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  1. after look for the term I have to replace them with the schema.org? If I change the theme? it will fix the issues?
  2. thank you....suggestion for terms to look on those pages? and how to remove them? if I found them first....lol
  3. oh... Thank you for your kind reply. In which page did you find that? I don't see it.... how can I fix that old code in the footer? any suggestion?
  4. yes, I installed there and before that I check your code with schema.org because I was redirected from your posted link on google to there and your code is fine. I replaced the Themes/default-bootstrap/breadcrumb.tpl with your code , then I saved the changes and clear the cache in the back office. and then submitted the fix to google and this morning I got the message with the error.
  5. I installed in the folder themes/breadcrumbs.tpl ----------------It is wrong place?
  6. Thank you for your reply. this is the code that I installed <!-- Breadcrumb --> {if isset($smarty.capture.path)}{assign var='path' value=$smarty.capture.path}{/if} {if !empty($path)} {$matchCount = preg_match_all('/<a.+?href="(.+?)"[^>]*>([^<]*)<\/a>/', $path, $matches)} {$breadcrumbs = []} {for $i=0; $i < $matchCount; $i++} {$breadcrumbs[] = ['url' => $matches[1][$i], 'title' => $matches[2][$i]]} {/for} {$match = preg_match('/>([^<]+)(?:<\/\\w+>s*)?$/', $path, $matches)} {if !empty($matches[1])} {$breadcrumbs[] = ['url' => '', 'title' => $matches[1]]} {elseif !$match && !$matchCount} {$breadcrumbs[] = ['url' => '', 'title' => $path]} {/if} {/if} <div class="clearfix"> <ol class="breadcrumb" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/BreadcrumbList"> <li itemprop="itemListElement" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/ListItem"> <a class="home" href="{if isset($force_ssl) && $force_ssl}{$base_dir_ssl}{else}{$base_dir}{/if}" title="{l s='Return to Home'}" itemprop="item"> <i class="icon-home"></i> </a> <meta itemprop="name" content="{l s='Home'}" /> <meta itemprop="position" content="1" /> </li> {if !empty($breadcrumbs)} {foreach from=$breadcrumbs item=breadcrumb name=crumbs} <li itemprop="itemListElement" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/ListItem"> {if !empty($breadcrumb.url)} <a href="{$breadcrumb.url}" itemprop="item" title="{$breadcrumb.title}"> <span itemprop="name">{$breadcrumb.title}</span> </a> {else} <span itemprop="name">{$breadcrumb.title}</span> {/if} <meta itemprop="position" content="{($smarty.foreach.crumbs.iteration|intval + 1)}" /> </li> {/foreach} {/if} </ol> </div> {if isset($smarty.get.search_query) && isset($smarty.get.results) && $smarty.get.results > 1 && isset($smarty.server.HTTP_REFERER)} <div class="pull-right"> <strong> {capture}{if isset($smarty.get.HTTP_REFERER) && $smarty.get.HTTP_REFERER}{$smarty.get.HTTP_REFERER}{elseif isset($smarty.server.HTTP_REFERER) && $smarty.server.HTTP_REFERER}{$smarty.server.HTTP_REFERER}{/if}{/capture} <a href="{$smarty.capture.default|escape:'html':'UTF-8'|secureReferrer|regex_replace:'/[\?|&]content_only=1/':''}" name="back"> <i class="icon-chevron-left left"></i> {l s='Back to Search results for "%s" (%d other results)' sprintf=[$smarty.get.search_query,$smarty.get.results]} </a> </strong> </div> {/if} <!-- /Breadcrumb -->
  7. Hello Daresh, I installed your code in prestashop 1.6 (themes/ breadcrumbs.tpl) however when google try to validate the fix, found some errors like still appears the data-vocabulary and the name of the product doesn't show up in the code. Please look at the snipped shot. Thank you in advannce for your help.
  8. Hola Quisiera saber sus experiencias con Sumome en prestashop tienen algun tipo de problemas con las applicaciones? cual de ellas trabajan mejor? Perdonen que les haga todas estas preguntas es que quede con curiosidad despues que lei los comentarios es este forum, por que me interesaria instalar estas aplicaciones en mi pagina, pero estoy investigando antes de hacer los cambios necesarios. Se agradece las respuestas a este comentario.!
  9. I didn't find any errors to upgrade from PS to However, the module to install the security patch didn't work properly. In my case I fixed, manually.
  10. I have a website running with #prestashop v.1.6 and I have the similar problem but mine is on #Mobile and #Desktop, To be able to #input a #query in the #search box, I have to hold the left button of the mouse, If I am not hold it any input with the cursor in the search box "#Refresh" the page and is impossible to use it... Any help will be appreciate it.!
  11. Hi, I read your post and I had the same problem before. You have to configure your paypal account with a unique email address you use for your shop with paypal. you can't use the same API credentials for both shops with the same email address.! that is the reason that you can't configure your paypal module properly. Try it and keep it posting in this suggestion help you out..Good Luck
  12. Hello, You have to create a different business account with paypal for your other shop and get another API credentials, apply the new credentials then will work.!
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