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Vali Iacobescu

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About Vali Iacobescu

  • Birthday 05/14/1975

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  1. Hi, I have a problem with a script file which collect data directly from database to output datas into xml format. The problem is that the price extracted is "pre-tax retail price" and I actually need the "retail price with tax" to be outputed. I don't know how to achieve that. Please help. This is the link to the feed: https://scufita-rosie.ro/okazii_pronat.php Here it is the code which collect the datas: <?php Okazii_Connector_Adapter_Prestashop::Run(); class Okazii_Connector_PlatformInfo{ public $Name = ''; public $Version = ''; } class Okazii_Connector_Exception extends Exception { const ADAPTER_PROPERTY_NOT_DEFINED = 51; const SERVICE_REQUEST_SIGNATURE_DECRYPT_ERROR = 4001; const SERVICE_REQUEST_SIGNATURE_INVALID = 4002; const SERVICE_REQUEST_IP_DENIED = 4003; const SERVICE_REQUEST_INVALID_JSON = 4004; const SERVICE_RPC_INVALID_CALLBACK = 5001; const SERVICE_RPC_ADAPTER_NOT_LOADED = 5002; const SERVICE_RPC_PLATFORM_NOT_INSTALLED = 5003; const SERVICE_RPC_METHOD_NOT_FOUND = 5004; const SERVICE_RPC_ACCESS_DENIED = 5005; const SERVICE_RPC_INVALID_PARAMETERS = 5006; const SERVICE_ADAPTER_NOT_FOUND = 5015; const SERVICE_PLATFORM_NOT_DETECTED = 5021; const SERVICE_PLATFORM_NOT_DETECTED_RELIABLE = 5022; } class Okazii_Connector_Product { public $ID; public $UniqueID; public $Title; public $Category; public $Description; /** * @property $Price * @property $DiscountPrice */ protected $Price; protected $DiscountPrice; public $Currency; public $Amount; public $Brand; public $InStock; public $GTIN; /** * @property $Photos * @property $Attributes * @property $Stocks */ protected $Photos = array(); protected $Attributes = array(); protected $Stocks = array(); public function AddPhoto(Okazii_Connector_Product_Photo $Photo) { $this->Photos[] = $Photo; } public function AddAttribute(Okazii_Connector_Product_Attribute $Attribute) { $this->Attributes[] = $Attribute; } public function AddStock(Okazii_Connector_Product_Stock $Stock) { $this->Stocks[] = $Stock; } public function __set($Property, $Value) { $SetterName = "Set{$Property}"; if(method_exists($this, $SetterName)) { $this->$SetterName($Value); return true; } else return false; } public function __get($Property) { return $this->$Property; } protected function SetPrice($Price) { $this->Price = number_format((float)$Price, $decimals = 2, $decimalSep = '.', $thousandSep = ''); } protected function SetDiscountPrice($Price) { $this->DiscountPrice = number_format((float)$Price, $decimals = 2, $decimalSep = '.', $thousandSep = ''); } } class Okazii_Connector_Product_Photo { public $URL; public function __construct($URL) { $this->URL = $URL; } } class Okazii_Connector_Product_Attribute { public $Name; public $Value; public function __construct($AttributeName, $AttributeValue) { $this->Name = $AttributeName; $this->Value = $AttributeValue; } } class Okazii_Connector_Product_Stock { public $Attributes = array(); public $Amount; public function __construct($Amount) { $this->Amount = $Amount; } public function AddAttribute(Okazii_Connector_Product_Attribute $Attribute) { $this->Attributes[] = $Attribute; } } class Okazii_Connector_Output { /** * @var DOMDocument */ protected $XMLDocument; public function __construct() { $this->XMLDocument = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); #$this->XMLDocument->appendChild($this->XMLProducts = $this->XMLDocument->createElement('AUCTIONS')); } /* Functie folosita pentru a crea noduri care contin caractere speciale gen & pentru a nu primi eroarea : unterminated entity reference */ public function CreateElement($name, $value = null){ $Element = $this->XMLDocument->createElement($name); $Element = $this->XMLDocument->importNode($Element); if( $value!