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  1. Vekia, You are my hero. Many, many, many thank you. Super star ))) You just made my day (Victory dance over here). Now, how do I mark the post has solved? lol
  2. Good evening I wonder if someone can help me. I have managed to change the look of the default theme and I am glad to what I have achieved so far having in mind this is the first time I do a bit of basic coding. I am facing just one issue that is killing me. On the product pages the thumbnail images are displaying on the vertical rather then on the horizontal. I have tried to look on the original default theme and I can't find what I am doing wrong. I have seen that there is a sidebar but 1 I am only starting a business so the budget is very limited and 2 (and the most important one) I am not sure that this will be fixed. Can someone help me? Here is a link of my page/issue: http://www.sweetdreamhome.co.uk/en/candles-holders/2-birch-candle-holder.html Thank you
  3. My dear friends. BIG, HUGE THAAAAANK YOUUUUU. It worked fandabidousy. It was not a big issue but was annoying me lol. No words to thank you all. I am actually enjoying the challenge as I had never done this css coding before
  4. Hi EdC thank you for the compliments. It is very rewarding as I am not a developer at all so I am learning at each step and I am loving it The way I have changed the header was on the global.css do ctl + f find Header (on mine is on line 545) and where it says header {position: relative} add another line inside the comment so it shows like this #header {position:relative; background: transparent url(''); } I added an image but you can add a colour instead if you want to then you just need to enter background: #fff or any other colour code you want I hope this helps. Even thought it is a separate topic. Cheers
  5. Thank you. If you see the link that is not the live version. As I am still editing the website so those images will change in due course. So by the time it is accessible to general public (when I change the name servers) it will look better with the offers I will run at the time eheh. But thank you very much all suggestions are appreciated
  6. Hi. I had this problem and i think I found the solution without any coding work. Is not 100% as I wished but this is what I have done. I am selling goods for the home and on the left I wanted to have the product categories and on the top I wanted to Have search By room, and Your style ( still adding these on) and on those I wanted subcategories to show under by room the hallway, living room etc. Right! It doesn't show the subcategories when we scroll the mouse over the top menu but at least my categories are showing on top menu only. The way I did it was to create a test category under Home (root category) Under that I created Search By room Category and Under that I am still creating my sub categories they are sub-sub categories but looking at the front end no one will tell. With the test category activated to display, on the front end I copied the sub category URL (search By room) then on the CMS under preferences (sorry I meant on the top category module under modules) i created a link and called it the same Search By Room and entered the URL. Then Back to categories I hidden the test category. Et voila! Working! I am so glad with my today achievement that I thought sharing could save some other lives
  7. Sure Sorry if this is too much but I wasn't sure of what is relevant and what isn't. Thank you so much for your help {* * 2007-2013 PrestaShop * * NOTICE OF LICENSE * * This source file is subject to the Academic Free License (AFL 3.0) * that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt. * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL: * http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php * If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email * to [email protected] so we can send you a copy immediately. * * DISCLAIMER * * Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer * versions in the future. If you wish to customize PrestaShop for your * needs please refer to http://www.prestashop.com for more information. * * @author PrestaShop SA <[email protected]> * @copyright 2007-2013 PrestaShop SA * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php Academic Free License (AFL 3.0) * International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA *} {if isset($no_follow) AND $no_follow} {assign var='no_follow_text' value='rel="nofollow"'} {else} {assign var='no_follow_text' value=''} {/if} {if isset($p) AND $p} {if isset($smarty.get.id_category) && $smarty.get.id_category && isset($category)} {if !isset($current_url)} {assign var='requestPage' value=$link->getPaginationLink('category', $category, false, false, true, false)} {else} {assign var='requestPage' value=$current_url} {/if} {assign var='requestNb' value=$link->getPaginationLink('category', $category, true, false, false, true)} {elseif isset($smarty.get.id_manufacturer) && $smarty.get.id_manufacturer && isset($manufacturer)} {assign var='requestPage' value=$link->getPaginationLink('manufacturer', $manufacturer, false, false, true, false)} {assign var='requestNb' value=$link->getPaginationLink('manufacturer', $manufacturer, true, false, false, true)} {elseif isset($smarty.get.id_supplier) && $smarty.get.id_supplier && isset($supplier)} {assign var='requestPage' value=$link->getPaginationLink('supplier', $supplier, false, false, true, false)} {assign var='requestNb' value=$link->getPaginationLink('supplier', $supplier, true, false, false, true)} {else} {assign var='requestPage' value=$link->getPaginationLink(false, false, false, false, true, false)} {assign var='requestNb' value=$link->getPaginationLink(false, false, true, false, false, true)} {/if} <!