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About Scartman

  • Birthday 04/19/1972

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    Newcastle NSW Australia
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  1. I have been banging my head for quite a while, trying to figure this one out... In my research of this issue, someone mentioned that their database had an invalid field? The only application I have used that utilises the database in such a way was RockPOS. So, I un-installed it and - bingo! Website back to working again. Obviously the RockPOS module is the issue, so I will be contacting the developer and asking for my money back.
  2. Having an identical issue on my PS installation. New installation, handful of products, no code mods or odd modules installed. Everything else is working seamlessly, except - once a Specific Price is added, it works on the front office but is nowhere to be seen in the back office.
  3. Appreciate that you posted that link. However, that module does not do what I need. It simply restricts maximum quantities depending on shopper group. I'm still searching for an answer to this question!
  4. Greetings, I hope someone can help with this topic. My store is PS and I'm using the Default-Bootstrap theme. www.coolmeatdirect.com.au I would like to remove the "quantity" selector from the products detail page for only some products in my store. I sell packaged meat, for which I have created combinations and don't want the "quantity" selector, and I also sell individual items like milk and cheese, for which there are no combinations and I need the "quantity" field. I have read topic /332520 however it completely removes the "quantity" selector. How can this be done?
  5. I would like to do this for only some products in my store. I sell packaged meat, for which I have created combinations and don't want the "quantity" selector, and I also sell individual items like milk and cheese, for which there are no combinations and I need the "quantity" field. How can this be done?
  6. After spending many hours scouring the forums and Mr Google, and trying everything that was suggested, I discovered what was causing my "No payment modules have been installed" error... After some development work, I had disabled non-Prestashop modules. Gahh! Easy fix though - go to Advanced Parameters / Performance / Debug mode section Turn off "Disable non PrestaShop modules" and "Disable all overrides".
  7. After spending many hours scouring the forums and Mr Google, and trying everything that was suggested, I discovered what was causing my "No payment modules have been installed" error... After some development work, I had disabled non-Prestashop modules. Gahh! Easy fix though - go to Advanced Parameters / Performance / Debug mode section Turn off "Disable non PrestaShop modules" and "Disable all overrides".
  8. After spending many hours scouring the forums and Mr Google, and trying everything that was suggested, I discovered what was causing my "No payment modules have been installed" error... After some development work, I had disabled non-Prestashop modules. Gahh! Easy fix though - go to Advanced Parameters / Performance / Debug mode section Turn off "Disable non PrestaShop modules" and "Disable all overrides".
  9. After spending many hours scouring the forums and Mr Google, and trying everything that was suggested, I discovered what was causing my "No payment modules have been installed" error... After some development work, I had disabled non-Prestashop modules. Gahh! Easy fix though - go to Advanced Parameters / Performance / Debug mode section Turn off "Disable non PrestaShop modules" and "Disable all overrides".
  10. I also am having exactly the same issue. @Simonas, your advice to go hire a developer is unhelpful. You were given the full page source code already - and you can see that the page seems to load, but without the <header> and <body> tags and content. We're here on the forums because we need help; people here on the forum are developers and Prestahsop gurus, right? This error happens on the Modules BO page, and also on the Theme Configurator page. All was working perfectly before upgrade. No alterations to code has been made. Anybody?
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