==null ){ $Element->appendChild(new DOMText($value)); } return $Element; } public function AddItem(Okazii_Connector_Product $Product) { $XMLProduct = $this->CreateElement('AUCTION'); if(strlen($Product->Description) < 3) { $Product->Description = $Product->Title; } if(!$Product->Category) { $Product->Category = '-'; } $XMLProduct->appendChild($this->CreateElement('UNIQUEID', $Product->UniqueID)); $XMLProduct->appendChild($this->CreateElement('TITLE', $Product->Title)); $XMLProduct->appendChild($this->CreateElement('CATEGORY', $Product->Category)); try { $XMLProduct->appendChild($this->CreateElement('DESCRIPTION'))->appendChild($this->XMLDocument->createCDATASection($Product->Description)); } catch (Exception $e){} $XMLProduct->appendChild($this->CreateElement('PRICE', $Product->Price)); if((int)$Product->DiscountPrice) { $XMLProduct->appendChild($this->CreateElement('DISCOUNT_PRICE', $Product->DiscountPrice)); } $XMLProduct->appendChild($this->CreateElement('CURRENCY', $Product->Currency)); $XMLProduct->appendChild($this->CreateElement('AMOUNT', $Product->Amount)); if($Product->Brand) { $XMLProduct->appendChild($this->CreateElement('BRAND', $Product->Brand)); } if($Product->InStock) { $XMLProduct->appendChild($this->CreateElement('IN_STOCK', $Product->InStock)); } if($Product->GTIN) { $XMLProduct->appendChild($this->CreateElement('GTIN', $Product->GTIN)); } if($Product->Photos) { $XMLProduct->appendChild($XMLProductPhotos = $this->CreateElement('PHOTOS')); foreach ($Product->Photos as $Photo) { $XMLProductPhotos->appendChild($this->CreateElement('URL', $Photo->URL)); } } if($Product->Attributes) { $XMLProduct->appendChild($XMLProductAttributes = $this->CreateElement('ATTRIBUTES')); foreach ($Product->Attributes as $Attribute) { $XMLProductAttributes->appendChild($this->CreateElement(strtoupper($this->Slugify($Attribute->Name)), $Attribute->Value)); } } if($Product->Stocks) { $XMLProduct->appendChild($XMLProductStocks = $this->CreateElement('STOCKS')); foreach ($Product->Stocks as $Stock) { $XMLProductStocks->appendChild($XMLProductStock = $this->CreateElement('STOCK')); $XMLProductStock->appendChild($this->CreateElement('AMOUNT', $Stock->Amount)); foreach ($Stock->Attributes as $Attribute) { $XMLProductStock->appendChild($this->CreateElement(strtoupper($Attribute->Name), $Attribute->Value)); } } } #$this->XMLProducts->appendChild($XMLProduct); echo $this->XMLDocument->saveXML($XMLProduct); } public function AddCategory() { } public function StartTag($Tag) { header('Content-type: text/xml'); echo $this->XMLDocument->saveXML(); echo '<OKAZII>'; #echo '<OKAZII><' . strtoupper($Tag) . '>'; } public function EndTag($Tag) { echo '</OKAZII>'; #echo '</' . strtoupper($Tag) . '></OKAZII>'; exit(); } public function __destruct() { #echo $this->XMLDocument->saveXML(); } protected function Slugify($String) { //Lower case everything $String = strtolower($String); //Make alphanumeric (removes all other characters) $String = preg_replace("/[^a-z0-9_\s-]/", "", $String); //Clean up multiple dashes or whitespaces $String = preg_replace("/[\s-]+/", " ", $String); //Convert whitespaces and underscore to dash //$String = preg_replace("/[\s_]/", "-", $String); $String = preg_replace("/[\s]/", "-", $String); if(is_numeric(substr($String,0,1))) { $String = 'A-' . $String; } return $String; } } abstract class Okazii_Connector_Adapter { protected $PlatformInitialized = false; protected $PlatformDirectory = ''; protected $DEBUG = false; abstract protected function