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About jobybär

  • Birthday 09/08/1965

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  1. Hallo eleazar, Habe den Patch bei Presta mit Smarty 3.1.19 eingegeben. Bekomme jetzt den Hinweiß Ist da der Unterstrich am Variablennamen zu viel? Oder fehlt da ein teil des Variablen namens? Gruß Joby
  2. (Nebenanmerkungen bringen keinem was der nach einer Problemlösung sucht. Bringt nur Unübersichtlichkeit. Für solche Anmerkungen hätte ich etwas in Shop Vorstellung geschrieben.) Am Template kann es nicht liegen. Das ist das Standard. Nur per CSS geändert. Dein erster Vorschlag macht keinen Sinn. Einen Artikel i bis zu 4-5 Kategorien zu verknüpfen. (Führt nur zu Problemen mit ebay und Google Merchant Modulen ect.)
  3. Hallo Rictoools, Deine Antwort in allen Ehren. Aber es wäre sinnig sich auf im Forum auf angesprochene Probleme zu beschränken. Mich interessiert nicht im geringsten, ob dir die Farben gefallen. Auch habe ich nicht um eine Rechtschreibprüfung oder dergleichen gebeten.
  4. Hallo Prestashop Block Facettennavigation v2.2.1 Cache und class_index.php mehrfach gelöscht. Im Module/blocklayered ist „Artikel aus Unterkategorien zeigen“ auf ja eingestellt. Es werden aber keine Artikel mehr aus den Unterkategorien angezeigt. In meinem alten Shop wurden noch Artikel aus der Unterkategorie angezeigt wenn in der aktuellen keine Artikel eingehängt waren. War ein Shop von einer 1.5er Version Upgedatet. Nach neu aufsetzen des Shops werden keine Artikel mehr angezeigt.
  5. Sorry das ich so lange nicht reagiert habe. 1.7.x war schon klar das man die nicht verwenden sollte. wo findet sich da noch ein Download? Bei Prestashop findet sich keiner mehr. Bei ist advancedeucompliance verwendbar oder muß noch eu Legal verwendet werden?
  6. Hallo Leute, welches ist derzeit eigentlich die aktuelle verwendbare Version von Prestashop? Bei der es auch ein passendes Modul für die Deutsche Rechtssicherheit gibt! (Habe aktuell das Problem das es mir meinen zerschossen hat. Bei meinem Hoster hatte Imunify360 die /classes/Tools.php als infiziert mit Webshell´s in die Karantäne gesteckt. Die Datei ist aber original einer Erstinstallation. Als ich das korrigieren Wolle ging gar nichts mehr. Eine neue Installation aber doch. Jetzt überlege ich ob ich gleich eine neue Version aufsetze.)
  7. Hallo ich habe in einem Prestashop das Standard Paypal Modul v3.11.6 installiert. Nun sollte ich die Rückleitungs-URL in der PayPal-Api eintragen. Kann mir wer sagen wie die lauten muß?
  8. Hallo ich habe seit 2 Tagen in der Statistik Herkunft der Besucher seltsame Herkunft Links aus Buchstabensalat. Kennt die schon wer? Sind die bedenklich? Eventuell Hacker?
