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  1. This really works for me. Thanks a million mdekker.
  2. COTOKO thanks for the reply. Yes I knew about that, but how to modify those part of htaccess regeneration area to custom area.
  3. Hi, Tried to search the forum but can't find the same issue addressed. I always got redundant hostnames from google analytics to find out my custom rewrite engine below : == #Domain: sukucadangmotor.com RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off RewriteRule (.*) https://sukucadangmotor.com%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301,NC] RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www.sukucadangmotor.com [NC] RewriteRule (.*) https://sukucadangmotor.com%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301,NC] == got changed to default prestashop rewrite engine setting : == #Domain: sukucadangmotor.com RewriteRule . - [E=REWRITEBASE:/] RewriteRule ^api$ api/ [L] == This caused redundant hostnames in google analytics. Really appreciate your help on how to make this setting permanent so I won't have the same problem everytime I clear cache or recreate friendly url. Thanks a lot.
  4. Ya sudahlah kalau begitu saya koreksi pernyataan saya di atas. Hati saya juga nggak tega. Tapi sebaiknya komunikasi dijawab, bagaimanapun thread ini TS yang buat dan bisa jadi bulan-bulanan customernya karena media komunikasi lain tertutup. Khan sayang.
  5. Web ane http://sukucadangmotor.com udah tuntas tas permasalahannya sama agan developer yang super duper jago. Banyak permasalahan sejak ane pake modul tetangga sebelah, susah dihubungi bahkan wa pun gak ditanggepin lagi. Terpaksa keluar kocek lagi, tapi worth it sama agan ini. Orangnya ramah, siap membantu, sekarang semua smooth, loading lumayan cepet, gak pake lama, muter-muter kayak kemaren, pokoknya joss gandos. 1 hari kelar dah masalah ane. Sukses buat lapaknya ya gan.
  6. Modul JNE ane masih belum jalan juga, semua masih kehitung bebas ongkos kirim semua. Agan Prestanesia tolong dibantu dong. Ane sudah test, masih keluar otomatis bebas ongkos.
  7. Thanks DH. You are very kind. Appreciate that very much.
  8. thanks. weird though, i cannot enlarge your web using my ipad. those letters and codes are pretty small to my old eyes.
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