FetchProducts(); abstract protected function FetchCategories(); abstract protected function IsPlatformInstalled(); abstract protected function LoadPlatform(); abstract public function GetPlatformInfo(); final public function __construct($DEBUG = false) { if ($DEBUG === true) { $this->DEBUG = true; } else { $this->DEBUG = false; } if(!isset($this->AdapterName)) throw new Okazii_Connector_Exception('Invalid adapter - property AdapterName not defined', Okazii_Connector_Exception::ADAPTER_PROPERTY_NOT_DEFINED); if(!isset($this->AdapterVersion)) throw new Okazii_Connector_Exception('Invalid adapter - property AdapterVersion not defined', Okazii_Connector_Exception::ADAPTER_PROPERTY_NOT_DEFINED); if (!$this->InitPlatform(realpath('.')) && !$this->InitPlatform(realpath('..'))) { return false; } } final public function InitPlatform($PlatformDirectory = '') { if($this->PlatformInitialized === true) { return true; } $this->PlatformDirectory = $PlatformDirectory; if($this->IsPlatformInstalled()) { $this->PlatformInitialized = $this->LoadPlatform(); } else { $this->PlatformDirectory = ''; } return $this->PlatformInitialized; } final public function ListProducts() { if(!$this->DEBUG) { $this->OutputXML = new Okazii_Connector_Output(); $this->OutputXML->StartTag('AUCTIONS'); $this->FetchProducts(); $this->OutputXML->EndTag('AUCTIONS'); } else { $this->FetchProducts(); return print_r($this->Products, true); } } final public function ListCategories() { if(!$this->DEBUG) { $this->OutputXML = new Okazii_Connector_Output(); $this->OutputXML->StartTag('CATEGORIES'); $this->FetchCategories(); $this->OutputXML->EndTag('CATEGORIES'); } else { $this->FetchCategories(); return print_r($this->Products, true); } } final protected function AddProduct(Okazii_Connector_Product $Product) { if (!$this->DEBUG) $this->OutputXML->AddItem($Product); else $this->Products[] = $Product; } final protected function AddCategory(Okazii_Connector_Product $Category) { if (!$this->DEBUG) $this->OutputXML->AddItem($Category); else $this->Categories[] = $Category; } final public function GetAdapterInfo() { return array( 'Name' => $this->AdapterName, 'Version' => $this->AdapterVersion ); } final public static function Run() { if(isset($_GET['debug'])) { $DEBUG = true; } else { $DEBUG = false; } //Decomenteaza linia urmatoare pentru a fi debugging tot timpul activat //$DEBUG = true; $Adapter = new static($DEBUG); if(!$Adapter->InitPlatform()) { echo "Platform " . $Adapter->AdapterName . "not installed."; exit(); } if(isset($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'])) { switch ($_SERVER['PATH_INFO']) { case '/PlatformInfo': echo "<pre><strong>"; print_r($Adapter->GetPlatformInfo()); exit(); break; case '/AdapterInfo': echo "<pre><strong>"; print_r($Adapter->GetAdapterInfo()); exit(); break; case '/PHPInfo': echo "<pre><strong>"; print_r(phpversion()); exit(); break; case '/DebugInfo': if(method_exists($Adapter, 'GetDebugInfo')){ return $Adapter->GetDebugInfo(); } else { return "Error. NonExistent"; } exit(); break; } } //se face echo pentru a se afisa si debugging info, daca este setat //DEBUG echo $Adapter->ListProducts(); } } class Okazii_Connector_Adapter_Prestashop extends Okazii_Connector_Adapter{ protected $AdapterName = 'Prestashop'; protected $AdapterVersion = ''; private $resConnection = NULL; private $arrTables = array(); private $intIdLanguage = ''; private $blnCurrencyByIso = false; private $strCurrency; private $dblConversionRate; private $strImageType = NULL; private $arrCategories = NULL; private $arrManufacturers = NULL; public function GetPlatformInfo() { $strVersion = ''; if (defined('AppKernel::VERSION')) { $strVersion = AppKernel::VERSION; } if (defined('_PS_VERSION_')) { $strVersion = _PS_VERSION_; } if(empty($strVersion)) { return null; } $objPlatformInfo = new Okazii_Connector_PlatformInfo(); $objPlatformInfo->Name = 'PrestaShop'; $objPlatformInfo->Version = $strVersion; return $objPlatformInfo; } protected function IsPlatformInstalled(){ if (file_exists($this->PlatformDirectory . '/config/defines.inc.php')){ $strContent = file_get_contents($this->PlatformDirectory . '/config/defines.inc.php'); if (strpos($strContent, 'PrestaShop')){ return true; } } return false; } protected function LoadPlatform(){ global $cookie; if (!