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  1. Hi All, When my customer registers on my website they are just getting a white blank page and cant go any further unless they press the refresh button, now i am not very technical and will need help how to sort this. Can anybody help? Prestashop version 1.7.5 my domain name is amatory.co.uk Thanks,
  2. Hi all, I am trying to figure out how to send a custom email template when a certain product is sold. I have made the email template. What I'd ideally like to happen is when a customer orders a VIP package they get a custom email template with all the info I have put in it (without changing the order status) I am using Prestashop 1.7 Hope that makes sense, thanks in advance
  3. I have checked on my phone and PC seems to be working now. Strange. At least it is working. Thank you for confirming at your end too!
  4. Hi all, I have just noticed that the voucher code box is missing in Google Chrome on my website. Works with Firefox and Microsoft. www.gocaravan.co.uk is my website if you proceed to checkout it should appear but it does not. Does anyone know how to fix this? Thanks in advance.
  5. Hi, Thanks for the replies, neither of them worked. I have looked through all modules and nothing there. Are any of you good at looking at code and seeing where it is located? It's driving me insane. Thanks
  6. Hi, So one of the guys has tried to add google webmasters onto the website however they seemed to have put it somewhere where i can not find it to remove it. i have managed to sort the actual google webmasters / analytics. my website is www.gocaravan.co.uk if someone can take a look on the homepage you will see; google-site-verification: google65bcad1545c5a57f.html it is across the whole website. Thanks in advance.
  7. Solved. I broke the site and had to get my host to fix it but after a few hours finally got it working. Thank you for your help JeredBolton
  8. Thank you for getting back to me, I have done both the ways you said. I had to open the page from FTP however when edited and reuploaded it is not changing anything. Why could this happen? it's driving me insane I'm getting the same with the Social bit and with my contact page. Thanks
  9. Hi guys, I am trying to edit my contact us page and it seems not matter what I do they are not appearing on my website. I will add all my stuff here so if someone is kind enough to add it into the page that would be great. Thanks in advance. {** 2007-2015 PrestaShop** NOTICE OF LICENSE** This source file is subject to the Academic Free License (AFL 3.0)* that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.* It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:* http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php*'>http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php* If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to* obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email* to [email protected] so we can send you a copy immediately.** DISCLAIMER** Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer* versions in the future. If you wish to customize PrestaShop for your* needs please refer to http://www.prestashop.com for more information.** @author PrestaShop SA <[email protected]>* @copyright 2007-2015 PrestaShop SA* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php Academic Free License (AFL 3.0)* International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA*}{capture name=path}{l s='Contact'}{/capture}<h1 class="page-heading bottom-indent"> {l s='Customer service'} - {if isset($customerThread) && $customerThread}{l s='Your reply'}{else}{l s='Contact us'}{/if}</h1>{if isset($confirmation)} <p class="alert alert-success">{l s='Your message has been successfully sent to our team.'}</p> <ul class="footer_links clearfix"> <li> <a class="btn btn-default button button-small" href="{if isset($force_ssl) && $force_ssl}{$base_dir_ssl}{else}{$base_dir}{/if}"> <span> <i class="icon-chevron-left"></i>{l s='Home'} </span> </a> </li> </ul>{elseif isset($alreadySent)} <p class="alert alert-warning">{l s='Your message has already been sent.'