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  1. Hi people. Im having a hard time with the statistics og my store in prestashop The situation is this: The statitics section of the admin shows data that is different to the actual orders clients are making in the store. For example, in the orders page i have 2 valid orders (orders with "shipped" or "payment accepted" status), for a total of $2500. Then, in the stats page are 3 valid orders, with a total of $4500. The statistics module is counting two of the orders, but is making itself a ghost order that i dont see in any place. I can put screenshots to show it more clearly (the store is in spanish). 1- The actual orders for the store the day 30/08/2016: (The two green are the valid orders) 2- The statistics module version of the situation: (It shows 3 orders for an inflated amount of money) upload a picture 3- Strangely, if i go to the "statistics-->"best customers" section, it shows that there are only 2 valid orders (the correct amount): how to capture screen With all this said, what is that can go wrong with my statistics module? Is best to reinstall and reset it to solve the problem? Every suggestion is welcomend. Thanks!
  2. Hola Pallman, intentaste comunicarte con el soporte de tu servidor para ver si le encuentran una solución al problema? Este tipo de situaciones aveces se solucionan cambiando algunas configuraciones, al menos así me pasó a mi una vez.
  3. Hola a todos. Abro esta consulta debido a que estoy interesado a vender a personas de países limítrofes (chile, uruguay, etc) desde mi tineda argentina en Prestashop. Para las ventas me manejo con Mercadopago (utilizando un módulo para prestashop) y transferencia bancaria. Por lo que leí, Mercadopago funcionaría con clientes de varios países que tengan tarjeta de crédito internacional, pagando ellos en su moneda y yo recibiendo el monto en pesos. Alguien puede confirmarme esto? Saben si hay otra buena opción para cobrar a clientes del extranjero, como un módulo de Paypal para argentina. Cualquier recomendación es bien recibida. ¡Muchas Gracias!
  4. Hi people, i have a question about something that i dont know if its normal or not. The thing is that i have a high percent of abandoned carts in the store that im working. The conversion rate is 0.19%. The store seems to work fine, and it recives orders everyday, but i have situations like this frequently: Some are carts with 00 ARS (my currency), that i think the registered customer dont put anything in the cart. But others have products and a shipment option selected, but are "not ordered". Is that normal? Thanks to all!!!!
  5. Hi people, i was wondering if i can change the css of the template for only a specific category and it sub-categories. I don't know if ti is possible, but searching in the web, i found this: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/60494-multiple-css-for-the-site-depending-on-selected-category/ But is for 1.3 Prestashop. I'm using Someone know if its a way for this new version? Thanks to All
  6. I cant resolve the problem with the "Cash on delivery wit tax" module. But i found a solution editing the code of prestashop, i have done the following: File "/classes/cart.php": I deleted the "if ($with_shipping || $type == Cart::ONLY_DISCOUNTS)" block of code in line 1431. With that, the delivery shipping is shown but not added to the total price. I really wanted to not have to change the core of a prestashop class, but is the only way i found. Is too bad that change of code? Can i have problems in the future? Thanks
  7. Hola a todos. Creo que el título ya explica un poco mi problema. Resulta que en una de las tiendas que estoy trabajando, que normalmente anda rápida, se vuelve muy lenta cuando se dan ciertas circunstancias: 1- Un cliente se loguea, tiene una dirección registrada y agrega un producto al carrito. Cuando esas tres condiciones se cumplen, la tienda se vuelve muy lenta de navegar, tardando mucho en cargar las páginas. Si el cliente no tiene productos en el carrito, la web vuelve a ser rápida. De la misma forma, si el cliente no tiene una dirección registrada, la tienda es rápida aunque tenga productos en el carrito. Alguien tiene una idea a que se puede deber esto? Tengo que solucionarlo urgentemente Estoy pensando que podría ser un problema de base de datos, pero no estoy seguro. Si no le encuentro solución, puede que no me quede otra que cambiar de server. Gracias a todos por adelantado!!
