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About daryl

  • Birthday 01/06/1983

daryl's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. dreamweaver is fine If you use windows, wamp is best
  2. Find this in header.tpl <!-- Header --> {$HOOK_WIZNAV} Replace with: <!-- Header --> {$HOOK_TOP} {$HOOK_WIZNAV}
  3. Temukan bagian ini di themes/darylita2/css/global.css ganti xxxxxx dengan 555 baris 1103 #center_column .products_block span.price { text-align: center; color:#xxxxxx; font-size: 1.6em; padding: 0.5em 0; display: block; } baris 1516 ul#product_list li .price{ color:#xxxxxx; display: block; font-size: 170%; margin-bottom: 0.2em; } baris 1460 ul#product_list li h3 a{ color:#xxxxxx; }
  4. Thanks. Yes it's weird, I don't have enough time to create my own site, maybe someday..
  5. Ini sebagai tanda terima kasih saya kepada Development team Prestashop, karena berkat project yang mereka buat, karir saya meningkat You're welcome. I'm just glad people appreciate (use) my work, that's all.. Silahkan om
  6. woow... almost 100 downloads. Now that you have downloaded the zip file, may I see the link to your site please, it would be a pleasant for me
  7. Maaf saya salah ketik yang benar versi 1.0 (tepatnya 1.0.8). Saya sudah buat khusus Versi 1.1 silahkan cari topiknya. Ember! (baca:Betul!) have a nice day
  8. no worries, I'll place the zip file in end week of May Please remember to leave my name in page bottom, it will encourage me to create the next free theme "Daryl Pro" I don't put link in "Themes by Darylita" so it won't be bothering you to have my name in your site. would you do that?
  9. Yup coming next ;-) Daryl'sboard jantan abis ayah kaya avatarnya si Raik0nen?
  10. Makasih tante! Tunggu aja posting selanjutnya..
  11. Yes it is a free theme for all of us, leave a comment then I'll put on the link on Daryl's Board = Daryl Bro Darylsboards dibuat untuk memenuhi permintaan teman2 yang suka gelap-gelapan Saya minta komentar anda sebanyak2nya, baru nanti linknya saya aktifkan. Coming up next free theme Daryl Pro Cheers, Darylita darylsboards.zip
  12. hehe.. kalo soal itu, teman2 yang lain kayaknya lebih ngerti drpd eq, ayo suhu2 bantuin nih.. coba juga dong... bikin themes dengan nuansa warna yang lain misalkan biru atau hijau .Thanks ya ku dah download... Nanti yang Pro kali ya skrg OL betul lho.. sambil belajar ya
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