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  1. Turned out to be a faulty graphics driver installation on my end.... sorry for the noise
  2. Hi, I just noticed that I can't click on links inside the topmenu when using a chrome browser (Version 77.0.3865.120 (Official Build) (64-bit)). To reproduce just go to https://www.prestashop.com with a chrome browser and try to select something from the top menu. Middle-mouseclick aka open in new tab works... Any ideas?
  3. I figured it out: UPDATE ps_category SET active=0 WHERE id_category IN (SELECT * FROM (SELECT id_category FROM ps_category c WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM ps_category_product cp LEFT JOIN ps_product_shop ps ON cp.id_product=ps.id_product WHERE active=1 AND c.id_category=cp.id_category) AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM ps_category c2 WHERE c2.active=1 AND c2.id_parent=c.id_category)) AS x);
  4. Thanks! I saw that post and tried that line. But unless I am doing something wrong it doesn't help and the error stays the same. Other than that this seems to be a dirty workaround, and while I have to deal with sql I would like to learn the proper way.
  5. UPDATE ps_category SET active=0 WHERE id_category IN (SELECT id_category FROM ps_category c WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM ps_category_product cp LEFT JOIN ps_product_shop ps ON cp.id_product=ps.id_product WHERE active=1 AND c.id_category=cp.id_category) AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM ps_category c2 WHERE c2.active=1 AND c2.id_parent=c.id_category)); This was my latest try...
  6. Hi, I would like to run that query, but my sql skills are quite limited. I can run it successfully on a test Database that runs MariaDB, but on the production server I get an error: SQL Error [1093] [HY000]: You can't specify target table 'c' for update in FROM clause After some googling I get what the problem is, but unfortunately I am not able to modify the query to make it work :/
  7. Found it the same minute I posted this.... October 2018 sorry for the noise, feel free to delete this post
  8. Hi, we are planning to move and do some redesign. The big question in this context is: how long will the 1.6 branch receive security updates? Thanks for any insights, Thomas
  9. IMAP is the problem! On localhost the IMAP-url is invalid, so I that's why I don't get the error and the duplicate (resynced) messages. Is it a bug or is it me?
  10. PHP isn't the problem (I tried 5.6.x on the server as well now)... so what is then?
  11. It seems that problem doesn't happen on localhost, but only on the live shop. Also the module test has nothing to do with it. I backed up the database right after the update. I restored that database right now. The moment I click on "show all messages" I get the error. Coming back to BO I have 67 new messages (duplicates from existing ones), but I can't access the messagelist because of the error. No more duplicates get created after that though. On localhost I don't have that behaviour. PHP on the server is 5.4.41 on localhost it's 5.6.3 Is that the problem?
  12. Hi, I just updated to using the 1-click updater. Everything went fine. Then I tested a payment module (payson). After payment I got notifications for order, new customer, and a new message (that didn't happen before). Clicking at "Show all messages" results in an error now: [PrestaShopException] Property CustomerMessage->message is not valid at line 881 in file classes/ObjectModel.php 876. 877. $message = $this->validateField($field, $this->$field); 878. if ($message !== true) 879. { 880. if ($die) 881. throw new PrestaShopException($message); 882. return $error_return ? $message : false; 883. } 884. } 885. 886. return true; ObjectModelCore->validateFields - [line 245 - classes/ObjectModel.php] ObjectModelCore->getFields - [line 469 - classes/ObjectModel.php] ObjectModelCore->add - [line 1037 - controllers/admin/AdminCustomerThreadsController.php] AdminCustomerThreadsControllerCore->syncImap - [line 887 - controllers/admin/AdminCustomerThreadsController.php] AdminCustomerThreadsControllerCore->renderProcessSyncImap - [line 221 - controllers/admin/AdminCustomerThreadsController.php] AdminCustomerThreadsControllerCore->renderList - [line 2015 - classes/controller/AdminController.php] AdminControllerCore->initContent - [line 455 - controllers/admin/AdminCustomerThreadsController.php] AdminCustomerThreadsControllerCore->initContent - [line 180 - classes/controller/Controller.php] ControllerCore->run - [line 373 - classes/Dispatcher.php] DispatcherCore->dispatch - [line 54 - admin/index.php] Going back to the BO I get a notification that there's 67 new messages. Trying to look at theses I get the above error again. So I go to phpmyadmin and delete all that crap (duplicates of the original messages...how and why did that happen?). But still, having only the original messages from before the update I still get that error... Help please! Thanks
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