  9. Hallo Leute, habe seit heute das Problem, das mein schop nicht mehr aufrufbar ist. Angefangen hat alles damit das beim Aufruf einer Kategorie plötzlich Umleitungsfehler auftraten. Jetzt geht der ganze Frontshop nicht mehr. Der Backend geht aber noch. Dabei habe ich nichts geändert. Ich verwender PS. mit PHP 7.1.15 Kann mir jemand weiterhelfen? bin gerade total polanlos. https://landmuecke.eu
  10. Sorry for my english to understand. I'm german. The code is only a part of the complete SQL query I need. My information IF(fl.id_future=9, fvl.value) As 'Farbe' should only show the scheme which I need. I have written that some tables are needed for the feature query line. I do not get the necessary connection of the tables to each other. Needed are certainly the tables ps_feature_lang ps_feature_product ps_feature_value ps_feature_value_lang I do not get the link of each table to represent the following. I need two columns in my CSV file. 1.) Colum AS COLOR (Farbe) The id_feature of the feature.name (color) = 9 2.) Colum AS Material (Material) The id_feature of the feature.name (color) = 10 The result of the CSV file should look like this. id_prodact | Farbe | Material 1001 |yelow |Wood 1002 |gold |Resin 1003 |red |Glas 1004 |silver |Resin As I said, that's just part of the required SQL query. Here's the whole scope if it matters. All lines commented out with (#) are still missing in the implementation. Select p.reference As 'Artikelnummer_SKU', p.ean13 As 'EAN', pl.name As 'Produktname', p.ladenzeile_kat As 'Hauptkategorie', -- No Prestashop standard fields - only in my database p.ladenzeile_ukat1 As 'Unterkategorie', -- No Prestashop standard fields - only in my database p.ladenzeile_ukat2 As 'Unterkategorie2', -- No Prestashop standard fields - only in my database # Feature Color id_feature =9 ps_feture_value_lang As 'Farbe', # Feature Material id_feature =10 ps_feture_value_lang As 'Material', # Hersteller ps_manufacturer.name As 'Marke', # Product URL like https://landmuecke.eu/tiere/storch-sitzend-mit-baby-10-cm-hoch-4058766200147-3646.html AS 'Deeplink URL', # pl.description_shor und pl.description summed up in a column without any HTML tags As 'Produktbeschreibung', pl.description_short As 'Kurz_Beschreibung', pl.description As 'Produktbeschreibung', Round((p.price *1.19),2) AS 'Preis', # optional Old price if the price lnk. Tax is available with discount (Preis_ink._tax / Ps_specific_price.reduktion) As 'Alter Preis', cu.iso_code As 'Währung', pq.quantity As 'Menge', pl.available_now As 'Verfügbarkeit', col.value AS 'Lieferzeit', # Shipping costs id_carrier = 2 ; id_range_price = 2 ; id_zone = 9 AS 'Versandkosten', p.condition As 'Zustand', CONCAT('https://', -- get the shop domain IFNULL(conf.value, 'undefined_domain'), -- the path to the pictures folder '/img/p/', -- now take all the digits separetly as MySQL doesn't support loops in SELECT statements -- assuming we have smaller image id than 100'000 ;) IF(CHAR_LENGTH(pi.id_image) >= 5, -- if we have 5 digits for the image id CONCAT( -- take the first digit SUBSTRING(pi.id_image, -5, 1), -- add a slash '/'), ''), -- repeat for the next digits IF(CHAR_LENGTH(pi.id_image) >= 4, CONCAT(SUBSTRING(pi.id_image, -4, 1), '/'), ''), IF(CHAR_LENGTH(pi.id_image) >= 3, CONCAT(SUBSTRING(pi.id_image, -3, 1), '/'), ''), if(CHAR_LENGTH(pi.id_image) >= 2, CONCAT(SUBSTRING(pi.id_image, -2, 1), '/'), ''), IF(CHAR_LENGTH(pi.id_image) >= 