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  1. Yep i already applied the poodle TLS fix i highly doubt issue is arising because of cart changing for some reason as i started logging paypal result responses for my transactions and i getted these responses 'TIMESTAMP' => '2014-12-26T19:04:22Z', 'CORRELATIONID' => '3c91ac51d4ea0', 'ACK' => 'Failure', 'VERSION' => '84', 'BUILD' => '14443165', 'L_ERRORCODE0' => '10525', 'L_SHORTMESSAGE0' => 'Invalid Data', 'L_LONGMESSAGE0' => 'This transaction cannot be processed. The amount to be charged is zero.', 'L_SEVERITYCODE0' => 'Error', It was not visible even on blank page i logged in between this block / * Check payment details to display the appropriate content */ if ((isset($order) && ($ppec->result['ACK'] != "Failure")) || $ppec->result['L_ERRORCODE0'] == "10525") { $values = array( 'key' => $customer->secure_key, 'id_module' => (int)$ppec->id, 'id_cart' => (int)$cart->id, 'id_order' => (int)$ppec->currentOrder ); PrestaShopLogger::addLog('payment.php+ifinside-----'.Tools::jsonEncode($values), 5, null,null,null,true); if (version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '1.5', '<')) { $query = http_build_query($values, '', '&'); Tools::redirectLink(_MODULE_DIR_.$ppec->name.'/express_checkout/payment.php?'.$query); } else { $link = $ppec->context->link->getModuleLink('paypal', 'submit', $values); Tools::redirect($link); } } elseif ($ppec->result['ACK'] != 'Failure') { $ppec->context->smarty->assign(array( 'logs' => $ppec->logs, 'message' => $ppec->l('Error occurred:'), )); $template = 'error.tpl'; } /* } else { /* If Cart changed, no need to keep the paypal data unset($ppec->context->cookie->{PaypalExpressCheckout::$cookie_name}); $ppec->logs[] = $ppec->l('Cart changed since the last checkout express, please make a new Paypal checkout payment'); } This $ppec->result['L_ERRORCODE0'] == "10525" here i am trying to get order through if error code is 10525 not tested yet will post back result if it sucedded. Well but any insight from someone from Prestashop Team would be really helpful as default official Paypal Europe have a lot of Bugs and This is a major bug that lefted open.... Thanks!
  2. same problem here with paypal module customers are redirected to an empty blank page after payment with paypal few orders go through fine with all details including products , payment accepted status etc from paypal and few are just empty without any products although i can see payments in paypal online. did you ever managed to solve it ? Thanks
  3. Guys i am able to generate all the groups combinations and combinationimages arrays on product listing page seperately for each of the product and display colors and other select groups created from b-offce on product-list.tpl in ps 1.5.2 but the thing is that presta uses js for changing for example images and updating the display of images i am stuck in there we could make this work if someone could help
  4. cmon guys anyone Ok i come to this conclusion so far that i need production access for my api key in order to use by default ups provides only test access to ground freight but i am stuck at these boxes Ground Freight Testing Results >>> Pickup Confirmation >>> Bill of Lading Number >>> Rate Value: what should i enter here there would be someone who was using ups in production enviorement right??
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