}</p> <ul class="footer_links clearfix"> <li> <a class="btn btn-default button button-small" href="{if isset($force_ssl) && $force_ssl}{$base_dir_ssl}{else}{$base_dir}{/if}"> <span> <i class="icon-chevron-left"></i>{l s='Home'} </span> </a> </li> </ul>{else} {include file="$tpl_dir./errors.tpl"} <form action="{$request_uri}" method="post" class="contact-form-box" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <fieldset> <h3 class="page-subheading">{l s='send a message'}</h3> <div class="clearfix"> <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-5"> <div class="form-group selector1"> <label for="id_contact">{l s='Subject Heading'}</label> {if isset($customerThread.id_contact) && $customerThread.id_contact && $contacts|count} {assign var=flag value=true} {foreach from=$contacts item=contact} {if $contact.id_contact == $customerThread.id_contact} <input type="text" class="form-control" id="contact_name" name="contact_name" value="{$contact.name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" readonly="readonly" /> <input type="hidden" name="id_contact" value="{$contact.id_contact|intval}" /> {$flag=false} {/if} {/foreach} {if $flag && isset($contacts.0.id_contact)} <input type="text" class="form-control" id="contact_name" name="contact_name" value="{$contacts.0.name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" readonly="readonly" /> <input type="hidden" name="id_contact" value="{$contacts.0.id_contact|intval}" /> {/if} </div> {else} <select id="id_contact" class="form-control" name="id_contact"> <option value="0">{l s='-- Choose --'}</option> {foreach from=$contacts item=contact} <option value="{$contact.id_contact|intval}"{if isset($smarty.request.id_contact) && $smarty.request.id_contact == $contact.id_contact} selected="selected"{/if}>{$contact.name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}</option> {/foreach} </select> </div> <p id="desc_contact0" class="desc_contact{if isset($smarty.request.id_contact)} unvisible{/if}"> </p> {foreach from=$contacts item=contact} <p id="desc_contact{$contact.id_contact|intval}" class="desc_contact contact-title{if !isset($smarty.request.id_contact) || $smarty.request.id_contact|intval != $contact.id_contact|intval} unvisible{/if}"> <i class="icon-comment-alt"></i>{$contact.description|escape:'html':'UTF-8'} </p> {/foreach} {/if} <p class="form-group"> <label for="email">{l s='Email address'}</label> {if isset($customerThread.email)} <input class="form-control grey" type="text" id="email" name="from" value="{$customerThread.email|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" readonly="readonly" /> {else} <input class="form-control grey validate" type="text" id="email" name="from" data-validate="isEmail" value="{$email|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" /> {/if} </p> {if !$PS_CATALOG_MODE} {if (!isset($customerThread.id_order) || $customerThread.id_order > 0)} <div class="form-group selector1"> <label>{l s='Order reference'}</label> {if !isset($customerThread.id_order) && isset($is_logged) && $is_logged} <select name="id_order" class="form-control"> <option value="0">{l s='-- Choose --'}</option> {foreach from=$orderList item=order} <option value="{$order.value|intval}"{if $order.selected|intval} selected="selected"{/if}>{$order.label|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}</option> {/foreach} </select> {elseif !isset($customerThread.id_order) && empty($is_logged)} <input class="form-control grey" type="text" name="id_order" id="id_order" value="{if isset($customerThread.id_order) && $customerThread.id_order|intval > 0}{$customerThread.id_order|intval}{else}{if isset($smarty.post.id_order) && !empty($smarty.post.id_order)}{$smarty.post.id_order|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}{/if}{/if}" /> {elseif $customerThread.id_order|intval > 0} <input class="form-control grey" type="text" name="id_order" id="id_order" value="{if isset($customerThread.reference) && $customerThread.reference}{$customerThread.reference|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}{else}{$customerThread.id_order|intval}{/if}" readonly="readonly" /> {/if} </div> {/if} {if isset($is_logged) && $is_logged} <div class="form-group selector1"> <label class="unvisible">{l s='Product'}</label> {if !isset($customerThread.id_product)} {foreach from=$orderedProductList key=id_order item=products name=products} <select name="id_product" id="{$id_order}_order_products" class="unvisible product_select form-control"{if !$smarty.foreach.products.first} style="display:none;"{/if}{if !