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  1. hehe in my country we also have that saying. I also thought about changing the folder, but then I thought about updates... good luck finding that solution! I had months without coming to PS site, the newest update looks good, and I just found out they rolled as a native module the European e-commerce regulations (finally!) so I'll give it a second try, don't want to lose all the work I had on the template I was working so carefully and for so long (re-shaped almost completely a free template that I almost feel like if it is my own template haha).. thanks for "waking up" again my interest on PS.. and good luck with your shop! V
  2. nope, after several years trying to optimize the shop to my needs, I decided to discard Prestashop.. it is a shame because I liked it.. but well.. I'll take a look at the newer versions to see how they're doing.. and if you're right now asking about this issue, my guess is that they have not yet fixed small basic things as this one..
  3. Hi, I have a color attribute (multicolor) set up. It is working fine, shows on the Back Office, and on the products, but the little icon corresponding to the image I uploaded (as a texture) is not showing on the layered navigation block. Searching I realized the URL to this tiny image is wrongly generated. In the blocklayered.tpl I found this line: <input class="color-option {if isset($value.checked) && $value.checked}on{/if} {if !$value.nbr}disable{/if}" type="button" name="layered_{$filter.type_lite}_{$id_value}" rel="{$id_value}_{$filter.id_key}" id="layered_id_attribute_group_{$id_value}" {if !$value.nbr}disabled="disabled"{/if} style="background: {if isset($value.color)}{if file_exists($smarty.const._PS_ROOT_DIR_|cat:"/img/co/$id_value.jpg")}url(img/co/{$id_value}.jpg){else}{$value.color}{/if}{else}#CCC{/if};" /> Above is how it is on the Layered Navigation, error image. that takes me to this URL: http://xxxxxxxx/vankirsch/en/img/co/48.jpg - Where EN is my language selection of course. The actual URL should be: http://xxxxxxxx/vankirsch/img/co/48.jpg -> then works fine. On the product-list-colors.tpl, I found this line that generates the URL to the tiny image correctly on the product lists, featured products, etc.. <img src="{$img_col_dir}{$color.id_attribute|intval}.jpg" alt="{$color.name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" title="{$color.name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" width="20" height="20" /> Above, the multicolor image looks perfect. How can I change the first code to actually generate the right URL for the image on my Color Attribute? Thank you! Settings: Prestashop - default-bootstrap version 1.0 (heavily modified, but these 2 files mentioned above are untouched) Working on Localhost environment, sorry no url to show the live site.
  4. So meine Probleme haben sich inzwischen gelöst.. Anzahl am Ende des Checkouts zu ändern ist wohl kein Problem, anders als ich es im Hinterkopf hatte. Die Gesamtsumme vor dem Kaufen-Button konnte dem Code zufolge nur angezeigt werden, wenn auch Mwst. augewiesen wurde. Da war also etwas Handarbeit angesagt. In order-summary.tpl habe ich dies verändert: {if $use_taxes} {if $priceDisplay && $total_tax != 0} <tr class="cart_total_tax"> <td colspan="5" class="text-right">{l s='Total tax:' mod='eu_legal'}</td> <td colspan="2" class="price" id="total_tax" >{displayPrice price=$total_tax}</td> </tr> {/if} <tr class="cart_total_price"> <td colspan="5" class="total_price_container text-right"><span>{l s='Total' mod='eu_legal'}</span></td> <td colspan="2" class="price" id="total_price_container"> <span id="total_price">{displayPrice price=$total_price}</span> </td> </tr> {/if} wurde dieses: {if $use_taxes} {if $priceDisplay && $total_tax != 0} <tr class="cart_total_tax"> <td colspan="5" class="text-right">{l s='Total tax:' mod='eu_legal'}</td> <td colspan="2" class="price" id="total_tax" >{displayPrice price=$total_tax}</td> </tr> {/if} <tr class="cart_total_price"> <td colspan="5" class="total_price_container text-right"><span>{l s='Total' mod='eu_legal'}</span></td> <td colspan="2" class="price" id="total_price_container"> <span id="total_price">{displayPrice price=$total_price}</span> </td> </tr> {else} <tr class="cart_total_price"> <td colspan="5" class="total_price_container text-right"><span>{l s='Total' mod='eu_legal'}</span></td> <td colspan="2" class="price" id="total_price_container"> <span id="total_price">{displayPrice price=$total_price}</span> </td> </tr> {/if} Dann erscheint am Ende der Tabelle der Gesamtpreis. Die Anzeige eines 0%-Rabatts bei einer zweiten Währung hatte nichts mit EU Legal zu tun.