(file_exists($this->PlatformDirectory . '/config/config.inc.php') && file_exists($this->PlatformDirectory . '/init.php') && file_exists($this->PlatformDirectory . '/config/settings.inc.php') )){ return false; } require_once $this->PlatformDirectory . '/config/config.inc.php'; require_once $this->PlatformDirectory . '/init.php'; require_once $this->PlatformDirectory . '/config/settings.inc.php'; require_once $this->PlatformDirectory . '/classes/Cookie.php'; $this->resConnection = mysqli_connect(_DB_SERVER_, _DB_USER_, _DB_PASSWD_); mysqli_set_charset($this->resConnection, 'utf8'); mysqli_select_db($this->resConnection, _DB_NAME_); $this->setTables(); if(empty($cookie)) { $cookie = new Cookie( 'ps' ); } $this->intIdLanguage = $cookie->id_lang; // TODO: De vazut ce-i cu globala asta return true; } protected function FetchCategories(){ } private function setTables(){ $okazii_DbPrefix = _DB_PREFIX_; $this->arrDbTables = array( 'attribute' => $okazii_DbPrefix.'attribute', 'attribute_group_lang' => $okazii_DbPrefix.'attribute_group_lang', 'attribute_group' => $okazii_DbPrefix.'attribute_group', 'attribute_lang' => $okazii_DbPrefix.'attribute_lang', 'category' => $okazii_DbPrefix.'category', 'category_lang' => $okazii_DbPrefix.'category_lang', 'configuration' => $okazii_DbPrefix.'configuration', 'currency' => $okazii_DbPrefix.'currency', 'image' => $okazii_DbPrefix.'image', 'product' => $okazii_DbPrefix.'product', 'product_lang' => $okazii_DbPrefix.'product_lang', 'product_attribute' => $okazii_DbPrefix.'product_attribute', 'product_attribute_shop' => $okazii_DbPrefix.'product_attribute_shop', 'product_attribute_combination' => $okazii_DbPrefix.'product_attribute_combination', 'manufacturer' => $okazii_DbPrefix.'manufacturer', 'stock_available' => $okazii_DbPrefix.'stock_available', 'tax' => $okazii_DbPrefix.'tax', 'specific_price' => $okazii_DbPrefix.'specific_price', 'category_product' => $okazii_DbPrefix.'category_product', 'image_type' => $okazii_DbPrefix.'image_type' ); } protected function getTableFields($strTable) { $arrReturn = []; $strQuery = 'desc ' . $strTable; $resResult = mysqli_query($this->resConnection, $strQuery); while ($arrItems = mysqli_fetch_assoc($resResult)) { $arrReturn[] = $arrItems['Field']; } return $arrReturn; } protected function FetchProducts() { $strExtraFields = ''; $arrFields = $this->getTableFields($this->arrDbTables['product_lang']); if(!empty($arrFields)) { foreach($arrFields as $strField) { if($strField == 'available_now' || $strField == 'available_later') { $strExtraFields .= $this->arrDbTables['product_lang'] . '.' . $strField . ','; } } } $strQuery = 'SELECT '.$this->arrDbTables['product'].'.id_product, '.$this->arrDbTables['product'].'.quantity, '.$this->arrDbTables['product'].'.price, '.$this->arrDbTables['product_lang'].'.link_rewrite, '.$this->arrDbTables['product'].'.id_manufacturer, '.$this->arrDbTables['product'].'.id_category_default, '.$this->arrDbTables['product'].'.upc, '.$this->arrDbTables['product'].'.ean13, '.$this->arrDbTables['category_product'].'.id_category, '.$strExtraFields.' '.$this->arrDbTables['product_lang'].'.name, '.$this->arrDbTables['product_lang'].'