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  1. No One with same problem? At the moment I changed name of cookie in /classes/Cookie.php and It looks like it works. form this->_name = 'PrestaShop-'.md5(($this->_standalone ? '' : _PS_VERSION_).$name.$this->_domain); to this->_name = 'PrestaShop1-'.md5(($this->_standalone ? '' : _PS_VERSION_).$name.$this->_domain);
  2. I found these two possible causes: 1. ID_CART number problem (I haven't this problem) - 2. COOKIES www and non-www problem (it's my problem!) - So questions are: how to disable in presta to make non-www cookies? How to delete existing non-www cookies?
  3. Dear, I have got problem, on some computers (I have only one PC where this error is - Win10 home 32bit, Firefox 56.0.2 (32 bit)) after click add to cart button, Presta shows me that product was added to cart, after click on cart, cart is empty. I have no other computer where it do the same, on this computer in IE and in Chrome it works well. I had call from customer that she can't add products to cart, so it isn't only this PC. PrestaShop I tried: - turn off ccc - empty cache - turn off ajax cart nothing made any changes :-( In firefox i had, in console are these errors - see attachment.
  4. Thank you for your answers, but I decided to change my mind. I want more than just add footer I want add images, change css, etc. So I made for my purpose mail generator for prestashop email templates. If somebody would like to do the same, it's free for use :-) - mail_generator.zip
  5. Dear, I would like to add footer to all email, how can I do it? Ideally I want to add something like {include file='.\footer.html'}. I found solution only for 1.5.6 - https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/269842-include-footerhtml-code-in-email-templates-as-php-include-not-supported/ -- Thx, Tomas
  6. Dear, I would like to show stock availability in price-drop page, but there isn't available $product.available_later, so there are wrong information of availability. Does anyone knows how to add it? Prestashop Thank you, Tomas
  7. Hi guys, did you find any well function module/filter?
  8. Dear, I would like to place new order in BO but, I don't know address of customers. So I would like to create order only with name and email. Is it possible to set or change something in code, or some module? Thx for answer
  9. Yes, error is gone :-) but nothing happend. If i change name P. Guest to customer id 4485, in order view i see same orders only in orders from P. Guest aren't names :-)
  10. Thanks for reply tuk66, i try it but it gives me error "Table 'c56kopiluwakdb2.ps_ps_address' doesn't exist". I really don't understand why adding this condition change table name, but it does. if the filter has a checkbox that turns negation search it would solve everything, but unfortunately doesn't ...
  11. I'm afraid you have to change it in every order steps tpl files. For example in order-paymant.tpl I changed text from "back to order" to "back to chose carrier". <p class="cart_navigation clearfix"> <a href="{$link->getPageLink('order', true, NULL, "step=2")|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" title="{l s='Previous'}" class="button-exclusive btn btn-outline"> {l s='zpět na výběr doručení'} </a> </p> But I don't know how to put last seen product to link...
  12. No one dealt with a change the default SQL in orders in admin?
  13. sini

    Text edit

    You will find this in Localization > Translate - Traslate Modules - Modul blockcart -> There are [1]%d[/1] items in your cart.
  14. Hi, I would like to change default SQL in Admin Orders like add NOT LIKE codition -> I want show all orders without orders from customer "P. Guest". So i try change line 75 in /controllers/admin/AdminOrderContoller.php like this: LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'order_state_lang` osl ON (os.`id_order_state` = osl.`id_order_state` AND osl.`id_lang` = '.(int)$this->context->language->id.') WHERE 1 HAVING `customer` NOT LIKE '%P. Guest%''; But it gives me error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE 1 ORDER BY a.`id_order` DESC LIMIT 0, 50' at line 21 Could you help me how to change default SQL? Thank you in advance and sorry for my English
  15. Hi, I would like to do the same "meta title in feature value as a tool-tip get a more detail description", is there any solution? How can I read contetnt of tables "ps_layered_indexable_feature_value_lang_value" and "ps_layered_indexable_feature_lang_value" in product.tpl? thx for advice
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