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  1. Merci à tous/tes pour toute suggestion Le Menu Sélecteur de Langue (affiché dans la section NAV 2 par défaut dans le thème par défaut "Classic" de PS produit une page introuvable quand je change de langue sur la page d'accueil de la boutique, mais fonctionne correctement avec les pages de catégorie ou de produit. Donc le problème ne vient pas du module lui-même mais probablement de la configuration de ma boutique Je tourne en rond depuis un moment, si quelqu'un avait une idée pour me tirer de ce mauvais pas je serais tellement heureux Merci
  2. Adobe will discontinue Adobe Flash by the end of December 2020. In previous versions of Prestashop, the admin tool "XML/SWF Charts" by Prestashop was using Adobe Flash. Some of its interactive features were very useful and I'd love to be able to continue to use it or have a similar functionality. Do you know if someone has updated this tool to fit the new situation ? Alternatively, do you know if a similar tool - not based on Adobe Flash - exists and can be used with Prestashop version 1.5.4 ? The problem being that modern addons may not be compatible with the oldest versions of Prestashop. Thank you for any suggestion and help !
  3. I doubt you will get good answers to good questions here Silence is sometimes very telling
  4. Peut-être que la version 1.7 sera moins TVA-bêta ? Bercy au secours !
  5. Problem the max_input_vars value in the php.ini file can be too small to allow using the translation function in Prestashop's backoffice Solution the max_input_vars value has to be increased manually when max_input_vars exists (usually set to 1000) if max_input_vars does not exist, it has to be added : max_input_vars = 5000 Problem tricky, the php.ini file can be located in different places depending on server configuration changing the max_input_vars value in one place may not work Solution here is a list of a few places to look for (need root access to server) : etc/[your php folder]/apache2/ etc/[your php folder]/cgi/ etc/[your php folder]/cli/ var/www/vhosts/system/[your web domain folder]/etc/
  6. I can't open product pages with secured connection it is like they do not exist at all on the server, although the url is correctly written (+ preceeded with https) I'm not privy enough with the mechanics of PS yet to have a clue where to dig in at that point do you see some track to follow ?
  7. HI I'm trying to fix a canonical url issue (http/https duplicates). I was playing with your solutions to shift all product urls in https when I discovered that some misconfiguration probably creeped in somewhere. I added 1 line to .htaccess : RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^mydomain$ RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://mydomain/$1 [R,L] RewriteRule . - [E=REWRITEBASE:/Base/] RewriteRule ^api/?(.*)$ %{ENV:REWRITEBASE}webservice/dispatcher.php?url=$1 [QSA,L] It works like a charm : all urls are httpsed ! 1 line was not enough though... No https product page is found on the server (+ error message). SSL certificate is installed and valid. PS configuration with Domain SSL + set to 1 for SSL. https://mydomain/Base/ works fine as well as https://order & payment pages. Why not the product pages ? Any clue where to look would be GREAT !!! Always humbly drinking your Light from above
  8. Thanks for the feedback. How do you think theme customization would cause this ? I have not set any date or restriction.
  9. I just need to know : isn't the file "sitemap.xml" empty after you've created it this way ? If so, it will only serve avoiding the error message from the Advanced Parameters Configuration Information of Prestashop. If your shop is multilingual, the Google sitemap module of Prestashop will create (i) an index sitemap with a name like "1_index_sitemap.xml" referring to n sitemap files, 1 per language (like 1_fr_0_sitemap.xml, 1_en_0_sitemap.xml, etc.). Not sure how other crawling systems looking for the "sitemap.xml" file manage the name mismatch if even Prestashop has hard time doing it itself ? Any clue about what we shall do with this situation ? I had the problem myself when auditing my site with various SEO audit systems - Thanks
  10. Here is a sample screenshot, please help me make sense of this Indeed something is weird, there is only 1 file (1 product) but here it seems 3 versions do exist (3 different filenames for the same display_filename) Also the expiration date anterior to the date_add I interpreted - maybe wrongly - the field id_product_download as the reference for each download, then you just count and get the number of times it was downloaded Now I would still tend to understand it that way, please let me know how it has to be understood : If it is not the download id, then the bug is of another nature than I previously thought Thanks
  11. @ musicmaster : there is no counter, there is a listing of downloads with dates, from there you get the count (1 download = 1 ps_product_download table entry) @ Vekia : yes I do, but a pretty official one. (i) Either there is a security failure, or (ii) there is a bug adding downloads that do not occur Considering human factors makes hypothesis (ii) more plausible : the type of file content would not be of any interest AT ALL to skilled hackers and the profile of interested persons is to hardly succeed using a computer I guess... But this is worth investigating
  12. Has anyone observed the same with virtual products ?
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