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Master One

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  1. Ich stehe vor dem Problem der folgenden spezifischen Anwendung: Das Warenangebot soll aus einer Vielzahl an Einzelteilen zum Bau von diversen Anlagen bestehen und es soll eine Produktkategoriegruppe für Beispielkonfigurationen geben, in der verschiedene Zusammenstellungen an Einzelteilen als Produktpakte bzw. Bundles gezeigt werden, die aber nicht in dieser Form (also Produktpaket bzw. Bundle als bestellbarer Artikel) bestellt werden können, sondern eben nur deren Einzelteile. Ein Beispiel dazu: Eine Filtervorrichtung besteht aus 10 einzelnen Teilen. Die Beispielkonfiguration zeigt also, wie das fertige Produkt aussieht, und aus welchen Teilen in welchen Mengen diese besteht. Die Bespielkonfiguration soll aber nicht als Artikel bestellt werden können, sondern stattdessen die 10 Einzelteile in der jeweiligen Menge. In einer älteren Version von PrestaShop (v1.6.0.9) hatte ich das mit einem 3rd Party "Bundles" Modul gelöst, das die Limitierung des Produkttyps "Produktpakete" umgeht, was aber nur mehr schlecht als recht so funktioniert hat, wie ich mir das vorstelle. Ich nehme mal an, dass der "Produktpaket" Produkttype im aktuellen PrestaShop 1.7 noch immer nicht ordnungsgemäß funktioniert (so wie das bei Magento gelöst wurde), also die verfügbare Menge des Produktpakets nicht anhand der verfügbaren Mengen der einzelnen Paket-Produkte berechnet wird und damit auch die Lagerverwaltung nicht übereinstimmt. Wie könnte man dieses Vorhaben also umsetzen? P.S. Wie Magento schon vorgezeigt hat, sollte ein solcher Produkttyp nicht als Modul, sondern als Core-Funktionalität besteht, da sonst jede Menge Probleme (wie z.B. mit der Lagerverwaltung in der genannter PrestaShop-Konfiguration) unweigerlich sind. Auch wollte ich vor allem 3rd-Party-Module für wichtige Funktionalität wie diese vermeiden, da man sonst vor dem Problem mit Updates steht (weswegen die genannte ältere PrestaShop-Installation nicht weiter aktualisiert werden konnte).
  2. I am faced with the problem of the following specific application: The range of goods should consist of a large number of individual parts for the construction of various systems and there should be a product category group for example configurations in which various combinations of individual parts are shown as product packages or bundles, but which cannot be ordered in this form (i.e. product package or bundle as an orderable article), but only their individual parts. An example: A filter device consists of 10 individual parts. The sample configuration shows what the finished product looks like and what parts it consists of and in what quantities. However, it should not be possible to order the sample configuration as an article, but instead the 10 individual parts in the respective quantity. In an older version of PrestaShop (v1.6.0.9) I had solved this with a 3rd party "Bundles" module, which bypasses the limitation of the product type "product packages", but this only worked more badly than well as I imagine. I assume the pack of products core function in the latest PrestaShop 1.7 still does not work as supposed to (like it's solved in Magento), so how could this be implemented? P.S. As Magento has already demonstrated, such a product type should not exist as a module, but as core functionality, otherwise a lot of problems (such as with stock management in the PrestaShop configuration mentioned) are inevitable. I also wanted to avoid 3rd party modules for important functionality like this, because otherwise you would face the problem with updates (which is why the mentioned older PrestaShop installation could not be updated further).
  3. We are waiting for a solution for ages now, have a look at all the details in my issue report and the comments for it. Right now it's a real mess, Sacha Froment's patches should have solved the problem in v. but obviously it's not working as expected. The to-pay-for module from webincolor we are using right now is defunct and messes up the shop badly, but it's the only thing that keeps us at least have our packs available to customers. If I had known how this turns out, we'd gone for Magento instead, I'm really disappointed with PrestaShop only because of the not working pack of products functionality, which is essential for our operation.
  4. I have only taken a short look at that module, but it is completely out of question to pay 250 EUR for a functionality that has to be in the core instead of a module. The overall consensus is that that functionality is too important to be developed and maintained by a third party.