1, CONCAT(SUBSTRING(pi.id_image, -1, 1), '/'), ''), -- add the image id pi.id_image, -- put the image extension '.jpg') as "Bild URL", CONCAT('https://', -- get the shop domain IFNULL(conf.value, 'undefined_domain'), -- the path to the pictures folder '/img/p/', -- now take all the digits separetly as MySQL doesn't support loops in SELECT statements -- assuming we have smaller image id than 100'000 ;) IF(CHAR_LENGTH(pi2.id_image) >= 5, -- if we have 5 digits for the image id CONCAT( -- take the first digit SUBSTRING(pi2.id_image, -5, 1), -- add a slash '/'), ''), -- repeat for the next digits IF(CHAR_LENGTH(pi2.id_image) >= 4, CONCAT(SUBSTRING(pi2.id_image, -4, 1), '/'), ''), IF(CHAR_LENGTH(pi2.id_image) >= 3, CONCAT(SUBSTRING(pi2.id_image, -3, 1), '/'), ''), if(CHAR_LENGTH(pi2.id_image) >= 2, CONCAT(SUBSTRING(pi2.id_image, -2, 1), '/'), ''), IF(CHAR_LENGTH(pi2.id_image) >= 1, CONCAT(SUBSTRING(pi2.id_image, -1, 1), '/'), ''), -- add the image id pi2.id_image, -- put the image extension '.jpg') as "AUX Bild URL 1", CONCAT('https://', -- get the shop domain IFNULL(conf.value, 'undefined_domain'), -- the path to the pictures folder '/img/p/', -- now take all the digits separetly as MySQL doesn't support loops in SELECT statements -- assuming we have smaller image id than 100'000 ;) IF(CHAR_LENGTH(pi3.id_image) >= 5, -- if we have 5 digits for the image id CONCAT( -- take the first digit SUBSTRING(pi3.id_image, -5, 1), -- add a slash '/'), ''), -- repeat for the next digits IF(CHAR_LENGTH(pi3.id_image) >= 4, CONCAT(SUBSTRING(pi3.id_image, -4, 1), '/'), ''), IF(CHAR_LENGTH(pi3.id_image) >= 3, CONCAT(SUBSTRING(pi3.id_image, -3, 1), '/'), ''), if(CHAR_LENGTH(pi3.id_image) >= 2, CONCAT(SUBSTRING(pi3.id_image, -2, 1), '/'), ''), IF(CHAR_LENGTH(pi3.id_image) >= 1, CONCAT(SUBSTRING(pi3.id_image, -1, 1), '/'), ''), -- add the image id pi3.id_image, -- put the image extension '.jpg') "AUX Bild URL 2", CONCAT('https://', -- get the shop domain IFNULL(conf.value, 'undefined_domain'), -- the path to the pictures folder '/img/p/', -- now take all the digits separetly as MySQL doesn't support loops in SELECT statements -- assuming we have smaller image id than 100'000 ;) IF(CHAR_LENGTH(pi4.id_image) >= 5, -- if we have 5 digits for the image id CONCAT( -- take the first digit SUBSTRING(pi4.id_image, -5, 1), -- add a slash '/'), ''), -- repeat for the next digits IF(CHAR_LENGTH(pi4.id_image) >= 4, CONCAT(SUBSTRING(pi4.id_image, -4, 1), '/'), ''), IF(CHAR_LENGTH(pi4.id_image) >= 3, CONCAT(SUBSTRING(pi4.id_image, -3, 1), '/'), ''), if(CHAR_LENGTH(pi4.id_image) >= 2, CONCAT(SUBSTRING(pi4.id_image, -2, 1), '/'), ''), IF(CHAR_LENGTH(pi4.id_image) >= 1, CONCAT(SUBSTRING(pi4.id_image, -1, 1), '/'), ''), -- add the image id pi4.id_image, -- put the image extension '.jpg') as "AUX Bild URL 3", CONCAT('https://', -- get the shop domain IFNULL(conf.value, 'undefined_domain'), -- the path to the pictures folder '/img/p/', -- now take all the digits separetly as MySQL doesn't support loops in SELECT statements -- assuming we have smaller image id than 100'000 ;) IF(CHAR_LENGTH(pi5.id_image) >= 5, -- if we have 5 digits for the image id CONCAT( -- take the first digit SUBSTRING(pi5.id_image, -5, 1), -- add a slash '/'), ''), -- repeat for the next digits IF(CHAR_LENGTH(pi5.id_image) >= 4, CONCAT(SUBSTRING(pi5.id_image, -4, 1), '/'), ''), IF(CHAR_LENGTH(pi5.id_image) >= 3, CONCAT(SUBSTRING(pi5.id_image, -3, 