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About manel10_12

  • Birthday 12/10/1981

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  1. Hi, a not clean solution is to replace it in smarty, for example what I did is: {if !isset($request)} <!-- Sort products --> {if isset($smarty.get.id_category) && $smarty.get.id_category} {assign var='request' value=$link->getPaginationLink('category', $category, false, true)|replace:"http:":"https:"} {elseif isset($smarty.get.id_manufacturer) && $smarty.get.id_manufacturer} {assign var='request' value=$link->getPaginationLink('manufacturer', $manufacturer, false, true)|replace:"http:":"https:"} {elseif isset($smarty.get.id_supplier) && $smarty.get.id_supplier} {assign var='request' value=$link->getPaginationLink('supplier', $supplier, false, true)|replace:"http:":"https:"} {else} {assign var='request' value=$link->getPaginationLink(false, false, false, true)|replace:"http:":"https:"} {/if} {else} {assign var='request' value=$request|replace:"http:":"https:"} {/if}
  2. a simple vista no vi ningún error que cante mucho excepto algo que no se si es un error de cuando has hecho copiar pegar. Si no es eso entonces lo probaré en local con una plantilla a ver qué. Lo que vi fue que en el xml que has pegado hay unos "-" delante de algunos tags del xml, por ejemplo este: -<theme directory="theme955" name="theme955" version="1.0"> el guincito que hay delante no debería estar
  3. hola buenas. Pues si descomprimes el zip, deberías ver un archivo config,xml ahí dentro que si abres te deberá salir alogo parecido a esto: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> - <!-- Copyright PrestaShop --> - <theme version="1.0" name="" directory=""> <author name="Demo Demo" email="[email protected]" url="http://localhost" /> - <descriptions> <description iso="en" /> <description iso="fr" /> <description iso="de" /> <description iso="br" /> <description iso="it" /> <description iso="es" /> <description iso="ru" /> <description iso="pl" /> <description iso="ar" /> </descriptions> - <variations> <variation name="" directory="" responsive="1" default_left_column="0" default_right_column="0" product_per_page="1" from="" to="" /> </variations> - <docs> <doc name="documentation" path="doc/" /> </docs> - <metas> si puedes encontrar y abrir ese archivo nos lo pegas aquí para ver qué error tiene.
  4. Eso suele pasar porque tienen alguna parte del xml de configuración que no coincide, podrías pegar el xml de configuración que viene en la carpeta del tema?
  5. I've just checked out the paypal module for 1.4 in 1 customer that I got, you'll need to change it throught code because replacing will not work, the code is different, better change it by code because I've tried to update it as Paypal recommends, uploading the new module, and in my case it did'nt work, instead it messed up all the paypal configuration page, so I had to upload back the old version.
  6. you need to change it through the code, inside the module of Paypal, you need to edit the file paypalconnect.php wixh is inside the folder api of paypal module, editing the file or changing the file for the new one.
  7. Hi Kharfud, try with that line of code before calling the productImport function and calling AdminImportController class: Context::getContext()->employee = new Employee(write here the id of the employee you are logged with); Manel www.Hostienda.com
  8. if you have a lot of discounts it can happen. There is a solution wich makes a change into the sql queries to dont make mysql work too much. The solution is to create a .php file in overrides/classes called CartRule.php, paste there that code: <?php class CartRule extends CartRuleCore { protected function getCartRuleCombinations() { $array = array(); $array['selected'] = Db::getInstance()->executeS(' SELECT cr.*, crl.*, 1 as selected FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'cart_rule cr LEFT JOIN '._DB_PREFIX_.'cart_rule_lang crl ON (cr.id_cart_rule = crl.id_cart_rule AND crl.id_lang = '.(int)Context::getContext()->language->id.') WHERE cr.id_cart_rule != '.(int)$this->id.' AND ( cr.cart_rule_restriction = 0 OR cr.id_cart_rule IN ( SELECT id_cart_rule_1 AS id_cart_rule FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'cart_rule_combination WHERE '.(int)$this->id.' = id_cart_rule_2 UNION SELECT id_cart_rule_2 AS id_cart_rule FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'cart_rule_combination WHERE '.(int)$this->id.' = id_cart_rule_1 ) )'); $array['unselected'] = Db::getInstance()->executeS(' SELECT cr.*, crl.*, 1 as selected FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'cart_rule cr LEFT JOIN '._DB_PREFIX_.'cart_rule_lang crl ON (cr.id_cart_rule = crl.id_cart_rule AND crl.id_lang = '.(int)Context::getContext()->language->id.') WHERE cr.cart_rule_restriction = 1 AND cr.id_cart_rule != '.(int)$this->id.' AND cr.id_cart_rule NOT IN ( SELECT id_cart_rule_1 AS id_cart_rule FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'cart_rule_combination WHERE '.(int)$this->id.' = id_cart_rule_2 UNION SELECT id_cart_rule_2 AS id_cart_rule FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'cart_rule_combination WHERE '.(int)$this->id.' = id_cart_rule_1 )'); return $array; } } after doing that, you need to delete the file /cache/class_index.php to refresh the list of overrides Manel www.Hostienda.com
  9. Hi guys, I had to fix right now this issue from a customer who upgraded his prestashop 1.4 to here is the (dirty) solution: go to overrides/classes/SpecificPriceRule.php you'll see this: <?php class SpecificPriceRule extends SpecificPriceRuleCore { } just modify it and make it looks like this: class SpecificPriceRule extends SpecificPriceRuleCore { public static function applyAllRules($products = false) { } } Hope it will help you guys. But anyways, that's just a dirty patch. But for now, if you want to add lots of attributes and other stuff, without having the duplicate key or waiting for long, do this. Manel Hostienda.com
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