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  1. That would be the last resort. I was hoping someone knew how to bypass the maintenance mode when the user submits the registration and then return them to the maintenance page. EDIT: SOLVED! For anyone wanting newsletter subscription on your maintenance page without payed modules here's what you do (as of PS 1.6.06): 1) Replace the IP token method with this method (for PS 1.4 and above read Debbie's comment down below) http://alvinjiang.blogspot.ro/2010/10/prestashop-tips-how-to-allow-mutiple.html 2) In your Prestashop back office set your "Maintenance IP" to a word you are going to use with the token above. For example I named it "development" so in order to acces my site you would have to go to http://mysite.com/index.php?MAT=development. This also solves the problem of clients with dynamic IPs trying to access your store while in development. 3) In your theme's maintenance.tpl add these lines wherever you want your newsletter form to appear: {$maintenance_mode = true} {include file="$tpl_dir/modules/blocknewsletter/blocknewsletter.tpl"} 4) In your blocknewsletter.php (located in root/modules/blocknewsletter) search for the function called "private function newsletterRegistration()". At the end of this function, right before its closing } add these lines: if(isset($_GET['MAT']))$_SESSION['MAT'] = $_GET['MAT']; { unset($_SESSION['MAT']); header('Location: index.php'); } 5) In your theme's blocknewsletter.tpl replace the line where the form tag is defined with this: <form action="{if $maintenance_mode == true}{$link->getPageLink('index')|cat:"?MAT=development"|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}{elseif $maintenance_mode == false}{$link->getPageLink('index')|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}{/if}" method="post"> 6) In your theme's header.tpl add this line right after the line "<div id="page">" {$maintenance_mode = false} And you are all done. Tested and working in PS 1.6.06!
  2. Bump again. I am looking for a free custom solution without modules. I figured out that putting the site in maintenance mode will block access to the resources the subscription form needs, but I don't know how to give the users access only to the newsletter form without giving them access to the whole site.
  3. Hi, I'm trying to enable newsletter subscription while the site is in maintenance mode. I inserted this line "{include file="$tpl_dir/modules/blocknewsletter/blocknewsletter.tpl"}" in the maintenance .tpl in my theme and the form appears fine but it does not register the adresses into the database like the one in the homepage does. I've searched and I've only found some ancient solutions from 2009 or so. Any ideas for Prestashop Help would be very much appreciated:)
  4. Well, it seems that IE8 is collapsing the li's containing the images and applying a fixed width to the li's fixes this, but this breaks the responsivness.
  5. Unfortunately not. I can however tell you I did not modify the module, only a bit of its CSS. And I increased its max size to 1170px. EDIT: Is really nobody else having problems with the default slider on IE8?
  6. Hey, I'm developing a custom Prestashop theme. My first time using Prestashop actually. I'm having a problem with BX slider (the homeslider module). It doesn't show up on IE8 unless you reisze the browser window. I tried applying a fixed height to the element with the class bx-wrapper, as someone suggested, but that didn't work either. I also found this fix: <div class="slide"><img src="images/your_image_name.jpg<?php if (strstr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], "MSIE 8") > ""){ echo "?v=" . time(); } ?>" ></div> But I don't know how to implement it into smarty code. I attached a screenshot of how this bug looks in IE8 So, does anybody know a fix for this problem? EDIT: I also attached a screenshot of how it's supposed to look.
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