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Simple Kiwi

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  1. Hey Xwioch. I noticed the minus sign in your cart doesn't have font-family: "FontAwesome"; If you add font-family: "FontAwesome" !important" to your CSS file it should fix your site. You'll want to add this rule to .fa-pts Or copy and paste the following into your Global.css for theme1007: .fa-pts {font-family:"FontAwesome" !important;} Hope that helps!
  2. Hey Xwioch, You say your Global.CSS seems correct. Can you find this rule and verify it has the \f017 in it? .icon-time:before { content: "\f017"; } If the f017 is missing then you need to replace the css with my previous posts code. If this does not fix the issue then please share your URL so we can view your site.
  3. I realize this is years old but I figured I'd answer this question just in case anyone stumbles upon it like I did. To add AP, AE, and AA go to the back office / LOCALIZATION / STATES Click to add a new state: Name: AA ISO Code: AA Country: United States Zone: North America Create additional states the same way for AP and AE.
  4. For those still having issues with this I have found the source of confusion. When commenting out the suggested code you'll need to comment it out in two different locations of authentication.tpl. On my current version ( I found the same code on line 468 and 138.
  5. For 1.6 you can hide the features tab by opening Product.TPL and commenting out the "{if islet($features) && $features}" section (line 468 for me). Should look like this if you'd like to copy and paste my code. <!-- {if isset($features) && $features} <!-- Data sheet <section class="page-product-box"> <h3 class="page-product-heading">{l s='Data sheet'}</h3> <table class="table-data-sheet"> {foreach from=$features item=feature} <tr class="{cycle values="odd,even"}"> {if isset($feature.value)} <td>{$feature.name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}</td> <td>{$feature.value|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}</td> {/if} </tr> {/foreach} </table> </section> <!--end Data sheet {/if} -->
  6. Any update on this? I just realized after using Prestashop for 6 months that I've been paying all the insurance fees and taking a huge loss.
  7. Lo siento por el mal español que estoy usando Google Translator. A mi me pasó lo mismo. Tuve que encontrar el CSS para impresionante Font y reemplazarlo. Me di cuenta de mi CSS tenía Xs así: fa-quote-derecha: before {content: "X"} en lugar de esto: fa-quote-derecha: before {content: "\ f10e"} Sólo tienes que encontrar el archivo CSS de Font impresionante y sobrescribir la parte de global.css con él.
  8. If anyone is interested I figured out how to add notes to the top of back office pages. Part of the answer was found here: http://doc.prestashop.com/display/PS15/Using+helpers+to+overload+a+back-off… I basically went to root/override/controllers/admin/templates/ and then created a folder for the page I wanted to edit. In the instructions above they give the example using the "after" location. To get contact on the top simply use leadin. {extends file="helpers/options/options.tpl"} {block name="leadin"} <p style="color:red;text-align:center;">Block after : add a text after the form</p> {/block}
  9. I had to buy a plugin (Pretty URLs v1.5.0 - by FMM Modules) to do this but I must warn you...it made all other plugins stop working. If I had to go back and do it again I would not!!! You can also edit URL structures here: PREFERENCES / SEO & URL. Scroll down to SCHEMA OF URLS. Here's a screenshot of how I have mine setup (be sure to write yours down before changing them so you can revert back if you break your site):
  10. So I'm still racking my brain with this one. It looks like a lot of the pages are PHP and not tpl. Does anyone know if I can easily add HTML to PHP...or perhaps create a call in the PHP file to an HTML file???? I really need help...I tried Google'ing how to add HTML to PHP but it creates errors on the page after I save it.
  11. I see that but I'd prefer to add my own set of instructions....thanks for the tip!
  12. Hello! 100% of my clients and coworkers who are using Prestashop all feel it is very hard to figure out and I agree with them. I'd like to go to some back office pages and add some info / instructions to the top of the page to give insight as to what the page is for. For example under ORDERS is a page called CREDIT SLIPS. Am I able to add some HTML content to the top of the CREDIT SLIPS page? Thanks! PlanBjz I'm running Prestashop V
  13. I still have not had the problem resolved. They blame it on their new servers. I tried ShipStation and I actually had similar issues with them. Let me know if you get anywhere with this.
  14. The solution I used (not a fix) is to change the text found in LOCALIZATION / TRANSLATIONS. Select Front-Office Translations and then expand all fields. Then control F and search for Free Shipping. I changed mine to read "Shipping not calculated". Be sure to change all three times it appears in the list.
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