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About RicRey

  • Birthday 09/24/1988

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  1. Hello everyone, I present this error_log, I know it is just news, but it inflates the error_log file, I would like to know why this happens and solve it... I tell you that this error started appearing after updating from Prestashop to Prestashop 8.1.5. I have updated all modules to their versions compatible with PrestaShop 8.1.5 This is the error: [10-Apr-2024 07:51:22 America/Guayaquil] PHP Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /home/sistegra/public_html/classes/Guest.php on line 145 [10-Apr-2024 07:51:32 America/Guayaquil] PHP Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /home/sistegra/public_html/classes/Guest.php on line 178 And the part you mention of the class guest.php file is the identification of the type of operating system and browser... Here I put that piece of the function code: Line 145: return $result['id_web_browser']; Line 178: return $result['id_operating_system']; /** * Get browser. * * @param string $userAgent */ protected function getBrowser($userAgent) { $browserArray = [ 'Chrome' => 'Chrome/', 'Safari' => 'Safari', 'Safari iPad' => 'iPad', 'Firefox' => 'Firefox/', 'Opera' => 'Opera', 'IE 11' => 'Trident', 'IE 10' => 'MSIE 10', 'IE 9' => 'MSIE 9', 'IE 8' => 'MSIE 8', 'IE 7' => 'MSIE 7', 'IE 6' => 'MSIE 6', ]; foreach ($browserArray as $k => $value) { if (strstr($userAgent, $value)) { $result = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->getRow(' SELECT `id_web_browser` FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'web_browser` wb WHERE wb.`name` = \'' . pSQL($k) . '\''); return $result['id_web_browser']; } } return null; } /** * Get OS. * * @param string $userAgent */ protected function getOs($userAgent) { $osArray = [ 'Windows 10' => 'Windows NT 10', 'Windows 8.1' => 'Windows NT 6.3', 'Windows 8' => 'Windows NT 6.2', 'Windows 7' => 'Windows NT 6.1', 'Windows Vista' => 'Windows NT 6.0', 'Windows XP' => 'Windows NT 5', 'MacOsX' => 'Mac OS X', 'Android' => 'Android', 'Linux' => 'X11', ]; foreach ($osArray as $k => $value) { if (strstr($userAgent, $value)) { $result = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->getRow(' SELECT `id_operating_system` FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'operating_system` os WHERE os.`name` = \'' . pSQL($k) . '\''); return $result['id_operating_system']; } } return null; }
  2. Maybe the mystery and problem would be knowing which one it was replaced with... maybe someone knows, I would like to know.
  3. ** actualización** He realizado pruebas con un módulo para migración con buena reputación pero este no ha cumplido su promesa de poder pasar a la versión más actualizada, lo hace pero con mucho errores, muchos productos sin nombre, o sin precios... mi tienda tiene más de 6000 productos... creo que eso lo hace complicado... De momento he decidido bajarme toda la tienda a localhost, he intentar subsanar fallas y ver si me deja actualizar a la última versión... Si alguien tiene consejos útiles, les agradecería mucho.
  4. Probablemente mi inseguridad en conocimiento, también por los módulos y plantillas que tengo, me tocaría comprarlos de nuevo o actualizar el soporte para obtener las últimas versiones lo que lo hace más complicado y costoso, además no se si la nueva versión tiene cambios significativos a nivel de la bd en esas tablas que se necesitan... Por eso me gustaría que me digan que tablas son las importantes y poder realizar pruebas :).
  5. Buenas a todos, no sabía bien como colocar el título... Les comento yo tengo una tienda de prestashop que viene desde su versión 1.2.5 le he ido actualizando hasta llegar a prestashop a través de los años siempre enfrenté grandes desafiós en las actualizaciones, muchas veces el sitio totalmente roto, bueno en esta oportunidad quiero hacer una web literalmente nueva... Quiero instalar en un subdominio prestashop nuevo y solo quiero pasar imágenes, productos, clientes, facturas "pedidos", creo que eso es lo principal. Se que para las imágenes debo pasar la carpeta "img" pero no estoy seguro en la base de datos que pasar, necesito vuestra ayuda para eso que me digas que tablas debo exportar del prestashop viejo para importarlas al nuevo para conservar productos, clientes, facturas "pedidos"
  6. Hola a todos, mi tienda prestashop tiene unos problemas medios raros que no puedo resolver como errores con jquery, que me llevan a modificar módulos o cosas por el estilo, he desactivado módulos pero los problemas siguen al parecer es el theme pero el mismo theme en una instalación nueva no falla... Por lo que quiero hacer una instalación totalmente nueva pero conservar clientes con sus contraseñas, emails y todo, también los productos, y los pedidos, el resto de módulos y todo lo demás los podría volver instalar manualmente... Mi tienda actual tiene Prestashop PHP 7.4... Entonces quiero que me den consejos de que debo respaldar tanto en carpetas y archivos como en base de datos.
  7. Hola!... Quisiera saber si alguno de ustedes sabe si existe un módulo para poder volver intentar un pago de un pedido que por alguna razón no terminó o el cliente se equivocó al seleccionar el método de pago, o el método de pago que usó fracasó.... Por ejemplo en la siguiente imagen podrán ver un pedido que quedó en un estado de pendiente de pago, básicamente el cliente ya no puede hacer más que volver hacer todo el proceso de pedido, hay algún módulo que ayude a eso o algún procedimiento?
  8. My prestashop has a bug in JQuery, how can I solve it? This drives me crazy, apparently it makes other modules fail... <input id="username_addons" name="username_addons" type="text" value autocomplete="off" class="form-control ac_input"> upgrade.js:729 Uncaught TypeError: $(...).die is not a function at Object.success (upgrade.js:729:29) at c (jquery-3.5.1.min.js:2:28294) at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery-3.5.1.min.js:2:29039) at l (jquery-3.5.1.min.js:2:79800) at XMLHttpRequest.<anonymous> (jquery-3.5.1.min.js:2:82254) upgrade.js:671 Uncaught TypeError: $(...).die is not a function at Object.success (upgrade.js:671:29) at c (jquery-3.5.1.min.js:2:28294) at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery-3.5.1.min.js:2:29039) at l (jquery-3.5.1.min.js:2:79800) at XMLHttpRequest.<anonymous> (jquery-3.5.1.min.js:2:82254)
  9. Hola a todos!, en mi tienda tengo varios métodos de pago entre esos Paymentez que se acaba de implementar, el problema es que al parecer mi Theme usa jquery 3.5.1 y el módulo de paymentez usa 1.11.x, el asunto es que con el theme clásico de prestashop si ejecuta el modal para ver la pasarela de pago, pero con el theme que uso no hace ejecuta el modal Quisiera ver si alguien me pueda dar una mano, es un theme que compré en addons pero ya caducó el soporte, y es bastante costoso comprarlo solo para pedir soporte (ando bajo económicamente). El Equipo de Paymentez me indica que el problema es que carga el jquery 3.5.1 pero ellos no pueden arreglarme el problema porque es problema del theme y no del módulo porque trabaja bien con el theme clásico, ellos indican que el módulo consume bien la "API" pero no se apertura correctamente el modal por ese motivo. link a mi sitio: Mi Página Web Uso Prestashop y PHP 7.4 Selecciona el método de pago. Se realiza el pedido y se debe dar click en el tipo de pago deseado. Se debería abrir un modal con la api consumida de paymentez dejando ingresar los datos de las tarjetas de crédito o débito, pero se queda todo el tiempo así... El modal debería dejar ver algo así, para llenar los datos de la tarjeta y eso es lo que no muestra.
