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    Web development agency

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  1. start with 1.7 PrestaShop 1.7 works on servers with PHP 7, and it is faster then 1.6 be sure, all valuable modules/themes will be converted, almost are already
  2. there are modules that work with blockchain API, just search on addons site
  3. if (_MYSQL_ENGINE_ == 'InnoDB') { $result1 = Db::getInstance()->getRow("SELECT `COLUMN_NAME` FROM `INFORMATION_SCHEMA`.`KEY_COLUMN_USAGE` WHERE `TABLE_NAME` = '"._DB_PREFIX_."lr_bitcoin_address' AND `CONSTRAINT_NAME` = '"._DB_PREFIX_."lr_bitcoin_address_ibfk_1' AND `TABLE_SCHEMA` = '"._DB_NAME_."'"); if (!$result1) { Db::getInstance()->execute("ALTER IGNORE TABLE `"._DB_PREFIX_."lr_bitcoin_address` ADD CONSTRAINT `"._DB_PREFIX_."lr_bitcoin_address_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`id_order`) REFERENCES `"._DB_PREFIX_."orders` (`id_order`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE"); } $result2 = Db::getInstance()->getRow("SELECT `COLUMN_NAME` FROM `INFORMATION_SCHEMA`.`KEY_COLUMN_USAGE` WHERE `TABLE_NAME` = '"._DB_PREFIX_."lr_bitcoin_transaction' AND `CONSTRAINT_NAME` = '"._DB_PREFIX_."lr_bitcoin_transaction_ibfk_1' AND `TABLE_SCHEMA` = '"._DB_NAME_."'"); if (!$result2) { Db::getInstance()->execute("ALTER IGNORE TABLE `"._DB_PREFIX_."lr_bitcoin_transaction` ADD CONSTRAINT `"._DB_PREFIX_."lr_bitcoin_transaction_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`address`) REFERENCES `"._DB_PREFIX_."lr_bitcoin_address` (`address`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE"); } } This is an example from one install.php file how to use foreign key in a database with InnoDB engine.
  4. Hello, in PrestaShop 1.7 this hook DisplayOrderDetail print TEXT but not HTML so, I modified order-detail.tpl file line 148 from {$HOOK_DISPLAYORDERTOTAL} to {$HOOK_DISPLAYORDERTOTAL nofilter} and now it is working like in prestashop 1.6 my question is: this is a bug or this hook intended should print text not html in 1.7? I convert a module from 1.6 to 1.7 and I do not know how to be, because in this hook I print a table not a simple text thank you
  5. OpenSSL is installed, I have another sites on this server that have https Any answers from developers please
  6. I tried to install today PrestaShop 1.7 RC2 , but I receive this error PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'There is no suitable CSPRNG installed on your system' I have PHP 5.6.27 in Fedora 23 Linux Could you help me?
  7. I tried to install today PrestaShop 1.7 RC2 , but I receive this error PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'There is no suitable CSPRNG installed on your system' I have PHP 5.6.27 in Fedora 23 Linux any idea?
  8. hello, I installed today 1.7 alpha 4.0 in a directory (ex. http://myname.domain/prestashop17) . 2 links from back office are not working. http://myname.domain/prestashop17/admin123/module/catalog not working also http://myname.domain/prestashop17/admin123/product/catalog it redirect me to http://myname.domain/index.php I use php-fpm with nginx. Any help is appreciate. thank you
  9. I have the same problem, not sure this is bug or this is normal? I think this is not normal, if you log in/log off 100 times you have 100 new carts in backoffice, this is trash, this is not normal, I think customer should have only one cart I hope somebody from prestashop developers could explain this thank you in advance
  10. maybe we should vote for this issue http://forge.prestashop.com/browse/PSCSX-7495 to be assigned, or create a new bug report
  11. yes, you are right: clicking on "read Reviews" on the product page of a product without any combinations results the message and hiding add to cart button but product without any combinations can exist, so, this is a bug
  12. yes, I also use nginx and friendly URL, pure prestashop, fresh install, no any additional module or theme this error was in also persist in
  13. I have the same error, I do not use any commercial theme, I use default theme. Fresh install, only prestashop bare, no other module. when I click "Read reviews" it show me this: This combination does not exist for this product. Please select another combination. and payment button disappear!!!
  14. Today, my module was declined by addons.prestashop.com because: "Your module will crash on PHP 5 < 5.5" Now, I should spend time to install on my server a old version of php, that php.net do not support long time ago. from my point of view, this is a very stupid situation. my question is, if php.net do not support php 5.4 why prestashop support 5.4 I'm very disappointed in your attitude. php.net always support 3 versions, now are 5.5, 5.6, 7.0, and all respectable companies go in step with php developers does prestashop support php 7? another question: what is Downshifting?
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