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Casper_O last won the day on March 30 2018

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  1. @ErJay could you maybe also share your PackagingListPrintController::listAction ? I can't get it to return a CSV file, i just get an ERROR 500 or alternative it redirect me to the order view list again. Belive it should work same way, as how you did your PDF return.
  2. Could you maybe share what you already have? I'm also trying to make a bulk action, that would download a CSV file of orders. Im coming so far to make the CSV but i can't get it to acually serve me a CSV file with a normal SubmitBulkAction feature. I am also tryint using the ButtonBulkAction, but got the same JS error as you, sadly this is the part for me that gives a "print_r" result of the orders and detail i need in my csv. $params['definition']->getBulkActions()->add( (new SubmitBulkAction('mymodule_export_csv')) ->setName($this->l('Export Order CSV')) ->setOptions([ // in most cases submit action should be implemented by module 'submit_route' => 'mymodule_export_csv', ]) ); this is the ButtonBulkAction version i tries to do same with but gives the JS error $params['definition']->getBulkActions()->add((new ButtonBulkAction('mymodule_export_csv')) ->setName($this->l('Export Order CSV')) ->setOptions([ 'class' => 'open_tabs', 'attributes' => [ 'data-route' => 'mymodule_export_csv', 'data-route-param-name' => 'orderId', 'data-tabs-blocked-message' => $this->l('It looks like you have exceeded the number of tabs allowed. Check your browser settings to open multiple tabs.') ], ]) );
  3. Client keep saying they did have PayPal+ - i asked them to "sign up" again and that fixed the issue. I wonder if its not possible to validate when you "Login" to the module if the account is really plus or not, that would really help many that face same issues.
  4. I am seeing similar issues on a clients site, but they keep telling me that they do have a Paypal Plus. How can i validate, that their account is acually a Paypal Plus account?
  5. If you would like to have longer titles, change the value on line 2294 in gshoppingflux.php $title_limit = 70;
  6. I think there is 2 places you need to change some code to have it work. I wrote the solution in this thread
  7. You could also attach the creditslip to the email, so all customers get it in the email. Makes more sense for me, i wrote the solution here but require that you know a little coding to do it.
  8. Okay good to hear you had it sorted out. Took me a few mins to figure out myself and it seems like a few people ask for the solution, so i thought i better post it here for other to find
  9. In AdminOrdersController.php look for OrderSlip::create I changed it to this around liine 990 to the following in the else function if (!OrderSlip::create($order, $product_list, $shipping, $voucher, $choosen)) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('A credit slip cannot be generated. '); } else { Hook::exec('actionOrderSlipAdd', array('order' => $order, 'productList' => $full_product_list, 'qtyList' => $full_quantity_list), null, false, true, false, $order->id_shop); // Get id_order_slip based on customer ID and Order ID $orderSlipTemp = OrderSlip::getOrdersSlip((int)($order->id_customer), (int)($order->id), true); // Create objects and PDF $orderSlip = new OrderSlip((int) ($orderSlipTemp[0]['id_order_slip'])); $orderNew = new Order((int)$orderSlip->id_order); if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($orderNew)) die(Tools::displayError('The order cannot be found within your database.')); $orderNew->products = OrderSlip::getOrdersSlipProducts($orderSlip->id, $orderNew); $pdf = new PDF($orderSlip, PDF::TEMPLATE_ORDER_SLIP, $this->context->smarty); $file_attachement['content'] = $pdf->render(false); $file_attachement['name'] = $pdf->filename; $file_attachement['mime'] = 'application/pdf'; @Mail::Send( (int)$order->id_lang, 'credit_slip', Mail::l('New credit slip regarding your order', (int)$order->id_lang), $params, $customer->email, $customer->firstname.' '.$customer->lastname, null, null, $file_attachement, null, _PS_MAIL_DIR_, true, (int)$order->id_shop ); } I also found around like 725 and changed it to the following if (!OrderSlip::create($order, $order_detail_list, $shipping_cost_amount, $voucher, $choosen, (Tools::getValue('TaxMethod') ? false : true))) { $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('You cannot generate a partial credit slip.'); } else { Hook::exec('actionOrderSlipAdd', array('order' => $order, 'productList' => $order_detail_list, 'qtyList' => $full_quantity_list), null, false, true, false, $order->id_shop); // Get id_order_slip based on customer ID and Order ID $orderSlipTemp = OrderSlip::getOrdersSlip((int)($order->id_customer), (int)($order->id), true); // Create objects