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  1. I don't think so, but if you need something, search on Google, you should find solutions. (works for me). Anyway, if there is a document for this, I'll need it.
  2. Ok, then go to the template css file, which is found here: /themes/moon/css/global.css Go to line 205 and replace this: #header #currencies_block_top {margin: 0.6em 1.4em 0 0; float: right;} with this: #header #currencies_block_top {margin: 0.6em 8px 0 0; float: right;} What it does is add a 8px margin to the right of the box #currencies_block_top (instead of 1.4em), which is what you need.
  3. Yes. Go to admin folder>tab>AdminOrders.php Find $this->colorOnBackground = true; And add on the next line $this->delete = true; I hope it helps. EDIT: You can then delete any order in Admin > Orders
  4. Go to admin -> Modules Find Home Text Editor and click >> Configure There you can change it.
  5. You need to go in your template directory and open to edit header.tpl Find And replace with This should do the trick.
  6. Thanks thkalam, I appreciate. Your idea will help me in another issue: to sort the way attributes (combinations) are sorted in product page. If I succeed, I'll post the result here.
  7. Solved. You should also put the reduction time. For no time, just pun the same dates on both fields.
  8. Hello, I have some issues with my shop and one of them that I cannot solve is this: Lets say I have a product with the following combination: Color : red Color : black Color : green The problem is every time a user choose one of the values, in cart is added the "red" value (the first value from the list). This doesn't make sense. Have you ever had the same situation? Where should be the problem? Thank`s Cosmi
  9. I have the same problem. Is there a solution? Cosmi
  10. All right. I solved the first step. getImageLink($product->link_rewrite, $imageIds)}'" title="{$image.legend|htmlspecialchars}"> getImageLink($product->link_rewrite, $imageIds, 'medium')}" alt="{$image.legend|htmlspecialchars}" height="{$mediumSize.height}" width="{$mediumSize.width}" /> I'll try to figure the next step.
  11. Dear Presta users and developers, I'm trying to modify a little the thickbox display mode and I have 2 challenges. We are in the product.tpl now. So, 1) All I need is that when a user click on the thumbnail of a picture, it shows the big picture (not the zoomed one). I don't want to see the big picture when the mouse is over, but when the thumbnail is clicked. In this case, we don't need to see the thickbox picture with black-transparent overlay. 2) When I click the thumbnail, a variable should take a certain value. For example, I have these thumbnails: [ A ] [ B ] [ C ] if I click [A], $value = 'a'; // and shows the big picture, as mentioned in 1) else if I click , $value = 'b'; // and shows the big picture, as mentioned in 1) else $value = 'c'; // and shows the big picture, as mentioned in 1) I think this should be done both with PHP (or smarty) and JavaScript. I'm still trying to figure it out. Can you show me a way to fulfill my objectives? Thank you, Your help is very appreciated! Cosmi
  12. Dear PrestaShop developers, Is there any way to show available combinations in product-list.tpl ? I tried to modify the above code but the result is blank. Here is what I did: (I added "product." to some variables... ) {if isset($groups)}{strip} {l s='The following combinations are available:'} {foreach from=$product.combinations key=idCombination item=combination} {if $product.combination.quantity > 0} {assign var=attributes value=','|explode:$combination.list} {foreach from=$product.groups key=id_attribute_group item=group} {foreach from=$product.group.attributes key=id_attribute item=group_attribute} {foreach from=$product.attributes item=attribute name=attribute} {if $id_attribute == $attribute|substr:1:-1} {$group_attribute}{if !$smarty.foreach.attribute.last}, {/if} {/if} {/foreach} {/foreach} {/foreach} {/if} {/foreach} {/strip}{/if} Thanks to all!
  13. I subscribe to this topic. I wish to be notified when a new order is made. Is there an option or shall I edit the code?
  14. This was a mandatory thing on my client website, so I had to deal with. The solution is very simple and is pure math. Insert the following code in product-list.tpl Please notice that this works only with percentage reductions (it's easy to make it work for the other reduction type but I don't have much time to develop): {if ($product.reduction_price != 0 || $product.reduction_percent != 0) && ($product.reduction_from == $product.reduction_to OR ($smarty.now|date_format:'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' <= $product.reduction_to && $smarty.now|date_format:'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' >= $product.reduction_from))} {math equation="(price/(1-(reduct/100)))" price=$product.price reduct=$product.reduction_percent format="%.2f"} {/if}
  15. Hello, I'm developing a Prestashop website and my customer wants to show letters in EAN13 (which is product code). So, the EAN13 might look like this: SDR2398J. I tried to look in the database and to change the structure, but it seems to be something from the script. Are there any chances to solve this issue? Thank you!
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