  10. Hola a todos!, tengo un error que me llena GIGAS en el hosting, no entiendo bien que quiere decir!, tal vez me puedan ayudar para resolverlo!.... [13-Jul-2022 13:57:36 America/Guayaquil] PHP 65. Smarty_Internal_Template->_subTemplateRender($template = 'file:catalog/_partials/product-flags.tpl', $cache_id = NULL, $compile_id = 'ZOneThemelayouts/layout-left-column.tpl', $caching = 0, $cache_lifetime = 31536000, $data = [], $scope = 0, $forceTplCache = FALSE, $uid = *uninitialized*, $content_func = *uninitialized*) /home/sistegra/public_html/var/cache/prod/smarty/compile/ZOneThemelayouts_layout_left_column_tpl/5d/92/63/5d92638d42a46f9a863306a5eecf6d7c5fa04050_2.file.product.tpl.php:235 [13-Jul-2022 13:57:36 America/Guayaquil] PHP 66. Smarty_Template_Compiled->render($_template = class Smarty_Internal_Template { public $_objType = 2; public $smarty = class Smarty { public $auto_literal = TRUE; public $error_unassigned = FALSE; public $use_include_path = FALSE; public $_templateDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_joined_template_dir = '/home/sistegra/public_html/themes/ZOneTheme/templates/'; public $_configDirNormalized = FALSE; public $_joined_config_dir = NULL; public $default_template_handler_func = NULL; public $default_config_handler_func = NULL; public $default_plugin_handler_func = NULL; public $_compileDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_pluginsDirNormalized = FALSE; public $_cacheDirNormalized = TRUE; public $force_compile = 0; public $use_sub_dirs = TRUE; public $allow_ambiguous_resources = FALSE; public $merge_compiled_includes = FALSE; public $extends_recursion = TRUE; public $force_cache = FALSE; public $left_delimiter = '{'; public $right_delimiter = '}'; public $literals = [...]; public $security_class = 'Smarty_Security'; public $security_policy = NULL; public $php_handling = 0; public $allow_php_templates = FALSE; public $debugging = FALSE; public $debugging_ctrl = 'NONE'; public $smarty_debug_id = 'SMARTY_DEBUG'; public $debug_tpl = '/home/sistegra/public_html/themes/debug.tpl'; public $error_reporting = NULL; public $config_overwrite = TRUE; public $config_booleanize = TRUE; public $config_read_hidden = FALSE; public $compile_locking = TRUE; public $cache_locking = FALSE; public $locking_timeout = 10; public $default_resource_type = 'file'; public $caching_type = 'file'; public $default_config_type = 'file'; public $cache_modified_check = FALSE; public $registered_plugins = [...]; public $registered_objects = [...]; public $registered_classes = [...]; public $registered_filters = [...]; public $registered_resources = [...]; public $registered_cache_resources = [...]; public $autoload_filters = [...]; public $default_modifiers = [...]; public $escape_html = TRUE; public $start_time = 1657738654.5401; public $_current_file = NULL; public $_parserdebug = FALSE; public $_objType = 1; public $_debug = NULL; protected $template_dir = [...]; protected $_processedTemplateDir = [...]; protected $config_dir = [...]; protected $_processedConfigDir = [...]; protected $compile_dir = '/home/sistegra/public_html/var/cache/prod/smarty/compile/'; protected $plugins_dir = [...]; protected $cache_dir = '/home/sistegra/public_html/var/cache/prod/smarty/cache/'; protected $obsoleteProperties = [...]; protected $accessMap = [...]; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = NULL; public $caching = 0; public $compile_check = TRUE; public $cache_lifetime = 31536000; public $tplFunctions = [...]; public $_cache = [...]; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = [...]; public $parent = NULL; public $config_vars = [...]; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { ... } }; public $source = class Smarty_Template_Source { public $uid = '7b93eca0b383b4e32c85637f68fc1d8df779d2a3'; public $resource = 'file:catalog/_partials/product-flags.tpl'; public $type = 'file'; public $name = 'catalog/_partials/product-flags.tpl'; public $filepath = '/home/sistegra/public_html/themes/ZOneTheme/templates/catalog/_partials/product-flags.tpl'; public $timestamp = 1657642553; public $exists = TRUE; public $basename = NULL; public $components = NULL; public $handler = class Smarty_Internal_Resource_File { ... }; public $smarty = class Smarty { ... }; public $isConfig = FALSE; public $content = NULL; public $compiler_class = 'Smarty_Internal_SmartyTemplateCompiler'; public $template_lexer_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Templatelexer'; public $template_parser_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Templateparser' }; public $inheritance = class Smarty_Internal_Runtime_Inheritance { public $state = 3; public $childRoot = [...]; public $inheritanceLevel = 0; public $tplIndex = 27; public $sources = [...]; public $sourceStack = [...] }; public $template_resource = 'file:catalog/_partials/product-flags.tpl'; public $mustCompile = FALSE; public $templateId = '/home/sistegra/public_html/themes/ZOneTheme/templates/#file:catalog/_partials/product-flags.tpl##ZOneThemelayouts/layout-left-column.tpl#0'; public $scope = 0; public $isRenderingCache = FALSE; public $startRenderCallbacks = []; public $endRenderCallbacks = []; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = 'ZOneThemelayouts/layout-left-column.tpl'; public $caching = 0; public $compile_check = 1; public $cache_lifetime = 31536000; public $tplFunctions = ['renderLogo' => [...]]; public $_cache = []; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = ['SCRIPT_NAME' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'request_uri' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'category' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'subcategories' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'cart' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'currency' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'customer' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'language' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'page' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'shop' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'urls' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'configuration' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'field_required' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'breadcrumb' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'link' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'time' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'static_token' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'token' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'debug' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'modules' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'resources' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'WL_OOW_DISPLAY_POS' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'WL_OOW_WNUMBER' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'WL_OOW_DISPLAY_TYPE' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'WL_OOW_CONTACT_TEXT' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'img_path' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'wa_agent_list' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'base_dir_ssl' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'fbtwgconnectis17' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'fbtwgconnectislogged' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'HOOK_HEADER' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'show_quantities' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'facets' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'js_enabled' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'displayedFacets' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'activeFilters' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'sort_order' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'clear_all_link' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'listing' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'layout' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'stylesheets' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'javascript' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'js_custom_vars' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'notifications' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'products' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'cssClass' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'product' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'position' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'flag' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }]; public $parent = class Smarty_Internal_Template { public $_objType = 2; public $smarty = class Smarty { ... }; public $source = class Smarty_Template_Source { ... }; public $inheritance = class Smarty_Internal_Runtime_Inheritance { ... }; public $template_resource = 'file:catalog/_partials/miniatures/product.tpl'; public $mustCompile = FALSE; public $templateId = '/home/sistegra/public_html/themes/ZOneTheme/templates/#file:catalog/_partials/miniatures/product.tpl##ZOneThemelayouts/layout-left-column.tpl#0'; public $scope = 0; public $isRenderingCache = FALSE; public $startRenderCallbacks = [...]; public $endRenderCallbacks = [...]; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = 'ZOneThemelayouts/layout-left-column.tpl'; public $caching = 0; public $compile_check = 1; public $cache_lifetime = 31536000; public $tplFunctions = [...]; public $_cache = [...]; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = [...]; public $parent = class Smarty_Internal_Template { ... }; public $config_vars = [...]; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { ... }; public $compiled = class Smarty_Template_Compiled { ... } }; public $config_vars = []; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { public $objType = 2; private $_property_info = [...]; private $resolvedProperties = [...] }; public $compiled = class Smarty_Template_Compiled { public $nocache_hash = NULL; public $filepath = '/home/sistegra/public_html/var/cache/prod/smarty/compile/ZOneThemelayouts_layout_left_column_tpl/7b/93/ec/7b93eca0b383b4e32c85637f68fc1d8df779d2a3_2.file.product-flags.tpl.php'; public $timestamp = 1657738356; public $exists = TRUE; public $compile_id = NULL; public $processed = TRUE; public $unifunc = 'content_62cf14747417a9_63029057'; public $has_nocache_code = FALSE; public $file_dependency = [...]; public $content = NULL; public $includes = [...]; public $isCache = FALSE } }) /home/sistegra/public_html/vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smarty_internal_template.php:383 [13-Jul-2022 13:57:36 America/Guayaquil] PHP 67. Smarty_Template_Resource_Base->getRenderedTemplateCode($_template = class Smarty_Internal_Template { public $_objType = 2; public $smarty = class Smarty { public $auto_literal = TRUE; public $error_unassigned = FALSE; public $use_include_path = FALSE; public $_templateDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_joined_template_dir = '/home/sistegra/public_html/themes/ZOneTheme/templates/'; public $_configDirNormalized = FALSE; public $_joined_config_dir = NULL; public $default_template_handler_func = NULL; public $default_config_handler_func = NULL; public $default_plugin_handler_func = NULL; public $_compileDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_pluginsDirNormalized = FALSE; public $_cacheDirNormalized = TRUE; public $force_compile = 0; public $use_sub_dirs = TRUE; public $allow_ambiguous_resources = FALSE; public $merge_compiled_includes = FALSE; public $extends_recursion = TRUE; public $force_cache = FALSE; public $left_delimiter = '{'; public $right_delimiter = '}'; public $literals = [...]; public $security_class = 'Smarty_Security'; public $security_policy = NULL; public $php_handling = 0; public $allow_php_templates = FALSE; public $debugging = FALSE; public $debugging_ctrl = 'NONE'; public $smarty_debug_id = 'SMARTY_DEBUG'; public $debug_tpl = '/home/sistegra/public_html/themes/debug.tpl'; public $error_reporting = NULL; public $config_overwrite = TRUE; public $config_booleanize = TRUE; public $config_read_hidden = FALSE; public $compile_locking = TRUE; public $cache_locking = FALSE; public $locking_timeout = 10; public $default_resource_type = 'file'; public $caching_type = 'file'; public $default_config_type = 'file'; public $cache_modified_check = FALSE; public $registered_plugins = [...]; public $registered_objects = [...]; public $registered_classes = [...]; public $registered_filters = [...]; public $registered_resources = [...]; public $registered_cache_resources = [...]; public $autoload_filters = [...]; public $default_modifiers = [...]; public $escape_html = TRUE; public $start_time = 1657738654.5401; public $_current_file = NULL; public $_parserdebug = FALSE; public $_objType = 1; public $_debug = NULL; protected $template_dir = [...]; protected $_processedTemplateDir = [...]; protected $config_dir = [...]; protected $_processedConfigDir = [...]; protected $compile_dir = '/home/sistegra/public_html/var/cache/prod/smarty/compile/'; protected $plugins_dir = [...]; protected $cache_dir = '/home/sistegra/public_html/var/cache/prod/smarty/cache/'; protected $obsoleteProperties = [...]; protected $accessMap = [...]; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = NULL; public $caching = 0; public $compile_check = TRUE; public $cache_lifetime = 31536000; public $tplFunctions = [...]; public $_cache = [...]; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = [...]; public $parent = NULL; public $config_vars = [...]; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { ... } }; public $source = class Smarty_Template_Source { public $uid = '7b93eca0b383b4e32c85637f68fc1d8df779d2a3'; public $resource = 'file:catalog/_partials/product-flags.tpl'; public $type = 'file'; public $name = 'catalog/_partials/product-flags.tpl'; public $filepath = '/home/sistegra/public_html/themes/ZOneTheme/templates/catalog/_partials/product-flags.tpl'; public $timestamp = 1657642553; public $exists = TRUE; public $basename = NULL; public $components = NULL; public $handler = class Smarty_Internal_Resource_File { ... }; public $smarty = class Smarty { ... }; public $isConfig = FALSE; public $content = NULL; public $compiler_class = 'Smarty_Internal_SmartyTemplateCompiler'; public $template_lexer_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Templatelexer'; public $template_parser_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Templateparser' }; public $inheritance = class Smarty_Internal_Runtime_Inheritance { public $state = 3; public $childRoot = [...]; public $inheritanceLevel = 0; public $tplIndex = 27; public $sources = [...]; public $sourceStack = [...] }; public $template_resource = 'file:catalog/_partials/product-flags.tpl'; public $mustCompile = FALSE; public $templateId = '/home/sistegra/public_html/themes/ZOneTheme/templates/#file:catalog/_partials/product-flags.tpl##ZOneThemelayouts/layout-left-column.tpl#0'; public $scope = 0; public $isRenderingCache = FALSE; public $startRenderCallbacks = []; public $endRenderCallbacks = []; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = 'ZOneThemelayouts/layout-left-column.tpl'; public $caching = 0; public $compile_check = 1; public $cache_lifetime = 31536000; public $tplFunctions = ['renderLogo' => [...]]; public $_cache = []; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = ['SCRIPT_NAME' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'request_uri' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'category' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'subcategories' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'cart' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'currency' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'customer' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'language' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'page' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'shop' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'urls' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'configuration' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'field_required' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'breadcrumb' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'link' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'time' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'static_token' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'token' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'debug' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'modules' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'resources' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'WL_OOW_DISPLAY_POS' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'WL_OOW_WNUMBER' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'WL_OOW_DISPLAY_TYPE' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'WL_OOW_CONTACT_TEXT' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'img_path' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'wa_agent_list' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'base_dir_ssl' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'fbtwgconnectis17' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'fbtwgconnectislogged' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'HOOK_HEADER' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'show_quantities' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'facets' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'js_enabled' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'displayedFacets' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'activeFilters' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'sort_order' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'clear_all_link' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'listing' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'layout' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'stylesheets' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'javascript' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'js_custom_vars' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'notifications' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'products' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'cssClass' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'product' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'position' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'flag' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }]; public $parent = class Smarty_Internal_Template { public $_objType = 2; public $smarty = class Smarty { ... }; public $source = class Smarty_Template_Source { ... }; public $inheritance = class Smarty_Internal_Runtime_Inheritance { ... }; public $template_resource = 'file:catalog/_partials/miniatures/product.tpl'; public $mustCompile = FALSE; public $templateId = '/home/sistegra/public_html/themes/ZOneTheme/templates/#file:catalog/_partials/miniatures/product.tpl##ZOneThemelayouts/layout-left-column.tpl#0'; public $scope = 0; public $isRenderingCache = FALSE; public $startRenderCallbacks = [...]; public $endRenderCallbacks = [...]; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = 'ZOneThemelayouts/layout-left-column.tpl'; public $caching = 0; public $compile_check = 1; public $cache_lifetime = 31536000; public $tplFunctions = [...]; public $_cache = [...]; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = [...]; public $parent = class Smarty_Internal_Template { ... }; public $config_vars = [...]; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { ... }; public $compiled = class Smarty_Template_Compiled { ... } }; public $config_vars = []; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { public $objType = 2; private $_property_info = [...]; private $resolvedProperties = [...] }; public $compiled = class Smarty_Template_Compiled { public $nocache_hash = NULL; public $filepath = '/home/sistegra/public_html/var/cache/prod/smarty/compile/ZOneThemelayouts_layout_left_column_tpl/7b/93/ec/7b93eca0b383b4e32c85637f68fc1d8df779d2a3_2.file.product-flags.tpl.php'; public $timestamp = 1657738356; public $exists = TRUE; public $compile_id = NULL; public $processed = TRUE; public $unifunc = 'content_62cf14747417a9_63029057'; public $has_nocache_code = FALSE; public $file_dependency = [...]; public $content = NULL; public $includes = [...]; public $isCache = FALSE } }, $unifunc = *uninitialized*) /home/sistegra/public_html/vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smarty_template_compiled.php:114 [13-Jul-2022 13:57:36 America/Guayaquil] PHP 68. content_62cf14747417a9_63029057($_smarty_tpl = class Smarty_Internal_Template { public $_objType = 2; 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public $parent = class Smarty_Internal_Template { public $_objType = 2; public $smarty = class Smarty { ... }; public $source = class Smarty_Template_Source { ... }; public $inheritance = class Smarty_Internal_Runtime_Inheritance { ... }; public $template_resource = 'file:catalog/_partials/miniatures/product.tpl'; public $mustCompile = FALSE; public $templateId = '/home/sistegra/public_html/themes/ZOneTheme/templates/#file:catalog/_partials/miniatures/product.tpl##ZOneThemelayouts/layout-left-column.tpl#0'; public $scope = 0; public $isRenderingCache = FALSE; public $startRenderCallbacks = [...]; public $endRenderCallbacks = [...]; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = 'ZOneThemelayouts/layout-left-column.tpl'; public $caching = 0; public $compile_check = 1; public $cache_lifetime = 31536000; public $tplFunctions = [...]; public $_cache = [...]; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = [...]; public $parent = class Smarty_Internal_Template { ... }; public $config_vars = [...]; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { ... }; public $compiled = class Smarty_Template_Compiled { ... } }; public $config_vars = []; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { public $objType = 2; private $_property_info = [...]; private $resolvedProperties = [...] }; public $compiled = class Smarty_Template_Compiled { public $nocache_hash = NULL; public $filepath = '/home/sistegra/public_html/var/cache/prod/smarty/compile/ZOneThemelayouts_layout_left_column_tpl/7b/93/ec/7b93eca0b383b4e32c85637f68fc1d8df779d2a3_2.file.product-flags.tpl.php'; public $timestamp = 1657738356; public $exists = TRUE; public $compile_id = NULL; public $processed = TRUE; public $unifunc = 'content_62cf14747417a9_63029057'; public $has_nocache_code = FALSE; public $file_dependency = [...]; public $content = NULL; public $includes = [...]; public $isCache = FALSE } }) /home/sistegra/public_html/vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smarty_template_resource_base.php:123 [13-Jul-2022 13:57:36 America/Guayaquil] PHP 69. Smarty_Internal_Runtime_Inheritance->instanceBlock($tpl = class Smarty_Internal_Template { public $_objType = 2; public $smarty = class Smarty { public $auto_literal = TRUE; public $error_unassigned = FALSE; public $use_include_path = FALSE; public $_templateDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_joined_template_dir = '/home/sistegra/public_html/themes/ZOneTheme/templates/'; public $_configDirNormalized = FALSE; public $_joined_config_dir = NULL; public $default_template_handler_func = NULL; public $default_config_handler_func = NULL; public $default_plugin_handler_func = NULL; public $_compileDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_pluginsDirNormalized = FALSE; public $_cacheDirNormalized = TRUE; public $force_compile = 0; public $use_sub_dirs = TRUE; public $allow_ambiguous_resources = FALSE; public $merge_compiled_includes = FALSE; public $extends_recursion = TRUE; public $force_cache = FALSE; public $left_delimiter = '{'; public $right_delimiter = '}'; public $literals = [...]; public $security_class = 'Smarty_Security'; public $security_policy = NULL; public $php_handling = 0; public $allow_php_templates = FALSE; public $debugging = FALSE; public $debugging_ctrl = 'NONE'; public $smarty_debug_id = 'SMARTY_DEBUG'; public $debug_tpl = '/home/sistegra/public_html/themes/debug.tpl'; public $error_reporting = NULL; public $config_overwrite = TRUE; public $config_booleanize = TRUE; public $config_read_hidden = FALSE; public $compile_locking = TRUE; public $cache_locking = FALSE; public $locking_timeout = 10; public $default_resource_type = 'file'; public $caching_type = 'file'; public $default_config_type = 'file'; public $cache_modified_check = FALSE; public $registered_plugins = [...]; public $registered_objects = [...]; public $registered_classes = [...]; public $registered_filters = [...]; public $registered_resources = [...]; public $registered_cache_resources = [...]; public $autoload_filters = [...]; public $default_modifiers = [...]; public $escape_html = TRUE; public $start_time = 1657738654.5401; public $_current_file = NULL; public $_parserdebug = FALSE; public $_objType = 1; public $_debug = NULL; protected $template_dir = [...]; protected $_processedTemplateDir = [...]; protected $config_dir = [...]; protected $_processedConfigDir = [...]; protected $compile_dir = '/home/sistegra/public_html/var/cache/prod/smarty/compile/'; protected $plugins_dir = [...]; protected $cache_dir = '/home/sistegra/public_html/var/cache/prod/smarty/cache/'; protected $obsoleteProperties = [...]; protected $accessMap = [...]; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = NULL; public $caching = 0; public $compile_check = TRUE; public $cache_lifetime = 31536000; public $tplFunctions = [...]; public $_cache = [...]; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = [...]; public $parent = NULL; public $config_vars = [...]; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { ... } }; public $source = class Smarty_Template_Source { public $uid = '7b93eca0b383b4e32c85637f68fc1d8df779d2a3'; 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public $config_vars = [...]; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { ... }; public $compiled = class Smarty_Template_Compiled { ... } }; public $config_vars = []; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { public $objType = 2; private $_property_info = [...]; private $resolvedProperties = [...] }; public $compiled = class Smarty_Template_Compiled { public $nocache_hash = NULL; public $filepath = '/home/sistegra/public_html/var/cache/prod/smarty/compile/ZOneThemelayouts_layout_left_column_tpl/7b/93/ec/7b93eca0b383b4e32c85637f68fc1d8df779d2a3_2.file.product-flags.tpl.php'; public $timestamp = 1657738356; public $exists = TRUE; public $compile_id = NULL; public $processed = TRUE; public $unifunc = 'content_62cf14747417a9_63029057'; public $has_nocache_code = FALSE; public $file_dependency = [...]; public $content = NULL; public $includes = [...]; public $isCache = FALSE } }, $className = 'Block_82853299662cf14746e0e07_71810417', $name = 'product_flags', $tplIndex = *uninitialized*) /home/sistegra/public_html/var/cache/prod/smarty/compile/ZOneThemelayouts_layout_left_column_tpl/7b/93/ec/7b93eca0b383b4e32c85637f68fc1d8df779d2a3_2.file.product-flags.tpl.php:29 [13-Jul-2022 13:57:36 America/Guayaquil] PHP 70. Smarty_Internal_Runtime_Inheritance->process($tpl = class Smarty_Internal_Template { public $_objType = 2; public $smarty = class Smarty { public $auto_literal = TRUE; public $error_unassigned = FALSE; public $use_include_path = FALSE; public $_templateDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_joined_template_dir = '/home/sistegra/public_html/themes/ZOneTheme/templates/'; public $_configDirNormalized = FALSE; public $_joined_config_dir = NULL; public $default_template_handler_func = NULL; public $default_config_handler_func = NULL; public $default_plugin_handler_func = NULL; public $_compileDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_pluginsDirNormalized = FALSE; public $_cacheDirNormalized = TRUE; public $force_compile = 0; public $use_sub_dirs = TRUE; public $allow_ambiguous_resources = FALSE; public $merge_compiled_includes = FALSE; public $extends_recursion = TRUE; public $force_cache = FALSE; public $left_delimiter = '{'; public $right_delimiter = '}'; public $literals = [...]; public $security_class = 'Smarty_Security'; public $security_policy = NULL; public $php_handling = 0; public $allow_php_templates = FALSE; public $debugging = FALSE; public $debugging_ctrl = 'NONE'; public $smarty_debug_id = 'SMARTY_DEBUG'; public $debug_tpl = '/home/sistegra/public_html/themes/debug.tpl'; public $error_reporting = NULL; public $config_overwrite = TRUE; public $config_booleanize = TRUE; public $config_read_hidden = FALSE; public $compile_locking = TRUE; public $cache_locking = FALSE; public $locking_timeout = 10; public $default_resource_type = 'file'; public $caching_type = 'file'; public $default_config_type = 'file'; public $cache_modified_check = FALSE; public $registered_plugins = [...]; public $registered_objects = [...]; public $registered_classes = [...]; public $registered_filters = [...]; public $registered_resources = [...]; public $registered_cache_resources = [...]; public $autoload_filters = [...]; public $default_modifiers = [...]; public $escape_html = TRUE; public $start_time = 1657738654.5401; public $_current_file = NULL; public $_parserdebug = FALSE; public $_objType = 1; public $_debug = NULL; protected $template_dir = [...]; protected $_processedTemplateDir = [...]; protected $config_dir = [...]; protected $_processedConfigDir = [...]; protected $compile_dir = '/home/sistegra/public_html/var/cache/prod/smarty/compile/'; protected $plugins_dir = [...]; protected $cache_dir = '/home/sistegra/public_html/var/cache/prod/smarty/cache/'; protected $obsoleteProperties = [...]; protected $accessMap = [...]; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = NULL; public $caching = 0; public $compile_check = TRUE; public $cache_lifetime = 31536000; public $tplFunctions = [...]; public $_cache = [...]; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = [...]; public $parent = NULL; public $config_vars = [...]; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { ... } }; public $source = class Smarty_Template_Source { public $uid = '7b93eca0b383b4e32c85637f68fc1d8df779d2a3'; public $resource = 'file:catalog/_partials/product-flags.tpl'; public $type = 'file'; public $name = 'catalog/_partials/product-flags.tpl'; public $filepath = '/home/sistegra/public_html/themes/ZOneTheme/templates/catalog/_partials/product-flags.tpl'; public $timestamp = 1657642553; public $exists = TRUE; public $basename = NULL; public $components = NULL; public $handler = class Smarty_Internal_Resource_File { ... }; public $smarty = class Smarty { ... }; public $isConfig = FALSE; public $content = NULL; public $compiler_class = 'Smarty_Internal_SmartyTemplateCompiler'; public $template_lexer_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Templatelexer'; public $template_parser_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Templateparser' }; public $inheritance = class Smarty_Internal_Runtime_Inheritance { public $state = 3; public $childRoot = [...]; public $inheritanceLevel = 0; public $tplIndex = 27; public $sources = [...]; public $sourceStack = [...] }; public $template_resource = 'file:catalog/_partials/product-flags.tpl'; public $mustCompile = FALSE; public $templateId = '/home/sistegra/public_html/themes/ZOneTheme/templates/#file:catalog/_partials/product-flags.tpl##ZOneThemelayouts/layout-left-column.tpl#0'; public $scope = 0; public $isRenderingCache = FALSE; public $startRenderCallbacks = []; public $endRenderCallbacks = []; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = 'ZOneThemelayouts/layout-left-column.tpl'; public $caching = 0; public $compile_check = 1; public $cache_lifetime = 31536000; public $tplFunctions = ['renderLogo' => [...]]; public $_cache = []; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = ['SCRIPT_NAME' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'request_uri' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'category' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'subcategories' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'cart' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'currency' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'customer' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'language' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'page' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'shop' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'urls' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'configuration' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'field_required' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'breadcrumb' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'link' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'time' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'static_token' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'token' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'debug' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'modules' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'resources' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'WL_OOW_DISPLAY_POS' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'WL_OOW_WNUMBER' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'WL_OOW_DISPLAY_TYPE' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'WL_OOW_CONTACT_TEXT' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'img_path' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'wa_agent_list' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'base_dir_ssl' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'fbtwgconnectis17' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'fbtwgconnectislogged' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'HOOK_HEADER' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'show_quantities' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'facets' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'js_enabled' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'displayedFacets' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'activeFilters' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'sort_order' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'clear_all_link' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'listing' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'layout' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'stylesheets' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'javascript' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'js_custom_vars' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'notifications' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'products' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'cssClass' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'product' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'position' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'flag' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }]; public $parent = class Smarty_Internal_Template { public $_objType = 2; public $smarty = class Smarty { ... }; public $source = class Smarty_Template_Source { ... }; public $inheritance = class Smarty_Internal_Runtime_Inheritance { ... }; public $template_resource = 'file:catalog/_partials/miniatures/product.tpl'; public $mustCompile = FALSE; public $templateId = '/home/sistegra/public_html/themes/ZOneTheme/templates/#file:catalog/_partials/miniatures/product.tpl##ZOneThemelayouts/layout-left-column.tpl#0'; public $scope = 0; public $isRenderingCache = FALSE; public $startRenderCallbacks = [...]; public $endRenderCallbacks = [...]; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = 'ZOneThemelayouts/layout-left-column.tpl'; public $caching = 0; public $compile_check = 1; public $cache_lifetime = 31536000; public $tplFunctions = [...]; public $_cache = [...]; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = [...]; public $parent = class Smarty_Internal_Template { ... }; public $config_vars = [...]; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { ... }; public $compiled = class Smarty_Template_Compiled { ... } }; public $config_vars = []; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { public $objType = 2; private $_property_info = [...]; private $resolvedProperties = [...] }; public $compiled = class Smarty_Template_Compiled { public $nocache_hash = NULL; public $filepath = '/home/sistegra/public_html/var/cache/prod/smarty/compile/ZOneThemelayouts_layout_left_column_tpl/7b/93/ec/7b93eca0b383b4e32c85637f68fc1d8df779d2a3_2.file.product-flags.tpl.php'; public $timestamp = 1657738356; public $exists = TRUE; public $compile_id = NULL; public $processed = TRUE; public $unifunc = 'content_62cf14747417a9_63029057'; public $has_nocache_code = FALSE; public $file_dependency = [...]; public $content = NULL; public $includes = [...]; public $isCache = FALSE } }, $block = class Block_82853299662cf14746e0e07_71810417 { public $subBlocks = ['product_flags' => [...]]; public $name = 'product_flags'; public $hide = FALSE; public $append = FALSE; public $prepend = FALSE; public $callsChild = FALSE; public $child = NULL; public $parent = NULL; public $tplIndex = 27 }, $parent = *uninitialized*) /home/sistegra/public_html/vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smarty_internal_runtime_inheritance.php:156 [13-Jul-2022 13:57:36 America/Guayaquil] PHP 71. Smarty_Internal_Runtime_Inheritance->callBlock($block = class Block_82853299662cf14746e0e07_71810417 { public $subBlocks = ['product_flags' => [...]]; public $name = 'product_flags'; public $hide = FALSE; public $append = FALSE; public $prepend = FALSE; public $callsChild = FALSE; public $child = NULL; public $parent = NULL; public $tplIndex = 27 }, $tpl = class Smarty_Internal_Template { public $_objType = 2; public $smarty = class Smarty { public $auto_literal = TRUE; public $error_unassigned = FALSE; public $use_include_path = FALSE; public $_templateDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_joined_template_dir = '/home/sistegra/public_html/themes/ZOneTheme/templates/'; public $_configDirNormalized = FALSE; public $_joined_config_dir = NULL; public $default_template_handler_func = NULL; public $default_config_handler_func = NULL; public $default_plugin_handler_func = NULL; public $_compileDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_pluginsDirNormalized = FALSE; public $_cacheDirNormalized = TRUE; public $force_compile = 0; public $use_sub_dirs = TRUE; public $allow_ambiguous_resources = FALSE; public $merge_compiled_includes = FALSE; public $extends_recursion = TRUE; public $force_cache = FALSE; public $left_delimiter = '{'; public $right_delimiter = '}'; public $literals = [...]; public $security_class = 'Smarty_Security'; public $security_policy = NULL; public $php_handling = 0; public $allow_php_templates = FALSE; public $debugging = FALSE; public $debugging_ctrl = 'NONE'; public $smarty_debug_id = 'SMARTY_DEBUG'; public $debug_tpl = '/home/sistegra/public_html/themes/debug.tpl'; public $error_reporting = NULL; public $config_overwrite = TRUE; public $config_booleanize = TRUE; public $config_read_hidden = FALSE; public $compile_locking = TRUE; public $cache_locking = FALSE; public $locking_timeout = 10; public $default_resource_type = 'file'; public $caching_type = 'file'; public $default_config_type = 'file'; public $cache_modified_check = FALSE; public $registered_plugins = [...]; public $registered_objects = [...]; public $registered_classes = [...]; public $registered_filters = [...]; public $registered_resources = [...]; public $registered_cache_resources = [...]; public $autoload_filters = [...]; public $default_modifiers = [...]; public $escape_html = TRUE; public $start_time = 1657738654.5401; public $_current_file = NULL; public $_parserdebug = FALSE; public $_objType = 1; public $_debug = NULL; protected $template_dir = [...]; protected $_processedTemplateDir = [...]; protected $config_dir = [...]; protected $_processedConfigDir = [...]; protected $compile_dir = '/home/sistegra/public_html/var/cache/prod/smarty/compile/'; protected $plugins_dir = [...]; protected $cache_dir = '/home/sistegra/public_html/var/cache/prod/smarty/cache/'; protected $obsoleteProperties = [...]; protected $accessMap = [...]; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = NULL; public $caching = 0; public $compile_check = TRUE; public $cache_lifetime = 31536000; public $tplFunctions = [...]; public $_cache = [...]; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = [...]; public $parent = NULL; public $config_vars = [...]; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { ... } }; public $source = class Smarty_Template_Source { public $uid = '7b93eca0b383b4e32c85637f68fc1d8df779d2a3'; public $resource = 'file:catalog/_partials/product-flags.tpl'; public $type = 'file'; public $name = 'catalog/_partials/product-flags.tpl'; public $filepath = '/home/sistegra/public_html/themes/ZOneTheme/templates/catalog/_partials/product-flags.tpl'; public $timestamp = 1657642553; public $exists = TRUE; public $basename = NULL; public $components = NULL; public $handler = class Smarty_Internal_Resource_File { ... }; public $smarty = class Smarty { ... }; public $isConfig = FALSE; public $content = NULL; public $compiler_class = 'Smarty_Internal_SmartyTemplateCompiler'; public $template_lexer_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Templatelexer'; public $template_parser_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Templateparser' }; public $inheritance = class Smarty_Internal_Runtime_Inheritance { public $state = 3; public $childRoot = [...]; public $inheritanceLevel = 0; public $tplIndex = 27; public $sources = [...]; public $sourceStack = [...] }; public $template_resource = 'file:catalog/_partials/product-flags.tpl'; public $mustCompile = FALSE; public $templateId = '/home/sistegra/public_html/themes/ZOneTheme/templates/#file:catalog/_partials/product-flags.tpl##ZOneThemelayouts/layout-left-column.tpl#0'; public $scope = 0; public $isRenderingCache = FALSE; public $startRenderCallbacks = []; public $endRenderCallbacks = []; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = 'ZOneThemelayouts/layout-left-column.tpl'; public $caching = 0; public $compile_check = 1; public $cache_lifetime = 31536000; public $tplFunctions = ['renderLogo' => [...]]; public $_cache = []; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = ['SCRIPT_NAME' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'request_uri' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'category' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'subcategories' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'cart' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'currency' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'customer' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'language' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'page' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'shop' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'urls' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'configuration' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'field_required' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'breadcrumb' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'link' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'time' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'static_token' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'token' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'debug' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'modules' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'resources' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'WL_OOW_DISPLAY_POS' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'WL_OOW_WNUMBER' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'WL_OOW_DISPLAY_TYPE' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'WL_OOW_CONTACT_TEXT' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'img_path' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'wa_agent_list' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'base_dir_ssl' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'fbtwgconnectis17' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'fbtwgconnectislogged' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'HOOK_HEADER' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'show_quantities' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'facets' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'js_enabled' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'displayedFacets' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'activeFilters' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'sort_order' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'clear_all_link' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'listing' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'layout' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'stylesheets' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'javascript' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'js_custom_vars' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'notifications' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'products' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'cssClass' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'product' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'position' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'flag' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }]; public $parent = class Smarty_Internal_Template { public $_objType = 2; public $smarty = class Smarty { ... }; public $source = class Smarty_Template_Source { ... }; public $inheritance = class Smarty_Internal_Runtime_Inheritance { ... }; public $template_resource = 'file:catalog/_partials/miniatures/product.tpl'; public $mustCompile = FALSE; public $templateId = '/home/sistegra/public_html/themes/ZOneTheme/templates/#file:catalog/_partials/miniatures/product.tpl##ZOneThemelayouts/layout-left-column.tpl#0'; public $scope = 0; public $isRenderingCache = FALSE; public $startRenderCallbacks = [...]; public $endRenderCallbacks = [...]; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = 'ZOneThemelayouts/layout-left-column.tpl'; public $caching = 0; public $compile_check = 1; public $cache_lifetime = 31536000; public $tplFunctions = [...]; public $_cache = [...]; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = [...]; public $parent = class Smarty_Internal_Template { ... }; public $config_vars = [...]; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { ... }; public $compiled = class Smarty_Template_Compiled { ... } }; public $config_vars = []; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { public $objType = 2; private $_property_info = [...]; private $resolvedProperties = [...] }; public $compiled = class Smarty_Template_Compiled { public $nocache_hash = NULL; public $filepath = '/home/sistegra/public_html/var/cache/prod/smarty/compile/ZOneThemelayouts_layout_left_column_tpl/7b/93/ec/7b93eca0b383b4e32c85637f68fc1d8df779d2a3_2.file.product-flags.tpl.php'; public $timestamp = 1657738356; public $exists = TRUE; public $compile_id = NULL; public $processed = TRUE; public $unifunc = 'content_62cf14747417a9_63029057'; public $has_nocache_code = FALSE; public $file_dependency = [...]; public $content = NULL; public $includes = [...]; public $isCache = FALSE } }) /home/sistegra/public_html/vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smarty_internal_runtime_inheritance.php:184 [13-Jul-2022 13:57:36 America/Guayaquil] PHP 72. Block_82853299662cf14746e0e07_71810417->callBlock($_smarty_tpl = class Smarty_Internal_Template { public $_objType = 2; public $smarty = class Smarty { public $auto_literal = TRUE; public $error_unassigned = FALSE; public $use_include_path = FALSE; public $_templateDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_joined_template_dir = '/home/sistegra/public_html/themes/ZOneTheme/templates/'; public $_configDirNormalized = FALSE; public $_joined_config_dir = NULL; public $default_template_handler_func = NULL; public $default_config_handler_func = NULL; public $default_plugin_handler_func = NULL; public $_compileDirNormalized = TRUE; public $_pluginsDirNormalized = FALSE; public $_cacheDirNormalized = TRUE; public $force_compile = 0; public $use_sub_dirs = TRUE; public $allow_ambiguous_resources = FALSE; public $merge_compiled_includes = FALSE; public $extends_recursion = TRUE; public $force_cache = FALSE; public $left_delimiter = '{'; public $right_delimiter = '}'; public $literals = [...]; public $security_class = 'Smarty_Security'; public $security_policy = NULL; public $php_handling = 0; public $allow_php_templates = FALSE; public $debugging = FALSE; public $debugging_ctrl = 'NONE'; public $smarty_debug_id = 'SMARTY_DEBUG'; public $debug_tpl = '/home/sistegra/public_html/themes/debug.tpl'; public $error_reporting = NULL; public $config_overwrite = TRUE; public $config_booleanize = TRUE; public $config_read_hidden = FALSE; public $compile_locking = TRUE; public $cache_locking = FALSE; public $locking_timeout = 10; public $default_resource_type = 'file'; public $caching_type = 'file'; public $default_config_type = 'file'; public $cache_modified_check = FALSE; public $registered_plugins = [...]; public $registered_objects = [...]; public $registered_classes = [...]; public $registered_filters = [...]; public $registered_resources = [...]; public $registered_cache_resources = [...]; public $autoload_filters = [...]; public $default_modifiers = [...]; public $escape_html = TRUE; public $start_time = 1657738654.5401; public $_current_file = NULL; public $_parserdebug = FALSE; public $_objType = 1; public $_debug = NULL; protected $template_dir = [...]; protected $_processedTemplateDir = [...]; protected $config_dir = [...]; protected $_processedConfigDir = [...]; protected $compile_dir = '/home/sistegra/public_html/var/cache/prod/smarty/compile/'; protected $plugins_dir = [...]; protected $cache_dir = '/home/sistegra/public_html/var/cache/prod/smarty/cache/'; protected $obsoleteProperties = [...]; protected $accessMap = [...]; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = NULL; public $caching = 0; public $compile_check = TRUE; public $cache_lifetime = 31536000; public $tplFunctions = [...]; public $_cache = [...]; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = [...]; public $parent = NULL; public $config_vars = [...]; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { ... } }; public $source = class Smarty_Template_Source { public $uid = '7b93eca0b383b4e32c85637f68fc1d8df779d2a3'; public $resource = 'file:catalog/_partials/product-flags.tpl'; public $type = 'file'; public $name = 'catalog/_partials/product-flags.tpl'; public $filepath = '/home/sistegra/public_html/themes/ZOneTheme/templates/catalog/_partials/product-flags.tpl'; public $timestamp = 1657642553; public $exists = TRUE; public $basename = NULL; public $components = NULL; public $handler = class Smarty_Internal_Resource_File { ... }; public $smarty = class Smarty { ... }; public $isConfig = FALSE; public $content = NULL; public $compiler_class = 'Smarty_Internal_SmartyTemplateCompiler'; public $template_lexer_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Templatelexer'; public $template_parser_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Templateparser' }; public $inheritance = class Smarty_Internal_Runtime_Inheritance { public $state = 3; public $childRoot = [...]; public $inheritanceLevel = 0; public $tplIndex = 27; public $sources = [...]; public $sourceStack = [...] }; public $template_resource = 'file:catalog/_partials/product-flags.tpl'; public $mustCompile = FALSE; public $templateId = '/home/sistegra/public_html/themes/ZOneTheme/templates/#file:catalog/_partials/product-flags.tpl##ZOneThemelayouts/layout-left-column.tpl#0'; public $scope = 0; public $isRenderingCache = FALSE; public $startRenderCallbacks = []; public $endRenderCallbacks = []; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = 'ZOneThemelayouts/layout-left-column.tpl'; public $caching = 0; public $compile_check = 1; public $cache_lifetime = 31536000; public $tplFunctions = ['renderLogo' => [...]]; public $_cache = []; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = ['SCRIPT_NAME' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'request_uri' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'category' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'subcategories' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'cart' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'currency' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'customer' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'language' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'page' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'shop' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'urls' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'configuration' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'field_required' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'breadcrumb' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'link' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'time' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'static_token' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'token' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'debug' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'modules' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'resources' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'WL_OOW_DISPLAY_POS' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'WL_OOW_WNUMBER' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'WL_OOW_DISPLAY_TYPE' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'WL_OOW_CONTACT_TEXT' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'img_path' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'wa_agent_list' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'base_dir_ssl' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'fbtwgconnectis17' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'fbtwgconnectislogged' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'HOOK_HEADER' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'show_quantities' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'facets' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'js_enabled' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'displayedFacets' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'activeFilters' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'sort_order' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'clear_all_link' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'listing' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'layout' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'stylesheets' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'javascript' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'js_custom_vars' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'notifications' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'products' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'cssClass' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'product' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'position' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }, 