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  1. Greetings, i added total discount amount to the order sumary, but when i change the amount of the product the discount amount remains the same unless i refresh the page. I know this can be fixed with the cart-summary.js but i have no clue how. Can someone please guide me how to do this? i really apreciate it. This is how i added the discount total: So first, we will need to customize the template ‘shopping-cart.tpl’ {assign var='totalReductonPercent' value=0} {assign var='totalReductonValue' value=0} {foreach $products as $product} {assign var='totalReductonValue' value=$totalReductonValue + $product.price_without_specific_price * $product.quantity} {/foreach} {assign var='totalReductonPercent' value=(($totalReductonValue - $total_products) / $totalReductonValue) * 100} We will use the following code to output the total discount in the shopping cart: <tr class="cart_total_discount"> <td colspan="3" class="text-right">{l s='Total discount'}</td> <td colspan="2" class="price" id="total_discount"> {convertPrice price=$totalReductonValue - $total_products}<br> <span class="price-percent-reduction small">{($totalReductonPercent)|round|string_format:"%d"}%</span><br> </td> </tr> To correctly output html, you need to take into account this additional line that displays the total sum of the discount: <td rowspan="{4+$total_discounts_num+$use_show_taxes+$total_wrapping_taxes_num}" colspan="3" id="cart_voucher" class="cart_voucher">
  2. Greetings Vekia, thanks for your help, how can i make a city drop down that changes values with the state chosen? thhanks!
  3. thanks for the quick reply, do you have more information? now that you say its js i now where to look. I use warehouse theme which has megamenu and it looks exactly the same, soo maybe it can be the same fix? Maybe can you send me the file that was modifed that way i can check if i can fix mine? thanks by the way
  4. Ok somehow it's showing on SEO URL list as a module, it wasn't before. Thanks anyways
  5. Greetings, i have an issue with my whishlist link when i click on it regular link is: /index.php?fc=module&module=blockwishlist&controller=mywishlist&id_lang=1 but when i select friendly URL on my admin page to remove the index.php the address for my wishlist changes to: mysite.com/module/blockwishlist/mywishlist it works fine, but i was wondering if i can change that to a more friendly url? not a direct link like that one. thank you!!
  6. Greetings, i would like to know if its possible to add a custom link to the blocktopmenu and make the link change to an image when you hover it, thank you! Already found out how! thanks!!
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