$smarty.foreach.products.first} disabled="disabled"{/if}> <option value="0">{l s='-- Choose --'}</option> {foreach from=$products item=product} <option value="{$product.value|intval}">{$product.label|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}</option> {/foreach} </select> {/foreach} {elseif $customerThread.id_product > 0} <input type="hidden" name="id_product" id="id_product" value="{$customerThread.id_product|intval}" readonly="readonly" /> {/if} </div> {/if} {/if} {if $fileupload == 1} <p class="form-group"> <label for="fileUpload">{l s='Attach File'}</label> <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="{if isset($max_upload_size) && $max_upload_size}{$max_upload_size|intval}{else}2000000{/if}" /> <input type="file" name="fileUpload" id="fileUpload" class="form-control" /> </p> {/if} </div> <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-7"> <div class="form-group"> <label for="message">{l s='Message'}</label> <textarea class="form-control" id="message" name="message">{if isset($message)}{$message|escape:'html':'UTF-8'|stripslashes}{/if}</textarea> </div> </div> </div> <div class="submit"> <button type="submit" name="submitMessage" id="submitMessage" class="button btn btn-default button-medium"><span>{l s='Send'}<i class="icon-chevron-right right"></i></span></button> </div> </fieldset> </form>{/if}{addJsDefL name='contact_fileDefaultHtml'}{l s='No file selected' js=1}{/addJsDefL}{addJsDefL name='contact_fileButtonHtml'}{l s='Choose File' js=1}{/addJsDefL} <table width="1064" border="0"> <tr> <td width="520"><p><span style="color: #FF4545; font-weight:bold; font-size: 24px; border-bottom:1px dashed grey;">Customer Service Opening Hours:</span><br /> <br /> <span style="color: #000;">Monday-Friday: 8am - 8pm</span><br /> <span style="color: #000;">Saturday: 8am - 8pm</span><br /> <span style="color: #000;">Sunday: 10am - 8pm</span><br /> <br /> </p> <p><br /> <br /> <br /> </p></td> <td width="534"><p><span style="color: #FF4545; font-weight:bold; font-size: 24px; border-bottom:1px dashed grey;">Telephone:</span><br /> <br /> <span style="color: #000; border-bottom:1px dashed grey;">Freephone: </span><br /> <span style="color: #FF4545;">0333 200 1591<br /> </span> <span style="color: #000; border-bottom:1px dashed grey;">International: </span><br /> +44 333 200 1591 <p><span style="color: #000;">Calls may be recorded for quality and training purposes. </span></p> <p><br /> <br /> </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td><table width="513" border="0"> <tr> <td width="236"><p><span style="color: #FF4545; font-weight:bold; font-size: 24px; border-bottom:1px dashed grey;">By Post to UK:</span><br /> </p> <p><span style="color: #000;"><br /> JustUs (UK) Limited<br /> 3 Schoolhill Road<br /> Aberdeen<br /> AB12 4RE </span></p> <p> </p></td> <td width="267"><p><span style="color: #FF4545; font-weight:bold; font-size: 24px; border-bottom:1px dashed grey;">Call Centre in Spain:</span><br /> </p> <p><span style="color: #000;"><br /> Our Spanish call centre is<br /> an inbound call centre only,<br /> we will only call you from<br /> our Spanish call centre if<br /> you request us to!<br /> </span></p></td> </tr> </table> <p> </p></td> <td><p><span style="color: #FF4545; font-weight:bold; font-size: 24px; border-bottom:1px dashed grey;">Live Chat Opening Hours:</span><br /> <br /> <span style="color: #000;">Monday-Friday: 8am - 8pm</span><br /> <span style="color: #000;">Saturday: 8am - 8pm</span><br /> <span style="color: #000;">Sunday: 10am - 8pm</span></p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p><br /> </p></td> </tr> </table> <p><br /> <br />
  10. Hi all, I have a few issues and for the life of me I can not get it sorted. How do I remove the text that says "Follow us" and "Join the conversation about modern design....." Also how do I edit the text that is under "Newsletter", I want to reword it. Any help would be great.
  11. As I have already posted that link and done what was told how is the same link going to help me? This software seems to be getting worse with these stupid bugs. Is there anyone else that has any insight in these issues and any fixes?
  12. Hi all, When I am adding products I am having many issues. I followed this: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/563518-solved-problem-saving-products/ However when I try and add products now I get the following issues within Prestashop; Can't set the price. (When I press save it doesn't add the price). Can't update current products categories. (When I press save it doesn't change the desired category). This is all I have found so far, but it wont let me add a product so I can't see if there is any more issues. I am running Prestashop Any help would be much appreciated Thank you
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