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About Runge1980

  • Birthday 04/13/1980

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Community Answers

  1. Hey Guys. I have a sudden problem with my LEO slider. I can edit and delete slides in the module, and there it seems to work just fine. But when i go to my webshop, nothing has changed. Even tried to delete one of the slides, and again it is deleted in BO but still showing in FO after refreshing. What could be wrong? Tried to go to http://www.leotheme.com/ as the are the devolper. but the site is not working. I also tried another browser, with no results. im on a version My shop is here Best regards Lasse
  2. No on??? Fund this by using RSI bug module: Undefined variable: targetpage in /var/www/techstore.dk/public_html/modules/GWO/GWO.php on line 118 Undefined variable: arrtags in /var/www/techstore.dk/public_html/modules/ptsblocksearch/ptsblocksearch.php on line 339 Undefined index: wacsid in /var/www/techstore.dk/public_html/modules/woomio/woomio.php on line 141 makes sense to anyone???
  3. Har fundet frem til flg fejl. Undefined variable: targetpage in /var/www/techstore.dk/public_html/modules/GWO/GWO.php on line 118 Undefined variable: arrtags in /var/www/techstore.dk/public_html/modules/ptsblocksearch/ptsblocksearch.php on line 339 ndefined index: wacsid in /var/www/techstore.dk/public_html/modules/woomio/woomio.php on line 141 Så det må være noget der er sket i forbindelse med unoeuro's opdatering til PHP 7 tænker jeg....but how to fix it !! ????
  4. I'm having a "small" problem. Running PS and since I update from 1.5 to 1.6 in the dawn of time, there haven't been any problems. But suddenly, there are several modules that do not work in BO. I Can access them, but some are missing all text concerning. settings, and "radio" buttons are still there. Live edit in my bought theme some functions don't work no more. I first discovered I had a problem when my host upgrade PHP 5.6 to version 7. Fixed it back to 5.6 So people could again pay via quickpay. But these other things have not changed radically .... I haven't updated my shop ... So why the problem has occurred out og the blue I don't know.. Any ideas. /Lasse
  5. Har også prøvet at tilgå BO fra explorer, firefox samt chrome... alt sammen med samme resultat
  6. Hej alle. Er stødt ind i et "lille" problem. Køre PS og siden jeg opdatere fra 1.5 til 1.6 i tidernes morgen, har der ikke været nogle problemer. Men med ét, er der flere moduler der ikke virker i BO. Kan godt tilgå dem, men så mangler alt text vedr. indstillinger, og "radio" buttons er der stadig. Live edit i mit tilkøbte tema virker heller ikke mere m.m. Opdagede først jeg havde et problem da min host opdatere PHP 5,6 til version 7. Rettet det tilbage til 5,6 Så kunne folk igen betale via quickpay. Men de her andre ting har så ikke ændret sig.... Har intet opdateret på min shop... Nogle ideer. MVH Lasse
  7. Ok Alternativ is there a module that supports this
  8. OK. Men igen undre det mig at så stort et firma ikke tænker gængse funktioner igennem. De laver det jo fint med farve attributterne. Og mon tro folk sælger ting det ikke kun er farve bestemte. Men du kan se mere på den tråd jeg har på det engelske forum: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/545506-show-another-attribute-type-in-shop-categories/?do=findComment&comment=2377118
  9. Ok.. where did you put the code? In bootstrap => produkt-list.tpl ? Should I get in touch with the ones that made the theme.
  10. Fik denne kodning, men den gør intet... {foreach from=Product::getAttributesParams($product.id_product, $product.id_product_attribute) item='attribute'} {if $attribute.id_attribute_group == 1} {l s='More lengths available'} {break} {elseif $attribute.id_attribute_group == 2} {l s='More models available'} {break} {/if} {/foreach}
  11. Hmmm strange... It does not do anything, and have tried it in every folder
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