  8. Hi Nemo1. My site's URL is: laurina925.com.ar Exploring more in the problem, i discovered that the store is slow only for registered customers, that registered an adress and have one or more products in the cart. I tried whit accounts wihouth adresses and the store is fast. I deleted the registered adress in one of my accounts, and the store navigation is fast again. I have a problem with de database adress i think. I really dont know what to do. Is the only possibility change the server? Its strange, because the store is fast wihouth adresses.
  9. Hi people. Im having an issue with my restashop (laurina925.com.ar). When the user is not logged in, the web is fast. When he is logged in, but no products in the cart, the web is fast. Is also fast is the user is not logged but whit products in the cart. But..... User logged with products in cart: Web too slow!!!!! Yes, i have times of 20 seconds loading a page if the user is logged with a product in the cart. Is perhaps a data basse issue? Its strange. If no user is loading, but with products in the cart, the web is fast. I tried with ajax cart and normal cart, and the results are the same. EDIT: I checked that the store is slow only for registered customers that have a registered adress and a product in the cart. Conclusion: - No registered user: FAST - Registered user, no adress, products in cart: FAST - Registered user, registered adress, no products in cart: FAST. - Registered user, registered adress, products in cart: SLOW, VERY SLOW. Thanks to all! This thing is getting me very worried.
  10. Hi PhilCorleone. I checked that module, but it isn´t what i really want. "Cash on delivery" charges the total order price to the customer on delivery, i only want to charge the shipping cost on delivery. But if the shipping cost is visible, prestashop always adds it to the order price. Im still searching for a method. Thanks!
  11. Hi to all. I have a question about configuring Prestashop shipping. Is possible to create a shipper that shows shipping price but dont add it to the payment total? The idea is that the customer will pay the shippment on product arrival. I dont know if this is possible in Prestashop. Any suggestions will be much appreciated. Thanks PD: Im running Pretashop 1.6.9 Edition: For the sake of obtain this, i edited the code of a file, more exactly: /classes/cart.php There, i deleted the "if ($with_shipping || $type == Cart::ONLY_DISCOUNTS)" block that start in line 1431. With this, the shipping price is shown but not added to the total. Can this change give me problems in the future? Thanks to any opinion.
  12. Hi to all. I have a problem with my stores in Prestashop, that is giving me a lot of headaches the lasts weeks. The store is "laurina925.com.ar", and the problem is that the loading time is too slow. It halts in "waiting response for laurina...." in the browser, and i have to wait 10 or more seconds. Ocasionally i cant enter at all! Sometimes, this message appears: Link to database cannot be established: SQLSTATE[42000] [1203] User laurina9_admin already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections Can be a problem with the database slowing down the store? I recently comented that with the hosting provider, and im waiting for their response. If anyone cand lend me a hand it will be much appreciated! Thanks to all. Sebastián. PD: Sorry for the bad english.
  13. Hola a todos, rersulta que en una de las tiendas donde trabajo he decidido instalar el módulo de Google Analytics. Pude configurarlo y efectivamente me muestra mis visitas, sin embargo, no muestra datos de los pedidos que tuve desde que lo instalé. En concreto, si voy a "conversiones"->"comercio electrónico"->"general", no me muestra nada. Además, tengo arriba una notificación de Google que dice lo siguiente: "Faltan datos de comercio electrónico La vista Todos los datos de sitios web se ha configurado para el comercio electrónico, pero no se están transfiriendo datos" ¿Alguien tiene idea por que puede ser? Creo haber configurado bien todo. En la administración, fui a la configuración de comercio electrónico y lo habilité. Si alguien me da una pista muchas gracias!!
  14. Hola a todos. Tengo una duda con respecto a como se ven las estadísticas en Prestashop. Voy a ser breve: Resulta que cuando veo las estadísticas semanales / mensuales, solo me muestra los números si en esa semana / mes hice ventas. Si no realicé ventas no muestra nada. Me refiero a los datos de "visitas" , "usuarios registrados", etc. Es llamativo que en la vista "diaria" si me muestra información de todos los días. Sin embargo no puedo desglosar bien esta información por semana o mes. Miren, así se ve diario: Pero al cambiarlo a semanal.... Alguna idea para solucionar esto? Muchas gracias!!
  15. I tried with a new fresh install, but the results are the same. Perhaps this is the default behavior?
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