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  1. Hi all, Can someone tell me how to change verification_url from Stripe payments? Prestashop cart_id: verification_url:
  2. Hi, Does anyone know method or module for changing product price by store group? My multistore looks like: Group A -shop 1 -shop 2 -shop 3 -shop 4 Group B -shop 5 -shop 6 -shop 7 -shop 8 Group C -shop 9 How to change price of product for all shops from Group A, but not from Group B nor C?
  3. Does anybody know how to add new product to only few shops in multistore? As I know you can add product to all shops or one by one, what is the fastest way to add product to all shops except shop 9? My multistore looks like: Group A -shop 1 -shop 2 -shop 3 -shop 4 Group B -shop 5 -shop 6 -shop 7 -shop 8 Group C -shop 9
  4. yes, I have 10 stores, so its really annoying.. I use paypal for many years, and it looks like the problem is quite new.
  5. Hi, i have an issue with Paypal. After some time, the Paypal payment disappear from cart page and users are not able to use it. The only way to restore it, is to reset module. I have already uploaded newest version of Paypal module, but after about week, paypal payment disappeared from cart page again... Prestashop any help or suggestions please?
  6. Have you found a solution? I have the same problem with paypal...
  7. nie mam zainstalowanego zadnego modulu do cronow
  8. Witam, poscilam ten sam temat na forum anglojezycznym, ale niestety zadnej odpowiedzi. Temat troche dziwny, wyglada na to, ze w jakis sposob zacial mi sie cronjob searchcron (chodzi odnowienie indeksu produktow do front office "szukaj produktu"). - wybaczcie, jesli to sie inaczej nazywa, ale nie znam presty po polsku. Cron startuje mi samoistnie co jakis czas, w cPanel ani w innych opcjach serwera takiego crona nie ma, byl przez chwile, ale zostal wykasowany. Ekipa obslugi serwera rowniez to potwierdzila. Czy ktos moze mi podpowiedziec jak to zatrzymac? Skad cronjob bierze token? Moze wykasowanie tokena by to zatrzymalo? Caly ten proces kladzie mi kompletnie strony, zrobilam force compilation, wyczyscilam cache a cron nadal jest aktywny, jak to mozliwe? Prestashop
  9. anyone help please? I know it's crazy, but it looks like prestashop bug. Today cronjob started again 3 times, and I'm sure it doesn't come from cPanel cronjobs nor any other server configuration - my hosting service confirmed it as well. How can I stop it? Maybe just change the token, but where? help please, my websites are unresponsive for long time during the day because of this.
  10. I have set up cronjob to rebuild my search index. The index has been rebuild, so I delete the cronjob from cPanel. Now I see the conjob is still active every day (starting in the middle of the day everyday and make my websites timeouts). I asked my hosting support where is this comes from, they check everything and answered there is not such a cronjob. Is it possible the index re-build starting by itself???
  11. in my case cleaning up database table sort out this problem (ps_mailalert_customer) - but remember - you will lost all "mailalert" customer's data. And remember to do mysql backup before in case it not sort the problem.
  12. Help please, Only 1 product indexed for front office search box. Everytime I try to "re-build entire index" or "add missing products to index" I'm getting 404 error, cronjob doesn't work as well. Error reporting didn't get any errors. How to fix it? Where is this index stored in database? thanks Presta
  13. 400 zostalo po wykasowaniu "zbednych" danych, no i sklepy znacznie przyspieszyly
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