'flag' => class Smarty_Variable { ... }]; public $parent = class Smarty_Internal_Template { public $_objType = 2; public $smarty = class Smarty { ... }; public $source = class Smarty_Template_Source { ... }; public $inheritance = class Smarty_Internal_Runtime_Inheritance { ... }; public $template_resource = 'file:catalog/_partials/miniatures/product.tpl'; public $mustCompile = FALSE; public $templateId = '/home/sistegra/public_html/themes/ZOneTheme/templates/#file:catalog/_partials/miniatures/product.tpl##ZOneThemelayouts/layout-left-column.tpl#0'; public $scope = 0; public $isRenderingCache = FALSE; public $startRenderCallbacks = [...]; public $endRenderCallbacks = [...]; public $cache_id = NULL; public $compile_id = 'ZOneThemelayouts/layout-left-column.tpl'; public $caching = 0; public $compile_check = 1; public $cache_lifetime = 31536000; public $tplFunctions = [...]; public $_cache = [...]; public $template_class = 'Smarty_Internal_Template'; public $tpl_vars = [...]; public $parent = class Smarty_Internal_Template { ... }; public $config_vars = [...]; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { ... }; public $compiled = class Smarty_Template_Compiled { ... } }; public $config_vars = []; public $ext = class Smarty_Internal_Extension_Handler { public $objType = 2; private $_property_info = [...]; private $resolvedProperties = [...] }; public $compiled = class Smarty_Template_Compiled { public $nocache_hash = NULL; public $filepath = '/home/sistegra/public_html/var/cache/prod/smarty/compile/ZOneThemelayouts_layout_left_column_tpl/7b/93/ec/7b93eca0b383b4e32c85637f68fc1d8df779d2a3_2.file.product-flags.tpl.php'; public $timestamp = 1657738356; public $exists = TRUE; public $compile_id = NULL; public $processed = TRUE; public $unifunc = 'content_62cf14747417a9_63029057'; public $has_nocache_code = FALSE; public $file_dependency = [...]; public $content = NULL; public $includes = [...]; public $isCache = FALSE } }) /home/sistegra/public_html/vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smarty_internal_runtime_inheritance.php:248
  11. Si alguien le sirve para prestashop parece que los flags han cambiado un poco y queda mejor así... {block name='product_flags'} {if $product.flags} <div class="product-flags js-product-flags">{foreach from=$product.flags item=flag}<span class="product-flag {$flag.type}"><span>{$flag.label}</span></span> {/foreach}</div> {/if} {if $product->quantity == 0 AND $quantity == 0} <div class="product-flag product-available" style="background:#ff0000;color: #ffffff;text-align: center;"> {l s="Sin Stock" d="Shop.Theme.Catalog"} </div> {/if} {/block}
  12. Resuelto... lo coloqué así... $manufacturers = $this->getManufactures($order, (int)Configuration::get('YBC_MF_MANUFACTURER_NUMBER') > 0 ? (int)Configuration::get('YBC_MF_MANUFACTURER_NUMBER') : false); foreach ($manufacturers as &$manufacturer) { if(file_exists(_PS_MANU_IMG_DIR_.$manufacturer['id_manufacturer'].'-manufacturer_default.jpg')) $manufacturer['image'] = _THEME_MANU_DIR_.$manufacturer['id_manufacturer'].'-manufacturer_default.jpg'; else $manufacturer['image'] = $this->_path.'images/default_logo.jpg';
  13. Hola, tengo un modulo de carrusel de logos de las marcas que es gratuito y me es muy util, pero me gustaria que tomara las imagenes de un tamano especifico y no del tamaño puro como lo hace actualmente... por ejemplo quiero que tome las imagenes de "manufacturer_default" pero lo hace directamente y eso las hace muy pesadas. ¿Hay alguna manera de que me pueda ayudar?, pego parte del código en caso de que alguien pueda. protected function _prepareHook() { if(!explode(',',Configuration::get('YBC_MF_MANUFACTURERS'))) return; switch(Configuration::get('YBC_MF_MANUFACTURER_ORDER')) { case 'name_desc': $order = 'name desc'; break; case 'manu_asc': $order = 'id_manufacturer asc'; break; case 'manu_desc': $order = 'id_manufacturer desc'; break; default: $order = 'name asc'; break; } $manufacturers = $this->getManufactures($order, (int)Configuration::get('YBC_MF_MANUFACTURER_NUMBER') > 0 ? (int)Configuration::get('YBC_MF_MANUFACTURER_NUMBER') : false); foreach ($manufacturers as &$manufacturer) { if(file_exists(_PS_MANU_IMG_DIR_.$manufacturer['id_manufacturer'].'.jpg')) $manufacturer['image'] = _THEME_MANU_DIR_.$manufacturer['id_manufacturer'].'.jpg'; else $manufacturer['image'] = $this->_path.'images/default_logo.jpg'; } $this->smarty->assign(array( 'manufacturers' => $manufacturers, 'YBC_MF_TITLE' => Configuration::get('YBC_MF_TITLE', (int)$this->context->language->id), 'YBC_MF_SHOW_NAME' => (int)Configuration::get('YBC_MF_SHOW_NAME'), 'YBC_MF_PER_ROW_DESKTOP' => (int)Configuration::get('YBC_MF_PER_ROW_DESKTOP'), 'YBC_MF_PER_ROW_MOBILE' => (int)Configuration::get('YBC_MF_PER_ROW_MOBILE'), 'YBC_MF_PER_ROW_TABLET' => (int)Configuration::get('YBC_MF_PER_ROW_TABLET'), 'YBC_MF_SHOW_NAV' => (int)Configuration::get('YBC_MF_SHOW_NAV'), 'YBC_MF_AUTO_PLAY' => (int)Configuration::get('YBC_MF_AUTO_PLAY'), 'YBC_MF_PAUSE' => (int)Configuration::get('YBC_MF_PAUSE'), 'YBC_MF_SPEED' => (int)Configuration::get('YBC_MF_SPEED') > 0 ? (int)Configuration::get('YBC_MF_SPEED') : 5000, 'link' => $this->context->link, 'view_all_mnf' => $this->context->link->getPageLink('manufacturer') )); return $this->display(__FILE__, 'manufacturers.tpl');
  14. Hello, I have a module that is free, and it is very useful to me, but I would like it to take the images of a specific size and not the pure size as it currently does... for example I want it to take the images from "manufacturer_default" but it does it directly and that makes them very heavy. Is there a way that you can help me?, I paste part of the code in case someone can. protected function _prepareHook() { if(!explode(',',Configuration::get('YBC_MF_MANUFACTURERS'))) return; switch(Configuration::get('YBC_MF_MANUFACTURER_ORDER')) { case 'name_desc': $order = 'name desc'; break; case 'manu_asc': $order = 'id_manufacturer asc'; break; case 'manu_desc': $order = 'id_manufacturer desc'; break; default: $order = 'name asc'; break; } $manufacturers = $this->getManufactures($order, (int)Configuration::get('YBC_MF_MANUFACTURER_NUMBER') > 0 ? (int)Configuration::get('YBC_MF_MANUFACTURER_NUMBER') : false); foreach ($manufacturers as &$manufacturer) { if(file_exists(_PS_MANU_IMG_DIR_.$manufacturer['id_manufacturer'].'.jpg')) $manufacturer['image'] = _THEME_MANU_DIR_.$manufacturer['id_manufacturer'].'.jpg'; else $manufacturer['image'] = $this->_path.'images/default_logo.jpg'; } $this->smarty->assign(array( 'manufacturers' => $manufacturers, 'YBC_MF_TITLE' => Configuration::get('YBC_MF_TITLE', (int)$this->context->language->id), 'YBC_MF_SHOW_NAME' => (int)Configuration::get('YBC_MF_SHOW_NAME'), 'YBC_MF_PER_ROW_DESKTOP' => (int)Configuration::get('YBC_MF_PER_ROW_DESKTOP'), 'YBC_MF_PER_ROW_MOBILE' => (int)Configuration::get('YBC_MF_PER_ROW_MOBILE'), 'YBC_MF_PER_ROW_TABLET' => (int)Configuration::get('YBC_MF_PER_ROW_TABLET'), 'YBC_MF_SHOW_NAV' => (int)Configuration::get('YBC_MF_SHOW_NAV'), 'YBC_MF_AUTO_PLAY' => (int)Configuration::get('YBC_MF_AUTO_PLAY'), 'YBC_MF_PAUSE' => (int)Configuration::get('YBC_MF_PAUSE'), 'YBC_MF_SPEED' => (int)Configuration::get('YBC_MF_SPEED') > 0 ? (int)Configuration::get('YBC_MF_SPEED') : 5000, 'link' => $this->context->link, 'view_all_mnf' => $this->context->link->getPageLink('manufacturer') )); return $this->display(__FILE__, 'manufacturers.tpl');
  15. Hola!, quisiera saber si existe la manera de que cuando alguien ponga un búsqueda en la barra de búsqueda estos resultados salgan ordenados por los productos más nuevos a más viejos... Ya cambie que salga por fecha de creación descendente en configuración de productos pero en la búsqueda sale sin un orden determinado.
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