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Community Answers

  1. Image of another Pack of products, not so messed up... Don't know why there is so much difference from a pack to an other... Thank you
  2. Hello All, I got a "little" problem, tried to figure it out by css and other methods but can't find a solution... The products are just not aligned as they must be ... :/ Well, here is an image explaining the problem better than words : URL of the shop : http://lessensdesaromes.com/ Thank you for your help !
  3. Hello Fastcomet and sorry the delay of my response. The button is linked to the bootstrap default theme Global.css file at line 5769 and named ".button.button-medium span {" Tell me if you want to know something else about this button. Best regards, Julien
  4. Hello FastComet, Thank you for your reply. I got the same line in Opera. In Firefox it's there but lighter and almost invisible. I'm using the default Boostrap theme, with orange colors, theme4. There was blue before in other places of the site, i changed all of them. This is last but not least. ^^
  5. Hello the community For hours now i'm searching for a blue line in my global.css file, that sticks around the Checkout button. If anyone know at which line of the global.css file i can find this line ? The line comes out when you click on the button, that's why it's hard to "Inspect" it with google tools... Here are two screenshots of that line. Thank you !
  6. Solved it ! Just added : background: #fbfbfb; to line 7612 in /themes/default-bootstrap/css/global.css 7612 p.payment_module a { 7613 display: block; 7614 background: #fbfbfb; Thanks you, Thanks me, thanks the world !
  7. Hello, Solved the Width problem following instructions in this post: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/324557-solved-paypal-block-layout-issue/ But still have that Hover problem... Only the Check payment box has a white background ...
  8. Ok, i got a Paypal.css file. Tried to replace that line : #paypal-wrapper .half{width:44%} To : #paypal-wrapper .half{width:100%} And to : #paypal-wrapper .full{width:100%} Nothing changed. Don't really know where else is a line related to the Width of the payment box... Here is the css file. #paypal-column-block p{text-align:center} .bold{font-weight:700} .clear{clear:both} #paypal-wrapper .half{width:44%} #paypal-wrapper{font-size:1.1em;position:relative} #paypal-wrapper ul li{text-align:left} #paypal-wrapper hr{border-top:1px solid #ccc!important;margin-bottom:0;margin-top:20px} #paypal-wrapper .toolbox{background:#fff2cf;border:1px solid #aaa;color:#000;display:none;font-size:10px;font-weight:400;left:730px;line-height:12px;padding:6px!important;position:absolute;text-transform:none;top:-10px!important;width:180px;z-index:100} .disabled,.disabled *,.disabled * *,.disabled * * *{color:#888!important} .disabled .paypal-button,.disabled input[type=submit]{background:#DDD!important;border:1px solid #999!important} #paypal-wrapper .inline{display:inline;margin-right:5px} #paypal-wrapper .box{margin:6px 1%;padding:12px;text-align:left} #paypal-wrapper .box ul{list-style:none;margin:0;padding:0} #paypal-wrapper .box ul.tick li{background:url(../img/blue_tick.png) no-repeat left 3px;padding:4px 26px} span.paypal-section{background:url(../img/sprites.png) no-repeat 0 0;color:#FFF!important;float:left;height:24px;line-height:24px;margin-right:8px;text-align:center;width:24px} .disabled span.paypal-section{background:url(../img/sprites.png) 0 24px} #paypal-slogan{font-size:1.8em;margin:0 0 5px;text-transform:uppercase} #paypal-slogan .light{color:#369} #paypal-slogan .dark{color:#036} #paypal-call-button{margin:-6px 0 0;padding:0} #paypal-call,#paypal-call-foonote{background:#e1e1e1 url(../img/bg-call-button.png) repeat-x;border:1px solid #d2d2d2;border-left-color:#ddd;border-radius:5px;border-right-color:#ddd;border-top-color:#e9e9e9;color:#369;display:block;margin:0;padding:10px 20px;width:auto} #paypal-call-foonote{background:none;border:none;font-size:.8em;max-width:320px;padding:2px 