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  1. Last update: Problem is solved. I have changed the name of my store, and during that change I have not associated my subcategories to it. Now that I did this everything is back to normal. Prestashop is great ! Here are the steps that I did to manage this problem: BO -> Preferences -> Multistore -> On shop_id 1 click Edit -> Under associated categories click Expand all -> Check all -> Save
  2. Update: On the attached file you can see an example of my categories. The imported one dont have position, while the one that i make as test has position. I think this is part of the problem. The old categories dont have positions but have products assigned to them. Now if i click on Edit on category that dont have position I am being redirected to categories top... I am sure that after I updated prestashop I saw horizontal menus on index.php which means that the categories have been assigned one to another.. Please help me how to make my subcategories show up
  3. Hello, today I updated my Prestashop store to version with the 1-click-update module. Everything went smooth with the update and the store seemed to be working ok. I updated my modules and started configuring them. Now I notice that all my subcategories are not showing. Neither in front-office, nor in Back-office. I searched in google what the problem might be but nothing helped me. Display subcategories option in theme configuration is set to "Yes". I decided to import my ps_category table, but first I went to phpMyAdmin and checked it. What I notice there is that all categories are in the table. Can you please help me to figure it out what the problem is? I don't know if it is some bug with the update or some option that I need to configure.
  4. Hello, you can try putting category-(ID) class on each A element in the category box. For this to happen try with the following code: <li {if isset($last) && $last == 'true'}class="last"{/if}> <a href="{$node.link}" {if isset($currentCategoryId) && ($node.id == $currentCategoryId)}class="selected category-{$currentCategoryId}"{/if}{else}class="category-{$currentCategoryId}"{/else} title="{$node.desc|escape:html:'UTF-8'}">{$node.name|escape:html:'UTF-8'}</a> {if $node.children|@count > 0} <ul> {foreach from=$node.children item=child name=categoryTreeBranch} {if isset($smarty.foreach.categoryTreeBranch) && $smarty.foreach.categoryTreeBranch.last} {include file="$branche_tpl_path" node=$child last='true'} {else} {include file="$branche_tpl_path" node=$child last='false'} {/if} {/foreach} </ul> {/if} </li> Since I haven't tested please backup your files first, before making changes.
  5. Hello guys, I am new to PrestaShop. I just started my shop on PrestaShop recently and I am still adding products in it. I downloaded the latest version of PrestaShop and installed it in my hosting account. When I'm uploading products I sometimes add multiple images per product. And there is something strange I notice when I review my products with multiple images. When there are multiple images added, they are shown under the main image and when I hover an image it takes the place of the main image. But then if I hover the new image on the right where the zoom module is shown it is zooming the first image. Is this problem known by the PrestaShop developers and is there a fix for it ? Thanks, genata93
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