1), '/'), ''), if(CHAR_LENGTH(pi5.id_image) >= 2, CONCAT(SUBSTRING(pi5.id_image, -2, 1), '/'), ''), IF(CHAR_LENGTH(pi5.id_image) >= 1, CONCAT(SUBSTRING(pi5.id_image, -1, 1), '/'), ''), -- add the image id pi5.id_image, -- put the image extension '.jpg') as "AUX Bild URL 4" FROM ps_product p LEFT JOIN ps_product_lang pl ON(p.id_product = pl.id_product) LEFT JOIN ps_image pi ON(p.id_product = pi.id_product and pi.cover = 1) LEFT JOIN ps_image pi2 ON(p.id_product = pi2.id_product and pi2.position = 2) LEFT JOIN ps_image pi3 ON(p.id_product = pi3.id_product and pi3.position = 3) LEFT JOIN ps_image pi4 ON(p.id_product = pi4.id_product and pi4.position = 4) LEFT JOIN ps_image pi5 ON(p.id_product = pi5.id_product and pi5.position = 5) LEFT JOIN ps_configuration conf ON conf.name = 'PS_SHOP_DOMAIN' LEFT JOIN ps_category_product cp ON(p.id_product = cp.id_product) LEFT JOIN ps_category_lang cl ON(cp.id_category = cl.id_category) LEFT JOIN ps_specific_price sp ON(p.id_product = pl.id_product) INNER JOIN ps_currency cu INNER JOIN ps_configuration_lang col ON (col.id_configuration = 511) WHERE p.active=1 AND pl.id_lang = 1 AND pl.id_shop = 1 GROUP BY p.id_product;
  11. Hello everyone, I have long been searching in google and the Presta forum for a SQL query of the Product URL for a CSV export. I'm not fit in SQL queries and spellings. Maybe someone can help me. In the back office the product URL is deffiniert from me. {category:/}{rewrite}{-:ean13}-{id}.html https://landmuecke.eu/mystery-magic/elfe-mit-drachen-und-stock-mit-glaskugel-4052286741104-10.html So I just need a concatenation like in code. But do not get it going. Also with other spelling clinch or for example (pl.'id_product') Even the features assigned to the product I do not get read. There are too many links of tables necessary. I just want to read out the feature value only of the id_feature = 9 Select GROUP_CONCAT((conf.name),'-',(cl.link_rewrite),'-',(p.ean13),'-',(p.id_product),'.html',) AS `Product_URL`, IF(fl.id_future=9, fvl.value) As 'Farbe' FROM ps_product p LEFT JOIN ps_product_lang pl ON(p.id_product = pl.id_product) LEFT JOIN ps_configuration conf ON conf.name = 'PS_SHOP_DOMAIN' LEFT JOIN ps_category_product cp ON(p.id_product = cp.id_product) LEFT JOIN ps_category_lang cl ON(cp.id_category = cl.id_category) LEFT JOIN ps_future f ON ............... LEFT JOIN ps_future_value_lang fvl ON ........ WHERE p.active=1 AND pl.id_lang = 1 AND pl.id_shop = 1 GROUP BY p.id_product
  12. Hallo Leute, versuche seit geraumer Zeit mit SQL einen CSV Export zu erstellen. Kenne mich mit SQL leider nur oberflächlich aus. Durch probieren und Google habe ich einen gewissen Umfang geschaft. Bei den Zeilen mit # Kommentaren würde ich Hilfe gebrauchen. Ach ja id_language =1 und id_shop =1 Select p.reference As 'Artikelnummer_SKU', p.ean13 As 'EAN', pl.name As 'Produktname', # Eigenschaft Farbe id_feature =9 ps_feture_value_lang As 'Farbe', # Hersteller ps_manufacturer.name As 'Marke', # Eigenschaft Material id_feature =10 ps_feture_value_lang As 'Material', # URL des Produkts z. Bsp. https://landmuecke.eu/tiere/storch-sitzend-mit-baby-10-cm-hoch-4058766200147-3646.html AS 'Deeplink URL', # pl.description_shor und pl.description in eine Spalte zusammenfassen ohne HTML Formatierung As 'Produktbeschreibung', pl.description_short As 'Kurz_Beschreibung', pl.description As 'Produktbeschreibung', Round((p.price *1.19),2) AS 'Preis', # Alter Preis wenn der Preis lnk. Tax