.description, '.$this->arrDbTables['product_lang'].'.description_short FROM '.$this->arrDbTables['product'].' LEFT JOIN '.$this->arrDbTables['product_lang'].' ON '.$this->arrDbTables['product'].'.id_product = '.$this->arrDbTables['product_lang'].'.id_product AND '.$this->arrDbTables['product_lang'].'.id_lang = ' . $this->intIdLanguage . ' LEFT JOIN '.$this->arrDbTables['category_product'].' ON '.$this->arrDbTables['product'].'.id_product = '.$this->arrDbTables['category_product'].'.id_product LEFT JOIN '.$this->arrDbTables['category'].' USING(id_category) WHERE '.$this->arrDbTables['product'].'.active = 1 ORDER BY '.$this->arrDbTables['product'].'.id_product ASC, level_depth DESC, id_parent DESC '; $resResult = mysqli_query($this->resConnection, $strQuery); while ($arrProduct = mysqli_fetch_assoc($resResult)){ $this->AddProduct($this->getProductFromArray($arrProduct)); } } private function getProductFromArray($arrProduct){ $objProduct = new Okazii_Connector_Product(); $objProduct->ID = $arrProduct['id_product']; $objProduct->UniqueID = $arrProduct['id_product']; $objProduct->Title = $arrProduct['name']; if (mb_strlen($arrProduct['description']) > 3){ $objProduct->Description = $arrProduct['description']; } else if (mb_strlen($arrProduct['description_short'])) { $objProduct->Description = $arrProduct['description_short']; } else { $objProduct->Description = $arrProduct['name']; } $objProduct->Amount = $arrProduct['quantity']; if ($objProduct->Amount == 0){ $objProduct->Amount = $this->getAmountFromStock($arrProduct['id_product']); } $objProduct->Category = $this->getCategoryString($arrProduct['id_category']); $objProduct->Currency = $this->getCurrency(); $objProduct->Price = $arrProduct['price']; if(!empty($arrProduct['available_now']) && $objProduct->Amount > 0) { $objProduct->InStock = $arrProduct['available_now']; } if(!empty($arrProduct['gtin'])) { $objProduct->GTIN = $arrProduct['gtin']; } else if(!empty($arrProduct['ean13'])) { $objProduct->GTIN = $arrProduct['ean13']; } else if(!empty($arrProduct['isbn'])) { $objProduct->GTIN = $arrProduct['isbn']; } $this->setProductImages($objProduct); $this->setProductBrand($objProduct, $arrProduct['id_manufacturer']); return $objProduct; } private function getCurrency(){ if (!is_null($this->strCurrency)){ return $this->strCurrency; } if ($this->blnCurrencyByIso){ $strQuery = "SELECT * FROM " . $this->arrDbTables['currency'] . " WHERE iso_code = 'RON'"; $resResult = mysqli_query($this->resConnection, $strQuery); if ($arrRow = mysqli_fetch_assoc($resResult)){ $this->strCurrency = $arrRow['iso_code']; $this->dblConversionRate = $arrRow['conversion_rate']; return $this->strCurrency; } } else { $strQueryConfig = "SELECT * FROM " . $this->arrDbTables['configuration'] . " WHERE name = 'PS_CURRENCY_DEFAULT'"; $resResultConfig = mysqli_query($this->resConnection, $strQueryConfig); if ($arrConfig = mysqli_fetch_assoc($resResultConfig)) { $strQuery = "SELECT * FROM " . $this->arrDbTables['currency'] . " WHERE id_currency = '" . $arrConfig['value'] . "'"; $resResult = mysqli_query($this->resConnection, $strQuery); if ($arrRow = mysqli_fetch_assoc($resResult)){ $this->strCurrency = $arrRow['iso_code']; $this->dblConversionRate = $arrRow['conversion_rate']; return $this->strCurrency; } } } return ''; } private function getAmountFromStock($intProductId){ $strQuery = 'SELECT quantity FROM ' . $this->arrDbTables['stock_available'] . ' WHERE id_product = ' . $intProductId . ' AND id_product_attribute = 0'; $resResult = mysqli_query($this->resConnection, $strQuery); $intAmount = 0; while ($arrRow = mysqli_fetch_assoc($resResult)){ $intAmount += $arrRow['quantity']; } return $intAmount; } private function getCategoryString($intCategoryId){ if (is_null($this->arrCategories)){ $this->loadCategories(); } $strCategoryString = ''; $arrCategories = array(); if ($intCategoryId >= 0){ $blnSearchRoot = true; $intCurrentCategory = $intCategoryId; $i = 0; while ($blnSearchRoot){ $arrCategories[] = $this->arrCategories[$intCurrentCategory]['category']; if ($this->arrCategories[$intCurrentCategory]['parentid'] > 0){ $intCurrentCategory = $this->arrCategories[$intCurrentCategory]['parentid']; } else { $blnSearchRoot = false; } if ($i++ == 10){ break; } } } $strCategoryString = nl2br(str_replace(';', ' ', strip_tags(join(' > ', array_reverse($arrCategories))))); $strCategoryString = str_replace(array("\n", "\r", "\t"), " ", $strCategoryString); if (empty($strCategoryString)){ return 'Catalog ' . $intCategoryId; } return $strCategoryString; } private function loadCategories(){ $cookie = new Cookie('ps'); $intLanguage = $cookie->id_lang; $this->arrCategories = array(); $strQuery = 'SELECT ' . $this->arrDbTables['category'] . '.id_category AS categoryid, ' . $this->arrDbTables['category'] . '.id_parent AS parentid, ' . $this->arrDbTables['category_lang'] . '.name AS category FROM ' . $this->arrDbTables['category'] . ' LEFT JOIN ' . $this->arrDbTables['category_lang'] . ' ON ' . $this->arrDbTables['category'] . '.id_category = ' . $this->arrDbTables['category_lang'] . '.id_category '; if (!empty($intLanguage)){ $strQuery .= ' WHERE ' . $this->arrDbTables['category_lang'].'.id_lang = ' . $intLanguage . ' '; } $resResult = mysqli_query($this->resConnection, $strQuery); while ($arrRow = mysqli_fetch_assoc($resResult)){ $this->arrCategories[$arrRow['categoryid']] = $arrRow; } } private function getImageType(){ if (!is_null($this->strImageType)){ return $this->strImageType; } $strQuery = "SELECT name FROM " . $this->arrDbTables['image_type'] . " WHERE width <= 1000 AND height <= 1000 AND products = 1 ORDER BY width DESC, height DESC LIMIT 1"; $resResult = mysqli_query($this->resConnection, $strQuery); if ($arrRow = mysqli_fetch_assoc($resResult)){ $this->strImageType = $arrRow['name']; } return $this->strImageType; } private function setProductBrand(Okazii_Connector_Product &$objProduct, $intManufacturerId){ if (empty($intManufacturerId)){ return; } if (is_null($this->arrManufacturers)){ $strQuery = "SELECT id_manufacturer, name FROM `" . $this->arrDbTables['manufacturer'] . "`"; $resResult = mysqli_query($this->resConnection, $strQuery); $this->arrManufacturers = array(); while ($arrRow = mysqli_fetch_assoc($resResult)){ $this->arrManufacturers[$arrRow['id_manufacturer']] = $arrRow['name']; } } if (isset($this->arrManufacturers[$intManufacturerId])){ $objProduct->Brand = $this->arrManufacturers[$intManufacturerId]; } } private function setProductImages(Okazii_Connector_Product &$objProduct){ $arrImages = array(); if (empty($this->getImageType())){ return; } $strQuery = "SELECT id_image FROM " . $this->arrDbTables['image'] . " WHERE id_product = " . $objProduct->ID . " ORDER BY cover DESC, position ASC"; $resResult = mysqli_query($this->resConnection, $strQuery); while ($arrRow = mysqli_fetch_assoc($resResult)){ $strImagePath = ''; $strPhotoUrlO = substr(_THEME_PROD_DIR_ . $objProduct->ID . "-" . $arrRow['id_image'] . ".jpg",1); $strPhotoUrlR = substr(_THEME_PROD_DIR_ . $objProduct->ID . "-" . $arrRow['id_image'] . "-" . $this->getImageType() . ".jpg",1); if (file_exists($this->PlatformDirectory . $strPhotoUrlO)){ $arrSizeO = @getimagesize($strPhotoUrlO); $arrSizeR = @getimagesize($strPhotoUrlR); if ($arrSizeO[0] > $arrSizeR[0] || $arrSizeO[1] > $arrSizeR[1]){ $strImagePath = $strPhotoUrlR; } else { $strImagePath = $strPhotoUrlO; } } else { $paths = ''; for($i=0;$i<strlen($arrRow['id_image']);$i++){ if($i<8) $paths .