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About Orhion.ro

  • Birthday 11/12/1988

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  1. Un link ar fi mai folositor. Da mai multe detalii: versiune PS, tema folosita, etc
  2. this worked for me $category = new Category(8, (int)Context::getContext()->language->id); $category1 = new Category(9, (int)Context::getContext()->language->id); $category2 = new Category(10, (int)Context::getContext()->language->id); $category3 = new Category(11, (int)Context::getContext()->language->id); $nb = (int)(Configuration::get('HOME_FEATURED_NBR')); $products = $category->getProducts((int)Context::getContext()->language->id, 1, ($nb ? $nb : 10)); $cat=$category->getProducts((int)Context::getContext()->language->id, 1, ($nb ? $nb : 8), "position"); $cat1=$category1->getProducts((int)Context::getContext()->language->id, 1, ($nb ? $nb : 8), "position"); $cat2=$category2->getProducts((int)Context::getContext()->language->id, 1, ($nb ? $nb : 8), "position"); $cat3=$category3->getProducts((int)Context::getContext()->language->id, 1, ($nb ? $nb : 8), "position"); $products = array_merge($cat,$cat1,$cat2,$cat3) ; In the module i set to display 3 products, and on my homepage, it shows 12 products( 3 products x 4 categories selected) Thank you Vekia
  3. daca astepti pana diseara ti l trimit eu,dupa ora 18. trimitemi eventual un mesaj privat cu o adresa de mail unde sa iti trimit
  4. Din punctul meu de vedere, cel mai elegant mod de rezolvare a problemei, e sa editezi din mails.order_conf.txt si .html, sa treci ceva generic: va multumim pentru comanda, va contactam in cel mai scurt timp pentru a putea stabili detaliile finale, va multumim.
  5. Legat de translatie: verifica sectiunea translations, daca nu iti apar acolo cuvintele pe care doresti sa le traduci Bannerul teoretic e in folderul tema/img , teoretic daca o stergi de acolo trebuie sa modifici si niste scripturi, lucru pe care nu l recomand... cel mai simplu si comod mod de a rezolva problema, e sa schimbi bannerul respectiv cu ceva care sa se integreze frumos in site. Poate ar fi un ajutor sa ne areti exact tema care ai achizitionat-o pentru un ajutor mai bun
  6. I think that the best solution for you is to compoze for yourself the terms and conditions, because you can set only the things that you aprove, not all the bla bla bla from the normal terms and conditions, even if it is not a long page of terms
  7. Salut Cauta express checkout, e ok http://www.prestashop.com/forums/viewthread/25436/modification_ioncannons_express_checkout_v1_dot_0
  8. it depends on the module, practically you have to change the files from the module and something inside them
  9. Teoretic trebuie adaugat in SQl o sintagma prin care in sectiunea unde sunt preturile, sa se adauge inca 5% si am rezolvat problema. Daca mai aflu ceva va anunt
  10. Hello there, From Today, Romanian taxes are 24%(from 19%). It is a very sad and angry moment for all of us. I would like to change prices from my prestashop site( www.one-it.ro/shop) but i didn't configured the prices from the begining using taxes from prestashop. Is there a way to automatically add a 5% over all prices from my site?
  11. Did you tried to translate it from BO from Modules translation section?
  12. Have a look at Shipping section in de BO. There is a handling cost of 5$ for each product
  13. There is a module witch does this, try sotewadds block: http://www.prestashop.com/forums/viewthread/7675/third_party_modules/modulev0_dot_4_sotews_adds it is really cool
  14. Try first to uninstall the module then upload the modified one then reinstall it.
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