mit Rabatt ist (Preis_ink._tax * Ps_specific_price.reduktion) As 'Alter Preis', cu.iso_code As 'Währung', pl.available_now As 'Verfügbarkeit', col.value AS 'Lieferzeit', # Versandkosten id_carrier = 2 ; id_range_price = 2 ; id_zone = 9 AS 'Versandkosten', p.condition As 'Zustand', CONCAT('https://', -- get the shop domain IFNULL(conf.value, 'undefined_domain'), -- the path to the pictures folder '/img/p/', -- now take all the digits separetly as MySQL doesn't support loops in SELECT statements -- assuming we have smaller image id than 100'000 ;) IF(CHAR_LENGTH(pi.id_image) >= 5, -- if we have 5 digits for the image id CONCAT( -- take the first digit SUBSTRING(pi.id_image, -5, 1), -- add a slash '/'), ''), -- repeat for the next digits IF(CHAR_LENGTH(pi.id_image) >= 4, CONCAT(SUBSTRING(pi.id_image, -4, 1), '/'), ''), IF(CHAR_LENGTH(pi.id_image) >= 3, CONCAT(SUBSTRING(pi.id_image, -3, 1), '/'), ''), if(CHAR_LENGTH(pi.id_image) >= 2, CONCAT(SUBSTRING(pi.id_image, -2, 1), '/'), ''), IF(CHAR_LENGTH(pi.id_image) >= 1, CONCAT(SUBSTRING(pi.id_image, -1, 1), '/'), ''), -- add the image id pi.id_image, -- put the image extension '.jpg') as "Bild URL", CONCAT('https://', -- get the shop domain IFNULL(conf.value, 'undefined_domain'), -- the path to the pictures folder '/img/p/', -- now take all the digits separetly as MySQL doesn't support loops in SELECT statements -- assuming we have smaller image id than 100'000 ;) IF(CHAR_LENGTH(pi2.id_image) >= 5, -- if we have 5 digits for the image id CONCAT( -- take the first digit SUBSTRING(pi2.id_image, -5, 1), -- add a slash '/'), ''), -- repeat for the next digits IF(CHAR_LENGTH(pi2.id_image) >= 4, CONCAT(SUBSTRING(pi2.id_image, -4, 1), '/'), ''), IF(CHAR_LENGTH(pi2.id_image) >= 3, CONCAT(SUBSTRING(pi2.id_image, -3, 1), '/'), ''), if(CHAR_LENGTH(pi2.id_image) >= 2, CONCAT(SUBSTRING(pi2.id_image, -2, 1), '/'), ''), IF(CHAR_LENGTH(pi2.id_image) >= 1, CONCAT(SUBSTRING(pi2.id_image, -1, 1), '/'), ''), -- add the image id pi2.id_image, -- put the image extension '.jpg') as "AUX Bild URL 1", CONCAT('https://', -- get the shop domain IFNULL(conf.value, 'undefined_domain'), -- the path to the pictures folder '/img/p/', -- now take all the digits separetly as MySQL doesn't support loops in SELECT statements -- assuming we have smaller image id than 100'000 ;) IF(CHAR_LENGTH(pi3.id_image) >= 5, -- if we have 5 digits for the image id CONCAT( -- take the first digit SUBSTRING(pi3.id_image, -5, 1), -- add a slash '/'), ''), -- repeat for the next digits IF(CHAR_LENGTH(pi3.id_image) >= 4, CONCAT(SUBSTRING(pi3.id_image, -4, 1), '/'), ''), IF(CHAR_LENGTH(pi3.id_image) >= 3, CONCAT(SUBSTRING(pi3.id_image, -3, 1), '/'), ''), if(CHAR_LENGTH(pi3.id_image) >= 2, CONCAT(SUBSTRING(pi3.id_image, -2, 1), '/'), ''), IF(CHAR_LENGTH(pi3.id_image) >= 1, CONCAT(SUBSTRING(pi3.id_image, -1, 1), '/'), ''), -- add the image id pi3.id_image, -- put the image extension '.jpg') "AUX Bild URL 2", CONCAT('https://', -- get the shop domain IFNULL(conf.value, 'undefined_domain'), -- the path to the pictures folder '/img/p/', -- now take all the digits separetly as MySQL doesn't support loops in SELECT statements -- assuming we have smaller image id than 100'000 ;) IF(CHAR_LENGTH(pi4.id_image) >= 5, -- if we have 5 digits for the image id CONCAT( -- take the first digit SUBSTRING(pi4.id_image, -5, 1), -- add a slash '/'), ''), -- repeat for the next digits IF(CHAR_LENGTH(pi4.id_image) >= 