  5. Hallo, vielen Dank für dieses super Modul! Ich habe allerdings zwei Fragen: Auf der letzten Seite des Checkouts ist es möglich, die Anzahl der Artikel zu ändern. Ich hatte es so verstanden, dass das nicht mehr erlaubt ist, oder irre ich mich da? Außerdem fehlt mir auf der letzten Seite der Gesamtpreis unmittelbar vor dem "Kaufen"-Button. Dort habe ich Produktpreis, evtl. Geschenkverpackung und Versand einzeln aufgeführt. Müsste am Ende nicht einmal der gesamte Preis angezeigt werden? Und noch etwas: Wenn ich die Währung auf Dollar umstelle, sieht bei mir der Preis im Checkout immer so aus: Mir ist es nach der Installation des EU-Legal-Moduls aufgefallen, ich bin aber nicht sicher, ob es durch das Modul verursacht wird. Hat jemand eine Idee? Danke und Gruß Van
  6. In this website, from the UK, they are keeping up-to-date about the actions doing to help prevent or at least modify this law at the highest levels. They have had some smaller successes. On the site you can find very clear explanations to all this mess of a law that is not clear at all.. The IP is indeed one of the 3 main evidences requested, which makes it completely unbelievable because someone from Holland let's say, might buy a digital product (let's say a mobile app) when they are in the train, crossing the Channel from UK to France. What IP are you going to take in consideration? AND, if the person is at home, and using a Proxy server, VPN or so? It is a mess. http://euvataction.org/key-facts/
  7. Jimbola, (and for everyone else): in case this is helpful for you, I've been learning about all this, thanks to this website (from UK), and the Facebook group where there is a lot of movement looking to stop this madness or at least to make the EU take the Thresholds (of income) again on consideration. http://euvataction.org/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/DigitalVAT2015/?fref=nf
  8. tuk66: because I'm small business in Germany under the Kleinunternehmer (small business) rule §19. I need to register first to apply VAT and then will have to register to MOSS system.
  9. Here is a very well explained guide about all this mess.. http://www.twobirds.com/~/media/PDFs/Books/Bird%20%20Bird%20%20Pocket%20guide%20to%20VAT%20on%20digital%20ecommerce.pdf
  10. Question to Xavier: I'm wondering if the new update/module will include the identification of type of product. I sell physical products and wanted to start selling downloadable products too (pdf). Will it be possible with this module to apply the new rules to the downloadable product ONLY? FYI for everyone: this new regulation is a HUGE hit for us small and micro-businesses. Seems we can't even register to the MOSS system. I have no idea how will we do. http://euvataction.org/key-facts/ This was planned to attack the big shops that have seats in countries with lower VAT rates, but they didn't think at all about the small businesses who are badly affected by these rules now. Read that link to understand more how this is affecting everyone. IMHO, this change should be stopped, or at least an exception made for small and micro businesses.
  11. Hi, I'm having the same issue with latest PS. 1.5.6 and the Crossselling module that came with the new PS. (fresh download). Could you solve this issue? I noticed the path of the crossselling image is pointing to a folder that it doesn't exist, and sometimes file names that it doesn't exist. I already tried regenerating thumbnails, but nothing.
  12. MerseyRay, thanks for the help, but seems is not working. I replaced the complete <tr> for the code you just posted, and below is what I get (I'm working on pdf from the theme's folder) It is very weird, but anything I try on that line is not changed, but everything else does. About the messages from the customers, I also applied the change by Rhapsody, but no results.
  13. Nice tutorial. I'm trying to apply changes given in this post by Supremacy2k, but I'm stuck at the invoice information at the top right of the page. First I would like to remove the word "Invoice" before the "#" (already translated it), to leave just the number, while adding the line "Invoice number:" to the previous <td>. And another issue is right below, the payment method is not showing. In my pdf shows blank. Any solution? help? idea? it would be awesome and save me tons of work. Yes of course I'm not programmer, only designer. Thanks! -- I edit to add that I was testing with an old order, after testing with newer orders it is working ok. Don't know why that difference. But now is working ok. Dismiss my question
  14. Well just went through all the links, and is overall quite slow (compared to the previous PS version, I'm on I also searched about possible causes or ways to optimize it (apart from the basic Performance options on the BO), and found out several articles about ppl complaining, or overall commenting that this PS version is waaaayy slower as the previous ones. :-/ I have not set up the Memcached as I would have to install it locally, and honestly, I got lost. Once I upload the site on my server (hostgator) I'll ask them to install the extension. Would this extension help or you recommend any other options? Thanks for your valuable help!
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