and PDF $orderSlip = new OrderSlip((int) ($orderSlipTemp[0]['id_order_slip'])); $orderNew = new Order((int)$orderSlip->id_order); if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($orderNew)) die(Tools::displayError('The order cannot be found within your database.')); $orderNew->products = OrderSlip::getOrdersSlipProducts($orderSlip->id, $orderNew); $pdf = new PDF($orderSlip, PDF::TEMPLATE_ORDER_SLIP, $this->context->smarty); $file_attachement['content'] = $pdf->render(false); $file_attachement['name'] = $pdf->filename; $file_attachement['mime'] = 'application/pdf'; $customer = new Customer((int)($order->id_customer)); $params['{lastname}'] = $customer->lastname; $params['{firstname}'] = $customer->firstname; $params['{id_order}'] = $order->id; $params['{order_name}'] = $order->getUniqReference(); @Mail::Send( (int)$order->id_lang, 'credit_slip', Mail::l('New credit slip regarding your order', (int)$order->id_lang), $params, $customer->email, $customer->firstname.' '.$customer->lastname, null, null, $file_attachement, null, _PS_MAIL_DIR_, true, (int)$order->id_shop ); }
  10. Eine kleine Hilfe für Sie alle für Produkte mit Variantenpreis, dass Sie Produkte korrekt aktualisieren können, je nachdem, ob es 19 oder 7 MwSt. Ist UPDATE ps_product_attribute_shop LEFT JOIN ps_product ON ps_product.id_product = ps_product_attribute_shop.id_product SET ps_product_attribute_shop.price = ps_product_attribute_shop.price * 1.19 / 1.16, ps_product_attribute_shop.unit_price_impact = ps_product_attribute_shop.unit_price_impact * 1.19 / 1.16 WHERE ps_product.`id_tax_rules_group` = 1; 7% -> 5% UPDATE ps_product_attribute_shop LEFT JOIN ps_product ON ps_product.id_product = ps_product_attribute_shop.id_product SET ps_product_attribute_shop.price = ps_product_attribute_shop.price * 1.07 / 1.05, ps_product_attribute_shop.unit_price_impact = ps_product_attribute_shop.unit_price_impact * 1.07 / 1.05 WHERE ps_product.`id_tax_rules_group` = 2; SONDERPREISE (Grundpreis verändert) UPDATE `ps_specific_price` LEFT JOIN ps_product ON ps_product.id_product = ps_specific_price.id_product SET `ps_specific_price`.`price`=`ps_specific_price`.`price`*1.19/1.16 WHERE `ps_specific_price`.`price` != -1 AND ps_product.`id_tax_rules_group` = 1; UPDATE `ps_specific_price` LEFT JOIN ps_product ON ps_product.id_product = ps_specific_price.id_product SET `ps_specific_price`.`price`=`ps_specific_price`.`price`*1.07/1.0.5 WHERE `ps_specific_price`.`price` != -1 AND ps_product.`id_tax_rules_group` = 2; SONDERPREISE (Rabatt anwenden zzgl MwSt.) UPDATE ps_specific_price LEFT JOIN ps_product ON ps_product.id_product = ps_specific_price.id_product SET ps_specific_price.reduction = ps_specific_price.reduction*1.19 / 1.16 WHERE ps_specific_price.reduction_type = "amount" AND ps_specific_price.reduction_tax = 0 AND ps_product.id_tax_rules_group = 1 UPDATE ps_specific_price LEFT JOIN ps_product ON ps_product.id_product = ps_specific_price.id_product SET ps_specific_price.reduction = ps_specific_price.reduction*1.07 / 1.05 WHERE ps_specific_price.reduction_type = "amount" AND ps_specific_price.reduction_tax = 0 AND ps_product.id_tax_rules_group = 2
  11. Hi Its a long time since, but i just checked and the module is deactivated on that project. As far i remember we found an other solution. I can tell you it was a clean store with "Warehouse theme", but i sadly don't have time right now to do more in depth check with it. Best Regards Casper
  12. Except for discounts made with the "including taxes" as i write, and that is the issue. Yes you could make the discount excluding tax and it would also "work" around the problem, instead of fixing it @Martijn++ i'll post what i find on the forum, but most likely also to other branch of 1.6 that seems to pickup issue and fix them faster
  13. Recently I found out, that we lost money when we sold discounted products to customers outside EU. Searching for an solution, i found that an other person have experince the same issue and suggested a solution. Later his issue report where closed, but the bug is stil there in 1.7 also, as far i can tell. For example, with a 21% taxes when the product costs 100€ and it has an specific price of 10€ tax included total price should be 90€ tax included. Without taxes should be: original price: 82,64€ discount: 8,26 € total price: 74,34 € The problem is that the discount is always 10€. Fact is, that Prestashop told me, that this is not a critical bug. Loosing money is not a critical bug.... https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/pull/14023#event-2391714009
  14. I looked at this module, it do look promising, but seems not to work for me at 1.6 - sadly the author is not going to maintain it anymore. Any had their luck with this solution for Maybe it is a theme related issue, i am not sure?
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