4, CONCAT(SUBSTRING(pi4.id_image, -4, 1), '/'), ''), IF(CHAR_LENGTH(pi4.id_image) >= 3, CONCAT(SUBSTRING(pi4.id_image, -3, 1), '/'), ''), if(CHAR_LENGTH(pi4.id_image) >= 2, CONCAT(SUBSTRING(pi4.id_image, -2, 1), '/'), ''), IF(CHAR_LENGTH(pi4.id_image) >= 1, CONCAT(SUBSTRING(pi4.id_image, -1, 1), '/'), ''), -- add the image id pi4.id_image, -- put the image extension '.jpg') as "AUX Bild URL 3", CONCAT('https://', -- get the shop domain IFNULL(conf.value, 'undefined_domain'), -- the path to the pictures folder '/img/p/', -- now take all the digits separetly as MySQL doesn't support loops in SELECT statements -- assuming we have smaller image id than 100'000 ;) IF(CHAR_LENGTH(pi5.id_image) >= 5, -- if we have 5 digits for the image id CONCAT( -- take the first digit SUBSTRING(pi5.id_image, -5, 1), -- add a slash '/'), ''), -- repeat for the next digits IF(CHAR_LENGTH(pi5.id_image) >= 4, CONCAT(SUBSTRING(pi5.id_image, -4, 1), '/'), ''), IF(CHAR_LENGTH(pi5.id_image) >= 3, CONCAT(SUBSTRING(pi5.id_image, -3, 1), '/'), ''), if(CHAR_LENGTH(pi5.id_image) >= 2, CONCAT(SUBSTRING(pi5.id_image, -2, 1), '/'), ''), IF(CHAR_LENGTH(pi5.id_image) >= 1, CONCAT(SUBSTRING(pi5.id_image, -1, 1), '/'), ''), -- add the image id pi5.id_image, -- put the image extension '.jpg') as "AUX Bild URL 4" FROM ps_product p LEFT JOIN ps_product_lang pl ON(p.id_product = pl.id_product) LEFT JOIN ps_image pi ON(p.id_product = pi.id_product and pi.cover = 1) LEFT JOIN ps_image pi2 ON(p.id_product = pi2.id_product and pi2.position = 2) LEFT JOIN ps_image pi3 ON(p.id_product = pi3.id_product and pi3.position = 3) LEFT JOIN ps_image pi4 ON(p.id_product = pi4.id_product and pi4.position = 4) LEFT JOIN ps_image pi5 ON(p.id_product = pi5.id_product and pi5.position = 5) LEFT JOIN ps_configuration conf ON conf.name = 'PS_SHOP_DOMAIN' LEFT JOIN ps_category_product cp ON(p.id_product = cp.id_product) LEFT JOIN ps_category_lang cl ON(cp.id_category = cl.id_category) LEFT JOIN ps_specific_price sp ON(p.id_product = pl.id_product) INNER JOIN ps_currency cu INNER JOIN ps_configuration_lang col ON (col.id_configuration = 511) WHERE p.active=1 AND pl.id_lang = 1 AND pl.id_shop = 1 GROUP BY p.id_product;
  13. bei so einer Anforderung stellt sich mir schon mal die frage der Sinnhaftigkeit..... Sind die Artikel wirklich so gleich, das sie ie gleichen Eigenschaften haben? Wenn ja, warum machst Du bei der Artikelanlage nicht einfach ein Duplikat eines ähnlichen Artikels und änderst nur z. Bsp. Benennung - Beschreibung - Preis ect. und fertig. Gruß
  14. Hallo Ich habe in der shopping -cart-product-line.php die Kurzbeschreibung und die Eigenschaften ergänzt mit <!-- BOF Landmuecke.eu //--> <p><span id="descriptionShortSummary"> {$product.description_short}</span></p> {assign var='features' value=Product::getFrontFeaturesStatic($cookie->id_lang, $product.id_product)} {if isset($features) && $features} {foreach from=$features item=feature} {if isset($feature.value)} <span style="color: green;">{$feature.name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</span> <span style="color: blue;">{$feature.value|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</span><br> {/if} {/foreach} {/if} <!-- EOF Landmuecke.eu //--> Entsprechend dazu hätte ich gerne die gleichen Angaben in der Bestätigungs eMail. Liege ich richtig mit der Annahme, das ich das über die order_conf_product_list einfügen kann?
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