقتراح لذيذ للإنسان. أنا في منتصف الطريق. تركت فقط من لم تظهر أي قيمة تكرار. في هذه اللحظة، لقد أظهرت على أساس استعراض المنتج. 1. الفئات 2. مصنعين ولكن الآن تكرارها وأضاف لي خط 266 ونناشد قاعدة in tpl كيف يمكنني التخلص من تكرار القيم؟ $c=array(); foreach($a as $b) { if(!in_array($b,$c)) { $c[]=$b; echo $b; } } وأنا أعلم أن هناك وسيلة للمقارنة. ولكن بعد أن أمضى 2 أيام لم أكن قادرا على إيجاد حل (((
  6. 你好 我想创建一个美味的提议给人类。 我半路上。 我只离开了没有表现出重复值。 此刻,我已经展示了产品的意见的基础上。 1.分类 2.制造商 但现在,他们都反复 我说行266 并呼吁基地 in tpl 我怎样才能消除值的重复? $c=array(); foreach($a as $b) { if(!in_array($b,$c)) { $c[]=$b; echo $b; } } 我知道,有一种比较方式。但花后2天我没能找到一个解决方案(((
  7. salut Je voudrais créer une proposition délicieuse pour les humains. Je suis à mi-chemin. Je n'omis montré aucune valeur de répétition. En ce moment, je l'ai montré sur la base d'un examen des produits. 1. Catégories 2. Les fabricants Mais maintenant, ils sont répétés J'ai ajouté la ligne 266 et faire appel à la base in tpl Comment puis-je éliminer la répétition des valeurs? $c=array(); foreach($a as $b) { if(!in_array($b,$c)) { $c[]=$b; echo $b; } } Je sais qu'il ya un moyen de comparer. mais après avoir passé 2 jours je ne suis pas en mesure de trouver une solution (((
  8. HiI would like to create a delicious proposal to humans. I'm half way. I only left out showed no repeat value. At the moment, I have shown on the basis of a product review. 1. Categories 2. Manufacturers But now they are repeated I added line 266 and appeal to the base in tpl How can I eliminate the repetition of values? $c=array(); foreach($a as $b) { if(!in_array($b,$c)) { $c[]=$b; echo $b; } } I know that there is a way to compare. but after spending 2 days I was not able to find a solution (((
  9. got a response from Russian developers (my country) This is not necessary in html5 added srcset. Example: <img src="{$link->getImageLink($product.link_rewrite, $product.id_image, 'home_default')|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" srcset="{$link->getImageLink($product.link_rewrite, $product.id_image, '5k')|escape:'html':'UTF-8'} 2700w, {$link->getImageLink($product.link_rewrite, $product.id_image, '4k')|escape:'html':'UTF-8'} 2200w" />
  10. Hello idea is Create custom fields to store data to fill in the field through the admin panel plans. In product properties tab such an idea I appoint yellow The properties displayed on the main product page color yellow + two new properties (script) that is written by table ps ps_feature_value_lang in the table as NEWDATE_1 NEWDATE_2 1. Add the ability to establish and maintain these fields 2. Add the ability to display these fields on the product page. two columns in the database should be added (where the data will be inserted) Now by default only two columns {Foreach from = $ features item = feature} <Td> {$ feature.name | escape: 'html': 'UTF-8'} </ td> <Td> {$ feature.value | escape: 'html': 'UTF-8'} </ td> {/ Foreach} add output <Td> {$ feature.NEWDATE_1 | escape: 'html': 'UTF-8'} </ td> <Td> {$ feature.NEWDATE_2 | escape: 'html': 'UTF-8'} </ td> Idea ps_feature_value_lang add columns to store NEWDATE_1 NEWDATE_2 which will be stored scripts
  11. Hello everybody . soon all will go to the high resolution screen. 4k and 5k. Even statistics show visits with this screen size. Therefore, I would like to prepare your site layout and images to this evolution. How to make the possibility of 1. Determine the resolution of the screen (on the basis of it to give the image) Let's say there is no point to download large image for 5k on a mobile phone. 1. Mobile-resolution (up to 600) - the name of the image file "-mobile" 2. The tablet resolution (from 900 to 1200) - the name of the image file "-tablet" 3. For computers ordinary resolution (c 1200 to 1700) - the name of the image file "-pc" 4. For computers 4k resolution (c 1700 to 2200) - the name of the image file "-4k" 5. For computers resolution 5k (c 2200 to 2700) - the name of the image file "-5k"
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