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  1. I've managed to get rid of Warnings by simply removing those zip files and .ftpquota - i dont know why this was buggig PS but.. Its still working now, even faster, but same result with email templates. They'r not saving, cant save, it just keep on loading until I get this after few minutes: When I click "save and stay" (or just save), something is being send but no response except "Request entity too large". Any suggestions ?
  2. Hello, I'm trying to modify email templates in International->translations and then I choose Email translations -> body -> mytheme -> English. It loads all the templates, but when I try to save changes, it just loads and doesn't load. Eventually it would throw me 500 error after 5-10mins of loading, but changes are not saved. When I modify my template file- file from server (/themes/mytheme/mails/en/file-template.html), the changes are visible in BO, but I cant make any changes on template file in BO. The problem is the same if I try to modify "classic" theme email templates. This is the error message that I get from debug mode: Warning on line 2074 in file /home/*username*/public_html/classes/Tools.php [2] file_exists(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/home/*username*/public_html/modules/.ftpquota/mails/) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/*username*:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php:/tmp) Warning on line 2074 in file /home/*username*/public_html/classes/Tools.php [2] file_exists(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/home/*username*/public_html/modules/ps_bestsellers.zip/mails/) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/*username*:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php:/tmp) Warning on line 2074 in file /home/*username*/public_html/classes/Tools.php [2] file_exists(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/home/*username*/public_html/modules/ps_newproducts.zip/mails/) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/*username*:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php:/tmp) Warning on line 2074 in file /home/*username*/public_html/classes/Tools.php [2] file_exists(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/home/*username*/public_html/modules/ps_specials.zip/mails/) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/*username*:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php:/tmp) Has anyone faced the same problem ? Can someone help me with that ? Regards, M.
  3. Zdravo, imaš namen pošiljati povsod po svetu ali samo po Sloveniji ? + Katero verzijo prestashopa ste naložili ? Če niste še rešili težave mi lahko posreduješ link do trgovine na privat pa bova popravila.
  4. Yo! how did you track this module ? I'm having same issues with multiple stores and back office is killing people.. product page takes 15-20sec to load, sometimes when editing product "save" & "save and stay" buttons are spinning for ages... this is very annoying because in past 2 years everything worked perfectly and fast, but last 6 months after some "updates", shit gone wild... Is there a way, where I can see, which modules are enabled but not used at all on front page or in backoffice ? I'd like to delete/remove all modules that can be removed that are on my prestashop. Any idea ?
  5. Why is this post marked as [solved] because clearly its not.. I still have the same issue.
  6. Hi, I have updated to latest version ( with 1-click-update, but non-stop loading "Save" button is still the issue. I have default theme, made some modules but they dont disturb prestashop alone - meaning if i turn them off it makes no changes.. 3 out of 5 times, save button doesn't stop loading. Can anyone confirm that this still hasn't been fixed ?
  7. Zdravo, kje se ti pa zatika ? Lahko ti pomagam če mi pošlješ podatke za strežnik (na privat). Prestashop je sila enostaven za uporabo res pa je, da rabiš mogoče 2,3 dni presedet za računalnikom in poštudirat ozadje trgovine.
  8. I c this is little old but stil.. Can someone explain how do I find correct folder and subfolder based on id_image ? It makes almost no sense to me All I can see is that file contains Id_image...jpg but folder 0/1/2/3... from where is the number ? :/
  9. Yo man, thanx man, sem zasledil ampak sem na hitro/narobe prebral.. Hvala! ...prav dan si mi polešal...
  10. Zdravo, kar mal ste me prestrašil glede teh davčnih blagajn in podobno in ja nekaj informacij tukaj je napačno podanih; eno ki sem zasledil je paypal, tuka je pojasnilo kot je že prej nekdo zgoraj omenil.. : Še malo pojasnitve: To in še več je objavljeno tukaj: Povezava na FU pdf Torej če se ne motim, v primeru da znesek na računu ni bil poravnan direktno na TRR ponudnika storitev, izpolnjuješ pogoje za davčno blagajno. Zadeva je spisana precej dvoumno in nerazumno za nekoga ki nima magistra iz ekonomije ker se v prvem primeru "PLAČILO Z GOTOVINO" pojasnjuje da je plačilo s kreditno kartico gotovinsko plačilo... (WTF?!?!) v drugem delu pa pa da se ne šteje če je plačan direktno na TRR... Stem da so paypal priznali kot "negotovinsko plačilo" so potrdili da plačilo lahko prejmemo s kreditno kartico in ne rabimo izdat računa ki je vezan z davčnim preverjanjem; če pa prejmeš plačilo direktno iz kreditne kartice (tako da izločiš paypal in uporabnik direkt plačuje s sistemom "plačaj s kreditno kartico") mora biti pa račun poslan tudi z davčno blagajno... Vsakič ko začnem brati o teh blagajnah ne pridem do zaključka ali sedaj lahko prodajamo po netu brez davčnih blagajn ali ne, ker kakor jaz vidim, v vsakem primeru dobim plačilo direktno na TRR pa ni važno a to velja sedaj za plačilo po povzetju ali plačilo s paypal, CC, Skrill... Anyways to je bilo sedaj čist offtopic Jest mam drug problem in sicer me zanima če je kdo naletel na tole situacijo glede prevodov: Kakršn koli namig bi mi prišel prav, naj še omenim, v prevodih (backoffice in admin panel pa to ) imam vse prevedeno, mislim da se tale text editor nekaj skrega s prevodi in vleče napačnega?
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