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  1. Hi Prestashop community! I'm having an issue with my instant checkout. If you attempt to save your information as a guest, you will always get the "mobile phone is invalid" error. I've tried several valid phone numbers and none of them worked. Any idea what I can do to fix this? Ex. https://shop.4handsbrewery.com/quick-order I'm running Presta
  2. Managed to fix the issue, but it was not pleasant. In the event anyone runs into this, the problem was that I had installed a template that was compatible with PS 1.5.x, but then upgraded to 1.6.x. Long story short, those Javascript modules broke big time between the transition. Ended up having to roll back to 1.5 and redo a lot of the work. In the future, I guess it pays to be wary of updates. My question is, is there any way to prevent modules from forcing you to update when you're on an older build of Presta? There has to be some way to upgrade things without having to reinvent the wheel with new themes every single time you upgrade Presta?
  3. I'll attempt that next. I'm noticing the bigger problem here is that it seems like none of my javascript-based modules are working on this page.
  4. I think I spoke too soon. The popup appears now, but it still doesn't do anything. I can't submit the form. Does this module need to be hooked somewhere else before it will work?
  5. Thanks, vekia! The first snippet worked. For whatever reason, even though that code was already in the footer of the page, I guess it needed to be put higher? I don't know, but it works, so I'm not going to complain.
  6. Whenever a user attempts to click on the Send to a Friend link on our site it doesn't do anything. (for example: https://shop.4handsbrewery.com/barware/4-hands-pint-glass.html#send_friend_form) I don't get a popup window, menu, or anything. It just acts like a big dead button. I haven't seen any errors come over the console, either. I'm running Prestashop Any help would be very appreciated.
  7. I think I may have fixed it, but I'm not really sure how. I went into Preferences > SEO & URLs, and turned on "Disable apache multiviews" and "Disable apache mod security" then attempted to log out, and it worked just fine. I went back in and turned those options off and it still worked. So, I really have no clue what happened.
  8. Hi everyone. I recently updated my site shop.vangoghgallery.com using the 1-click upgrade module, and now whenever I try to log into the back office, I immediately get redirected to a 404 error. If I delete all the junk after the admin directory from my url and go back go the login page (ie https://shop.vangoghgallery.com/admin[number]/) I get redirected to the back office, but get the error message "Controller not found". If I attempt to log out of the back office, I get another 404 error, and can't log out. Any ideas what I need to do to fix this?
  9. Hi all, I was wondering if it would be possible to hide specific modules from some of my shop's employees. In some cases I want them to be able to modify things like custom HTML, but I don't necessarily want them to have access to payment methods, or other sensitive-information modules. Can I allow employees to see just those modules I want them to have access to?
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