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razaro last won the day on October 29 2023

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  1. Ciao Controlla la versione /en/ del sito, la homepage è vuota
  2. Hi @ANTONIOPS Well, that is how Addons work and you have agreed to follow their rules. Would you prefer is usually not the same as what PrestaShop prefers. You know that Prestashop takes a cut from every sale, so if you priced them 10 EUR what would be left for them In terms and conditions, it is all explained how much is their cut and what minimal they can take. But also take into consideration of bank and PayPal fees, then pre-sale support, then preparing documentation, screenshots, marketing, validations...and how much actually is left for you after single sale. You can try your approach on your own website where you control everything, I did see several developers do something like that. But it is hard to compete with Addons.
  3. @qiqiy_888 Note that changing code in that file have no effect on hackers in general. They used code placed somewhere deep in you root folder and on multiple places that when called copies complete payment.tpl and injects fake form. You should also check your hosting, if you are on Plesk there is ImunifyAV or 360 or maybe Clam Anti-Virus, with them you can scan files from hosting. Cleaner.php linked script, do find most of issues but some could slip.
  4. There is a solution, (use google translate if needed) this script removes main hack files but it also gives you list of edited files that may also have some encrypted code (mostly at end of files). You need to open those files and remove code or if uncertain replace with original files. Also explained here bit more https://www.mediacom87.fr/en/how-to-prevent-hacking-on-prestashop-and-thirty-bees/
  5. Yes, could be forum security measure. But do you use quote or code tag ? Code one should be fine.
  6. You should change PHP version after upgrade. If you do before you may get issue and could not even login to back office.
  7. Well I think one person visits forum from time to time but if you want to get some answers from a dev team you will have more chances on Slack or GitHub discussions. https://www.prestashop-project.org/slack/ https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/discussions
  8. Hi @Esprit Bit strange issue but you can try few things. I would like to see screenshot of what you are seeing and why there is no link to hide/exit profiler. But as you said you enabled debug mode then issue happened you can then try to disable manually by changing value at config/defines.inc.php to define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', false); Also try to login to back office from new incognito/private browser window, it might show something else.
  9. Well, maybe you issue is not a hack then, which is good. Still that cleaner script is maybe 5 min to check . But with update, think there was few similar questions on forum, do a search. And like mention do try to empty var/cache folder if you haven't already but also to try to open you admin from incognito/private browser window. Do check also Network tab in your browser console and requests there. With and without debug mode, you may see some error on request to login.
  10. @isdngirl and @hs_gold There is a known hack that more and more people are affected, one of the symptoms is that you can not login in admin and other is there is injected custom payment form that send money to hackers. Maybe it is not that in your case but better to check But there is a solution, (use google translate if needed) aner script removes main hack files but it also gives you list of edited files that may also have some encrypted code (mostly at end of files) Also explained here bit more https://www.mediacom87.fr/en/how-to-prevent-hacking-on-prestashop-and-thirty-bees/
  11. N'a pas développé le code mais le voici, un peu au-dessus de votre capture d'écran. N'a pas développé le code mais le voici, un peu au-dessus de votre capture d'écran. Accepté de mettre le magasin en mode maintenance, et lorsque vous exécutez un script, vérifiez chaque message en jaune pour les fichiers qui ont été modifiés et qui ont pour la plupart un code de piratage supplémentaire à la fin des fichiers (codés). Bonne chance
  12. Image après le bouton d'envoi. Je l'ai vu sur d'autres sites piratés. Mais j'ai aussi remarqué que le vrai lien Monetico est caché mais vous pouvez inspecter la page et le voir dans le code.
  13. Bon pour recevoir des paiements, désolé pour la peur peut-être, j'ai vu beaucoup de gens avec des problèmes similaires, et je serais soulagé s'il ne s'agissait pas d'un hack, mais j'ai vérifié ce site Web et j'ai vu l'image supplémentaire ci-dessous, donc j'ai peur de dire qu'il ressemble à d'autres les personnes qui se sont fait pirater. Vérifiez tout de même.
  14. Salut, j'utilise Google translate donc excuses pour les mots erronés. Si ce module de paiement a changé de lui-même sans que vous n'installiez une nouvelle version, veuillez consulter ce sujet pour d'éventuelles tentatives de piratage, j'ai vu quelques personnes avec des formulaires de carte de crédit un peu différents. https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/1067200-hack-prestashop-sur-la-page-de-paiement-nettoyage/
  15. Twoja witryna została zhakowana, a wymiana płatności jest znana od jakiegoś czasu. Ustaw sklep w trybie konserwacji i zapoznaj się z tym tematem, aby uzyskać przewodnik https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/1067200-hack-prestashop-sur-la-page-de-paiement-nettoyage/ Pobierz cleaner.php do roota, przejdź do tego pliku z paska adresu i przeczytaj sugestie, głównie będziesz musiał otworzyć pliki i usunąć dodatkowy kod, który został dodany. Pamiętaj, że ta wiadomość została napisana za pomocą Tłumacza Google, więc przepraszam za błędy.
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