= $arrRow['id_image'][$i]."/"; } $url_o = substr(_THEME_PROD_DIR_ . $paths . $arrRow['id_image'] . ".jpg",1); $url_r = substr(_THEME_PROD_DIR_ . $paths . $arrRow['id_image'] . "-" . $this->getImageType() . ".jpg",1); // sizes $size_o = @getimagesize($url_o); $size_r = @getimagesize($url_r); if($size_o[0] > $size_r[0] || $size_o[1] > $size_r[1]) $strImagePath = $url_r; else $strImagePath = $url_o; } if (!empty($strImagePath)){ $host = htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8"); if(substr($host, -1) != "/"){ $host .= "/"; } $objPhoto = new Okazii_Connector_Product_Photo("http".((isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']))?"s":"")."://" . $host . $strImagePath); $objProduct->AddPhoto($objPhoto); } } } }
  2. Hi jwd19, If you want the code to work in product page, just add this in product.tpl: {if ($productPrice|number_format:2:".":"" != $productPriceWithoutReduction|number_format:2:".":"")} {l s='You save:'}{math equation="x-y" x=$productPrice y=$productPriceWithoutReduction format='%.2f'} {/if}
  3. Hi everybody, I have this scenario: Default customer group - visitor, guest and client. Also have a custom group of customers (B2B customers). So far so good. The problem is: I offer free shipping for a different price amount in shopping cart regarding customer group. When there is no one logged in, I setup 2 carriers: the first one is free shipping when pickup at store and the second one regarding price amount in shopping cart I've setup. The default carrier is the second one, as I wish. The second carrier is visible for all 4 groups I have (when they are not logged in). I've setup a third carrier only for B2B customers also regarding price amount. This carrier is visible just for them (B2B customers - when they are logged in). The problem is when they logged in their account, the default carrier is the one with free shipping which I don't want to. Thanks!
  4. Thank you but your solution didn't help me at all. This customer have 1700+ orders, so it's huge information on his info page. It takes 1.5 minute to load the info page of this customer on a vps server. I don't know what to do regarding the way prestashop manage this kind of problem.
  5. Hello everybody, Prestashop version: I need your help regarding the next problem: I have thousands of orders from the same customer. The problem is that if I want to enter on "Information about Customer" page, it takes a very very long time or give it timeout because information about past orders, past purchased products, past carts, past messages is very large information on this customer. I'd like to delete this customer's orders in bulk, with all the associated informations about his orders. Can you guide me, please? Thanks!
  6. Hi Vekia, For 2 years I had no problem with this error. But since a few days ago, the error reappeared. For some computers of our employees the error don't happens, including my computer. Very strange, indeed. Again, the hosting company says that is it a browser java problem, lack of RAM memory, etc. The hosting company had a network crash and my site was not working for two days because of that. Their mySql server crached and they had to move all to another mySql server. I attached a browser log console image. Please take a look. Also, I have to mention that popup message appear only for the 4 tabs marked with red color which come with the bought theme and payed modules. If I leave only the default product tabs activated, everything it's ok. I deactivated the 4 modules and everything it's ok, but I need them to be functional. A have to mention that I did not update anything, neither the modules involved nor the theme, prestashop, etc.