-- Pagination --> <div id="pagination" class="pagination"> {if $start!=$stop} <ul class="pagination"> {if $p != 1} {assign var='p_previous' value=$p-1} <li id="pagination_previous"><a {$no_follow_text} href="{$link->goPage($requestPage, $p_previous)}">« {l s='Previous'}</a></li> {else} <li id="pagination_previous" class="disabled"><span>« {l s='Previous'}</span></li> {/if} {if $start==3} <li><a {$no_follow_text} href="{$link->goPage($requestPage, 1)}">1</a></li> <li><a {$no_follow_text} href="{$link->goPage($requestPage, 2)}">2</a></li> {/if} {if $start==2} <li><a {$no_follow_text} href="{$link->goPage($requestPage, 1)}">1</a></li> {/if} {if $start>3} <li><a {$no_follow_text} href="{$link->goPage($requestPage, 1)}">1</a></li> <li class="truncate">...</li> {/if} {section name=pagination start=$start loop=$stop+1 step=1} {if $p == $smarty.section.pagination.index} <li class="current"><span>{$p|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</span></li> {else} <li><a {$no_follow_text} href="{$link->goPage($requestPage, $smarty.section.pagination.index)}">{$smarty.section.pagination.index|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</a></li> {/if} {/section} {if $pages_nb>$stop+2} <li class="truncate">...</li> <li><a href="{$link->goPage($requestPage, $pages_nb)}">{$pages_nb|intval}</a></li> {/if} {if $pages_nb==$stop+1} <li><a href="{$link->goPage($requestPage, $pages_nb)}">{$pages_nb|intval}</a></li> {/if} {if $pages_nb==$stop+2} <li><a href="{$link->goPage($requestPage, $pages_nb-1)}">{$pages_nb-1|intval}</a></li> <li><a href="{$link->goPage($requestPage, $pages_nb)}">{$pages_nb|intval}</a></li> {/if} {if $pages_nb > 1 AND $p != $pages_nb} {assign var='p_next' value=$p+1} <li id="pagination_next"><a {$no_follow_text} href="{$link->goPage($requestPage, $p_next)}">{l s='Next'} »</a></li> {else} <li id="pagination_next" class="disabled"><span>{l s='Next'} »</span></li> {/if} </ul> {/if} {if $nb_products > $products_per_page} <form action="{if !is_array($requestNb)}{$requestNb}{else}{$requestNb.requestUrl}{/if}" method="get" class="pagination"> <p> {if isset($search_query) AND $search_query}<input type="hidden" name="search_query" value="{$search_query|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" />{/if} {if isset($tag) AND $tag AND !is_array($tag)}<input type="hidden" name="tag" value="{$tag|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" />{/if} <input type="submit" class="button_mini" value="{l s='OK'}" /> <label for="nb_item">{l s='items:'}</label> <select name="n" id="nb_item"> {assign var="lastnValue" value="0"} {foreach from=$nArray item=nValue} {if $lastnValue <= $nb_products} <option value="{$nValue|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" {if $n == $nValue}selected="selected"{/if}>{$nValue|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</option> {/if} {assign var="lastnValue" value=$nValue} {/foreach} </select> {if is_array($requestNb)} {foreach from=$requestNb item=requestValue key=requestKey} {if $requestKey != 'requestUrl'} <input type="hidden" name="{$requestKey|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" value="{$requestValue|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" /> {/if} {/foreach} {/if} </p> </form> {/if} </div> <!-- /Pagination --> {/if}
  8. Hello again. I have looked in that file but still couldn't find the phrase. I can see t when i click on Inspect Element on Chrome but I have no clue on which file that is at...
  9. Hello. I am still wondering for some help. I really like this grid function. Please can someone help me remove: "PLCAE HOLDER FOR PRODUCT FILTER" under the compare button? Could it be because I haven't changed my name servers to the server where I have Prestashop installed yet? Thank you
  10. Hi Vekia The main problem I am referring to is the message under compare "PLCAE HOLDER FOR PRODUCT FILTER" . How can I get rid of that message? I have looked at everything and it seems to be all aligned. Thank You
  11. Hi I am having a similar problem. Sorry to intrude on this talk. The function overall is working brilliantly fine apart from the place holder. I understand almost none of css and I am learning as I go along,so please be kind This is the link to my website/issue Thank you in advance for your kind help
  12. Hi Sorry. Yes you are correct it should be www.sweetdreamhome.co.uk thanks.
  13. Hi. I wonder if someone can help me on this. The courier that I use is Royal Mail and all the prices already include VAT on. When I created this carrier I selected the option to "no tax". However on the shopping cart it still ads tax on the shipping. I am aware that I can disable the tax in general but I actualy like to see the price displaying tax included. Is there a way I can remove the tax only on the shipping? My website is www.seewtdreamhome.co.uk Thank you for any possible help
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