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  1. Hello, I am using Prestashop V1.7.7.7 and PS default filter module ps_facetedsearch for filter. I wanna change categories filter soring. Right now categories are coming in sort their name in ASC order but I want change their sorting and sort them by their display order. I searched in "ps_facetedsearch" module but did not found their sorting option. Can any one help me to change category filter soring by their position? Thanks in advance.
  2. Hiii, Is there anyone who can help me regarding this problem. Thanks
  3. Hello Everyone, I need help to setup tax for refurbished product to sell in India. For refurbished product GST is applied to only profit value of item not on its complete value. I do not found any such option in Prestashop to setup tax for refurbished items. If there is any paid module or any other solution then please share. Thanks in advance.
  4. Hello Tamas, We have prebuilt modules available. You can use any one from Prestashop addons market. https://addons.prestashop.com/en/search?search_query=captcha&gclid=CjwKCAiAm-2BBhANEiwAe7eyFHH7mk87s96DjOqTcSliVxfbD0qfKao3qxfx783-YCbKihX24NX1wRoCYI4QAvD_BwE If you need any help you could contact me at [email protected] Cheers Peter
  5. Hello, I am using Prestashop and what I see here admin Order view is totally changed. AdminOrderController is removed. What I am trying to do is follwoing: 1. I have created a module to send a alert email to customers. 2. I have created a button "Send alert to customer" in admin using hook "actionGetAdminOrderButtons". See below image. 3. This button has link to same order page with additional parameter in url to identify that button is clicked. 4. When button is clicked, I get additional parameter in url and I calculate some data and send email to user. 5. Till now there is no problem. 6. The problem is I wanna display a success message if email is sent and error message if something went wrong. Here is my code as well public function hookActionGetAdminOrderButtons(array $params) { $id_order = $params['id_order']; $order = new Order((int)$id_order); $order_state = new OrderState((int)$order->current_state); /** @var \Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router $router */ $router = $this->get('router'); /** @var \PrestaShopBundle\Controller\Admin\Sell\Order\ActionsBarButtonsCollection $bar */ $bar = $params['actions_bar_buttons_collection']; $viewOrderUrl = $router->generate('admin_orders_view', ['orderId'=> $id_order]); $sendPickupAlertUrl = $viewOrderUrl.'&notify=1'; $bar->add( new \PrestaShopBundle\Controller\Admin\Sell\Order\ActionsBarButton( 'btn-secondary', ['href' => $sendPickupAlertUrl], 'Send Alert to Customer' ) ); if(Tools::getValue('notify')) { // Calculate some data // Send email to customer if($success) Show success message. else show error message. } } Can anyone help me how to display success or error notification message like above screenshot? Thanks in advance Peter
  6. Hi, Is there anyone who faced this issue or found solution for this? Thanks
  7. Hello All, I am using Prestashop and I have noticed a translations issue. I have created Multishops and every shop has its own theme. Each theme is created by copying default classic theme and did customize accordingly. Now the issue is translation of theme and module text from one shop is reflecting in all other shop. For example if I translate text "My account" in shop 1 and it reflect in all other shops too. If I translate same text "My account" in shop 2 then it started reflecting in all other shop. So its taking translation from last translated shop text. Its really strange. I searched about this issue but did not found any solution for this. I checked this issue in PS default installation with same scenario and found there too. Is there anyone else who faced this issue and found any solution Thanks in advance. Cheers..!
  8. I am still waiting.... Anyone who could help me please...! Thanks
  9. Sure. https://tinyurl.com/y2jtedx3 https://tinyurl.com/y24nea9z Let me know if you need further information
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