  5. @gnr, PM me your email address and I send it over to you. I have rewritten most of that module, the skype-uri.js script and the Skype button pic are now included in the ZIP as well as I had to patch skype-uri.js to make it work over SSL, and I use the chat button instead of the call button without the Skype.UI function but the resulting code in the template file directly.
  6. OK, got it working now. Had to modify it quite a bit to look as expected and to make it work with our HTTPS-only site. Thanks a lot, Paul, for pointing me in the right direction!
  7. Hi Paul, Thanks a lot for your interest and help in this matter. So how did you get it there? [spam-filter]? The module info says it puts it in the left column, but there is only one hook for the right column defined. I only made a short test because it was already evening, but activating the module did not make it show up anywhere and I could not find it in the hook live configurator as well. Your help is very much appreciated! Greetings, M.
  8. Thanks a lot, didn't see that one (in fact I have no idea how to search a certain sub-forum here, so I just looked it through but not far enough back in time). I have just installed that module, but it only hooks into displayRightColumn which is not in use in the default template. I'll have a look if I can tinker around in the module's code tomorrow, but I'm most likely not experienced enough to make it work as desired, we'll see. Any more help is highly appreciated.
  9. Due to the lack of a free Skype button module (or does anyone know about one?) and because I do not want to change anything in the default template, I thought it should be easy to put the Skype button code into the free contentBox module and put that hook on top to make it happen in the header nav row: The Skype button code shows up in the HTML at the right place, but the Skype button is nowhere to be seen. I have taken a look at the other elements in the header nav row with Firebug but I do not know what CSS magic is responsible to put it all in its place, and obviously the Skype button can not just be put there without some CSS magic. I'm pretty lost. Does anyone have a clue? It would be really nice to be able to put a Skype button either to the right of the telephone number or to the left of the "Contact us" button in the header nav row of the default template (I'm using v1.6.0.9 btw).
  10. Wir haben am 6. Februar folgende E-Mail erhalten: Wir verwenden das offizielle PayPal Modul v3.8.1 und alles ist korrekt laut Anleitung konfiguriert, die "App redirect URL" ist korrekt mit https://www.domain.tld/modules/paypal/paypal_login/paypal_login_token.php eingetragen (natürlich mit der korrekten Domain; HTTPS da unsere Website aussichließlich per HTTPS erreichbar ist). Ich habe schon eine Supportanfrage an PayPal übermittelt, aber noch keine Rückmeldung erhalten. Irgendeine Idee, was es damit auf sich hat?
  11. With the help of cmjnisse (developer of the PrestaShop Piwik Module) I was able to solve that problem by exchanging the content of the file /modules/bitpay/views/templates/hook/payment.tpl with the following code: <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-6"> <p class="payment_module bitpay"> <a href="{$this_path}payment.php" title="{l s='Pay with BitPay' mod='bitpay'}"> <img src="{$this_path}bitcoin.png" width="86" height="49" alt="{l s='Pay with BitPay' mod='bitpay'}" /> {l s='Pay with Bitcoin' mod='bitpay'} </a> </p> </div> </div> <style> p.payment_module.bitpay a {ldelim} padding-left:17px; {rdelim} </style> Another problem solved!
  12. Oh, and another uncertainty I forgot to mention, as it's phrased differently in the manual and module back-office page: versus What is meant exactly with "sponsor"? Is it the canvasser or the person canvassed? Is this about the number of orders the canvasser has to place before he can become a canvasser, or is it the number of orders the person canvassed has to place before the canvasser gets his voucher?
  13. Neither the module description in the back office, nor the page about the included modules in the manual make it clear, there are only some hints in the module translation texts which still could be wrong. Is this correct, that both the canvasser AND the person canvassed actually get the defined referral award voucher? Or does ONLY the canvasser get the referral award voucher? If they both get one, when does the person canvassed get his voucher? Automatically after he has placed the configured number of orders? To be honest the Customer Referral Program Module that comes with PS is not very good and even less clear, I think the most common case is that the referral award is not a voucher but a non-monetary bonus. My first understanding was, that only the canvasser gets a voucher after the person canvassed has placed the configured number of orders, but what I found in the module translations suggests otherwise: So this only reveals itself in the module's translation, nowhere else. So how does this really work?
  14. Looks like the brow.si project is dead? Their website is not accessible any more, and I could not find any info on what's going on.
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