  7. Hello, Prestashop Theme: warehouse I have a problem with a sticky horizontal navigation bar. My home page has a big image in header and my sticky navbar sometimes jumps on top of page before supposed to stick when I begin to scroll. I have this problem only on homepage where is this big image on header. On all the other pages, sticky navbar it behaves normally. I have this issue only in Firefox. This is the site: https://scufita-rosie.ro Please, help! Thanks! This is the code for sticky navbar: var isStickMenu = true; $(document).ready(function() { if (typeof iqit_inlineh != 'undefined') { var s = $("#header"); var pos = s.offset(); var alreadySticky = false; $(window).scroll(function() { var windowpos = $(window).scrollTop(); if (s.length) { if (!alreadySticky) { if (windowpos > pos.top + 200) { alreadySticky = true; if ($('#header').width() >= 985) $('#page').css('margin-top', s.height()); s.addClass("sticky-header"); } } if (alreadySticky) { if (windowpos <= pos.top) { alreadySticky = false; $('#page').removeAttr("style"); s.removeClass("sticky-header"); } } } }); } else { var s = $("#iqitmegamenu-horizontal"); var pos = s.offset(); var scartp = (s.outerHeight() / 2) - 13; var alreadySticky = false; var scart = $("#shopping_cart_container"); $(window).scroll(function() { var windowpos = $(window).scrollTop(); if (s.length) { if (!alreadySticky) { if (windowpos >= pos.top) { alreadySticky = true; s.parent().height(s.height()); s.addClass("cbp-sticky"); scart.addClass("stickCart"); scart.css({ top: scartp + 'px' }); } } if (alreadySticky) { if (windowpos < pos.top) { alreadySticky = false; s.removeClass("cbp-sticky"); scart.removeClass("stickCart"); scart.removeAttr("style"); s.parent().removeAttr("style"); } } } }); } });
  8. Hello, Prestashop version: I uninstalled prestashop catalogue evaluation module and in browser I get this error: "PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'UnexpectedValueException' with message 'RecursiveDirectoryIterator::__construct(/home/scufitar/public_html/cache/smarty/compile/38/93/04): failed to open dir: No such file or directory' in /home/scufitar/public_html/tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_utility.php:242 Stack trace: #0 [internal function]: RecursiveDirectoryIterator->__construct('/home/scufitar/...', 0) #1 /home/scufitar/public_html/tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_utility.php(242): RecursiveDirectoryIterator->getChildren() #2 /home/scufitar/public_html/tools/smarty/Smarty.class.php(1469): Smarty_Internal_Utility::clearCompiledTemplate(NULL, NULL, NULL, Object(SmartyCustom)) #3 /home/scufitar/public_html/classes/SmartyCustom.php(104): Smarty->clearCompiledTemplate() #4 /home/scufitar/public_html/classes/SmartyCustom.php(123): SmartyCustomCore->check_compile_cache_invalidation() #5 /home/scufitar/public_html/classes/module/Module.php(2270): SmartyCustomCore->createTemplate('/home/scufitar/...', NULL, NULL, Object(Sm in /home/scufitar/public_html/tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_utility.php on line 242" PLEASE, HELP!
  9. Hello, I have thousands of warnings in error_log, on the server. "PHP Warning: array_merge(): Argument #1 is not an array in /public_html/classes/Carrier.php on line 1310" This is the line - 1310: $error = array_merge($error, $carrier_error); What can I do about that? Thanks!
  10. Hello, Prestashop I want to export all customers who had orders only last year, for example, and I don't know how.... I mean, for a certain period of time. Please help! Thanks.
  11. Thanks, Vekia ! I'll come back with updates soon, I hope !
  12. Thanks, Vekia! It will be difficult to do this because the error happens on a computer that I don't have access to. I'm the developer of the site and on my computer this kind of error did not happened. The error happens to one of the person who has a role assigned in BO. I will try to instruct him to do what you suggested above. Could it be because he has an older computer configuration? See the attached screenshot, please. Thanks!
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