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    Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
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  1. Hey Guys, Here is the blocktopmenu.tpl {if $MENU != ''} <div id="menu-wrap" class="clearfix desktop"> <div id="menu-trigger">{l s='Categories' mod='blocktopmenu'}<i class="menu-icon icon-plus-sign-alt"></i></div> <ul id="menu-custom"> {$MENU} {if $MENU_SEARCH} <li class="search"> <form id="searchbox" action="{$link->getPageLink('search')}" method="get"> <input type="hidden" name="controller" value="search" /> <input type="hidden" value="position" name="orderby"/> <input type="hidden" value="desc" name="orderway"/> <input type="text" name="search_query" value="{if isset($smarty.get.search_query)}{$smarty.get.search_query|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}{/if}" placeholder="Search..." /> </form> </li> {/if} </ul> </div> {/if} I did a test and changed "menu-wrap" to "menu-span" and it made all of the pages look the same as my product pages. The opposite as to what I wanted to do. Not sure if this help with the diagnosis....but thank you both for your advice.
  2. Hey, Any other ideas how I can fix this? I cleared the shop cache, and turned off the html purifier and it is still the same when I click on a product Any help is really appreciated.
  3. Yes, Is there a way that I can just add "span" to the menu element?
  4. I am going to look like an idiot now....where do I go to add "span"? and what is the html purifier, should it be on? I really appreciate this!!!! You're awesome
  5. Hey, Yes I did, I can turn it back on now so you can have a look, I turned it off because it looked really bad. Thank you for your quick reply !!
  6. I recently updated to 1.6 and I noticed that after I did my top horizontal menu block is not the same on my product page. It looks great on the main page and on the category page but when you click on a product for the any item I have the top horizontal menu is stretched out and wraps into two columns. The text in the menu is also on 2 lines where as on my main pages it is on one. If anyone has any ideas on how to fix this I would really appreciate it!! Thanks in advance! web site is: www.runamokamusements.com
  7. How about fixing the 1.0.0 so that it actually saves the changes? Mine does not save any changes....is there a link to an update or can you put one up for us to use? I need to make changes to my form but for some reason I can't....or maybe you could tell me where Form Pro saved my original and I will change it there...? Thanks
  8. To remove the sopping cart: Add in Line 549 "AND $ accessory.available_for_order" by {if $ PS_CATALOG_MODE!} - The cart disappears. Sorry, but where exactly in the code do I put this? I really appreciate your help!!
  9. I am having a hard time getting Form Pro to function properly. I can't save any forms, preview form is blank, send test email fails every time. And no instruction on how to use it makes it difficult to use, how do I place this anywhere?? Any help would be appreciated! Thanks
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