10px;text-align:justify} #paypal-get-identification{display:block;min-width:378px;text-align:center} #paypal-wrapper a,#fancybox-wrap a,.fancybox-wrap a{color:#036;text-decoration:underline} #paypal-wrapper h1,#paypal-wrapper h2,#paypal-wrapper h3,#paypal-wrapper h4,#paypal-wrapper h5,#paypal-wrapper h6,#fancybox-wrap h1,#fancybox-wrap h2,#fancybox-wrap h3,#fancybox-wrap h4,#fancybox-wrap h5,#fancybox-wrap h6,.fancybox-wrap h1,.fancybox-wrap h2,.fancybox-wrap h3,.fancybox-wrap h4,.fancybox-wrap h5,.fancybox-wrap h6{color:#036;font-family:Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-weight:400;text-transform:uppercase} #fancybox-wrap h3,.fancybox-wrap h3,#paypal-wrapper h3{font-size:1.4em;line-height:24px} #fancybox-wrap h4,.fancybox-wrap h4,#paypal-wrapper h4{font-size:1.2em;margin-bottom:5px;text-transform:none} #paypal-wrapper h1.inline + img,#paypal-wrapper h2.inline + img,#paypal-wrapper h3.inline + img,#paypal-wrapper h4.inline + img,#paypal-wrapper h5.inline + img,#paypal-wrapper h6.inline + img{vertical-align:-6px} #paypal-wrapper p{margin-top:10px;padding-bottom:0} #paypal-wrapper .form-block{margin-top:5px} #paypal-wrapper .form-block input{vertical-align:top} #paypal-wrapper dl dt{clear:both;line-height:20px;margin-bottom:2px;text-align:right;width:220px} #paypal-wrapper dl dd{margin:0 0 16px 10px} #paypal-wrapper label{display:inline-block;float:none;font-size:.9em;font-weight:400;margin-bottom:5px;padding-left:6px;padding-top:0;position:relative;text-align:left;width:auto} #paypal-wrapper dl dt label{margin:0;padding:0} #paypal-wrapper .description,#paypal-wrapper .paypal-signup-content{color:#666;font-size:.9em;font-weight:400;margin:2px 0;font-size:11px; font-style:italic;} label span.description{display:block;padding-left:16px} #paypal-wrapper input[type=submit],.fancybox-wrap button,#fancybox-wrap button,#paypal-wrapper .paypal-button{background:url(../img/bg-button.png) repeat-x;border:1px solid #f29116;border-radius:4px;color:#292929;cursor:pointer;display:inline-block;font-weight:700;height:25px;line-height:26px;padding:0 10px;text-decoration:none;text-shadow:0 1px 1px #DDD;text-transform:uppercase} #fancybox-wrap ul,.fancybox-wrap ul{font-size:1.1em;padding-left:10px} #fancybox-wrap button,.fancybox-wrap button{line-height:20px} #paypal-test-mode-confirmation{margin:30px;text-align:left;width:500px} #fancybox-wrap #buttons,.fancybox-wrap #buttons{margin-top:20px;text-align:right} #paypal-test-mode-confirmation button + button{margin-left:20px;margin-right:20px} #paypal-save-success,#paypal-save-failure{width:450px} #container_express_checkout{margin:auto;text-align:left} #payment_paypal_express_checkout{cursor:pointer} .paypal_error span{color:red;font-weight:bolder} .paypal_payment_acccepted span{color:green;font-weight:bolder} #paypal_configuration > .box{margin-left:0;margin-right:0;padding-left:0;padding-right:0} #paypal-wrapper .left,#paypal-wrapper dl > *{float:left} #paypal-wrapper .right,.box ul.tick{float:right} .paypal-hide{display:none} Thank you
  9. Hello Cotoko, I could try that. What file must i edit ? And what must i edit inside it ? Thank you
  10. Hello, This is my first help request. Searched for a solution since a month now, and can't find the answer... Well, on my payment page, only the Check box have a white background, the others (Paypal and Credit card) are transparent, and the paypal one is half the width of the others... It happened after i installed the Paypal module. Here is a screenshot of the problem. Here is a screenshot of the problem with Paypal module deactivated. Thank you for your help !
  11. Bonjour à tous, Je rencontre le même problème. Je souhaite ajouter le "Genre" dans l'email de confirmation de commande mais la variable {gender} ne fonctionne pas et je ne saisi pas bien la solution proposée plus haut. Une bonne âme pour trouver la patience de me donner un début de solution pratique ? ^^ Merci !
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